Apology Letter For My Behaviour

Categories: ApologyPsychology

Please allow me to apologize for how I have conducted myself in your class. My behaviour was very inappropriate, there is evidently zero tolerance for the actions that I have displayed and lacked the respect that yourself and the university deserves. This ordeal has stemmed from a number of factors of which I have held inside in silence to almost everyone around me. I have a great family, but my parents are going through a rough time in their personal relationship.

This in turn has changed the dynamics of my family and has been causing a lot of stress and pain.

Sometimes I do not know how to deal with this sort of emotional pressure and I have now realized this hinders my personal life. Another factor would is that recently I had my driver’s licence prohibited by ICBC for a temporary period of time which has caused problems in itself because I am a commuting student from Surrey. Initially missing your midterm was due to an illness I had encountered, but my actions afterwards had been motivated by stress and family issues.

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Even though my issues are still present at home I understand that I can no longer continue this lifestyle moving forward.

I cannot change what has transpired, but I have recognized my mistakes and am taking steps to ensure that similar incidents and situations will not occur in the future. I have currently moved in with some of my teammates whom are living near campus to make an attempt to end off the semester as well as I can.

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Being away from home will allow me to be outside of the problems that I have the potential of facing. I am also thankful that I have a number of people in Abbottsford whom I am able to turn to in rough times.

I understand the severity of this issue and I value our professional relationship. Again, I am sorry for this situation that I have created and I humbly ask that you reconsider or lighten my punishment. The dedication that the university has shown to its students’ learning experience is something I have a great and newfound respect for. I have learned much already, and I hope to continue learning from the University of the Fraser Valley. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, {Sender}

Updated: Jul 20, 2021
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Apology Letter For My Behaviour. (2018, Nov 01). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/apology-letter-for-my-behaviour-essay

Apology Letter For My Behaviour essay
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