Anish- Life Outside School

Categories: LifeSchool

Life is all about learning. Challenges shape our character, caste our attitude and instate the basic principles of life. Life outside school is important. There is a lot of learning that one goes through during this time. Our true personality sprouts out only then. Opportunities await us out of school. They have the power to make or break us. It's important to pacify ourselves and take decisions wisely to lead a fulfilling life ahead.

For me, community skill is an important skill that anyone could have.

The self-confidence and team building skills I have gained being Youth Ambassador at International Youth Society will be a definite asset for my college years. When I first started working and making difference in community as Youth Ambassador, it was a challenge to stand out. It seemed very scary and intimidating to be up, in front of others doing this. However, when you do this more frequently, it becomes more of a natural thing.

Community service satisfies intrinsic me and offers numerous opportunities for me to utilize my talent, and to aid those in need of guidance.

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I decided to volunteer for Autism Care Society because of my undying love for disabled people. Instead of being a burden, I discovered that serving others is an enjoyable experience if found programs catering to own's interests. Such programs impacted my character positively and allowed me to feel proud of my accomplishments.

Through my services, I happened to strengthen my hidden talents and even developed new set of skills.

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By assisting abandoned and lonely people, I became a more empathetic person, which aided to my relationships with my human companions. Additionally, these opportunities allowed me to relax and momentarily forget my all problems. Spending time with needy people, miraculously transformed me into a happier and more content individual. However, the whole ordeal became a lesson about responsibility, patience and flexibility. It made the experience more unique allowing me to deal with people of various age groups. Overall, the opportunity granted me chances to broaden my horizons.

I often feel as if I am benefited more than the people that I helped on different levels mentally, spiritually and characteristically. Community service reveals me my personalization. It brings out attributes within me that I never realised existed, challenging me to become more patient and caring. It encourages me to be a better person. I enjoy the balance of a diverse, yet tight-knit group that focuses on facilitating others' lives. These experiences help me to build my character and leadership, transforming me into a more responsible and flexible person. Having shared my knowledge and positive qualities with a younger generation, I could spark their interest in becoming an asset to the community and to me, getting this opportunity is absolutely priceless. Helping others, I learned to appreciate myself and my actions at a more profound level.

Another profound interest of mine is playing cricket. It makes me feel confident, fit and strong. I have been playing cricket since age seven. Later, I started participating in my school team. With my passion for cricket and hard work, I was elected as captain of school cricket team and managed to be high scorer and man of the match many times. Gradually, I became a part of U-16 regional cricket team and represented Nepal at U-16 national level.

Hobbies are meant for happiness and happiness comes from the things we love doing. They play a huge role in our character build up, and overall life. Community service and cricket ignite my inner fire, which I seek to keep burning for all my life.

Updated: Jun 17, 2020
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