Analysis Of Database Security Techniques Computer Science Essay

The undertaking is about the comparing of assorted database tools and techniques used in different DBMS in the market. For the intent of research, three types of DBMS are considered - Prophet, IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server as they are the most preferable database direction systems in the market. These techniques are used to procure the cardinal database system and protect the information from unauthorized entree. It involves the security constructs, attacks and utilizing different tools and techniques to guarantee the database security.

Database decision makers ( DBAs ) setup assorted user histories, watchwords, and privileges.

Research Methodology

The undertaking includes the analytic phase, synthesis phase and the critical assessment phase. One key technique for analysis is the literature reappraisal which is the systematic reappraisal of the current cognition on the thesis subject. Observation is besides used partially for the research as the undertaking involves programming on the techniques for the database security. As a portion of resources for the research, secondary information is used.

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The resources used are assorted books ( print and ebooks ) , diaries, articles, documents published in conferences and other sure resources on the cyberspace.

Ethical consideration

The degree one ethics self-audit in relation to the proposed undertaking has been completed and no sensible foreseeable hazards are identified ( see Appendix - A ) .


The MSc undertaking is carried out under the supervising of Mr. Stuart Hutchison.

Time program with cardinal deliverables

17/01/2013 - Undertaking Registration

31/01/2013 - Undertaking Proposal

25/04/2013 - Undertaking bill of exchange entry

16/05/2013 - Concluding entry of Undertaking

Support Required

Guidance of Mr. Stuart Hutchison

Library resources

Online resources

Academic Skills Centre

Skills Audit

Scale: 1 to 5, 5 being the upper limit

Undertaking be aftering - 4

Time direction - 4

Analytical accomplishments - 3

Problem work outing - 4

Communication skills - 4

Structuring and showing documents - 4

Knowledge retrieval - 4

Learning ability - 4


Administrations are utilizing the database systems to keep day-to-day activities and minutess. In such instance, the security of the database becomes the most of import issue to be addressed. The database is most vulnerable to be misused and damaged by either external menace or internal menaces. Harmonizing to Bertino and Sandhu ( 2005 ) ,

`` Security breaches can be typically categorised as unauthorized informations observation, wrong informations alteration and informations inaccessibility '' .

The most of import concern for any company is to guarantee the security of its databases which is so a complex issue. The security steps tend to be complex depending on the complexness of the databases. Security measures organize an built-in portion of database even from the initial stage which includes the origin every bit good as the design stage. Modern techniques used to supervise the security of databases manage the security and protection munitions at different degrees: host, physical, applications, web and information.

The DBA has to set in upper limit attempts for protecting the physical unity of databases, particularly the recordings against sabotage. A simple and basic method to carry through that is by taking regular backups. The unity of each and every database component will assume that the value of each field may be built or modified by authorised users merely, that excessively if the input values are right. The entree control is being done taking into consideration the limitations of the database decision maker. DBMS will use the security policy of the database decision maker ( DBA ) which are to run into the below demands: ( Burtescu, 2008 )

Server security. Server security involves restricting entree to informations stored on the waiter. It is the most of import option that has to be taken in consideration and planned carefully.

Connections to the database. Using the ODBC will hold to be followed by look intoing that each connexion corresponds to a individual user who has entree to informations.

Access control tabular array. The entree control tabular array is the most common signifier of procuring a database. An appropriate usage of the table entree control involves a close coaction between the decision maker and the base developer.

Restriction tabular arraies. Restriction tabular arraies will include lists of diffident topics who could open put off Sessionss.

Undertaking Overview

An administration, while implementing database systems, has to chiefly see the information security. The security factors as stated by Jangra et, Al. ( 2010 ) , are:





Directory Access Control

Positions and Gun triggers

Privilege direction


Authentication ensures that merely the correct users are connected to the database and to link, the user has to supply their certificates. Creation of User-id/passwords which will be alone, digital individuality of the user, different keys and biometric hallmark are some of the steps to be implemented to avoid the hallmark job. Authentication goes into three degrees - web, DBMS and operating system.

Oracle supports a strong hallmark at degrees of web and database. It is besides integrated with the hallmark services of 3rd party web. Oracle has many hallmark tools like internal user hallmark, runing system and web hallmark tools.

IBM DB2 supports strong hallmark at degrees of database and operating system and besides different 3rd party applications. It supports the policy of secure ID or the taking item which is besides referred as difficult item. DB2 uses external hallmark in which the petitions are passed on to the operating system and/or to third party merchandises like IBM 's Tivoli ( Jangra et. Al, 2010 ) . To back up this characteristic, the DB2 version 8.2 has incorporated unfastened plug-in architecture.

Microsoft SQL Server supports the database hallmark through the operating system security. It is really similar to DB2 's execution. It uses the active directory constituents which are available in Microsoft admin waiter. SQL waiter has a close integrating with merchandises supplied by Microsoft for operating system hallmark


Once the user is authenticated to the DBMS, the user mandate assigns the user Idaho with functions based on the information the user can entree and the operations performed by the user. The mandate can be provided to single user Idahos or group as a whole. Oracle mandate is based on users and functions, which can either be local to database or enterprise broad managed with LDAP ( Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ) compliant waiter. DB2 provides mandate to users and groups. Functions which are set of privileges are supported as predefined system functions. In the group mandate, the users are attached to groups outside the database, into the operating system. In SQL Server, there is a difference between waiter login and database login Idahos. The waiter login and the database login have to be mapped and there are 2-level mandates - waiter degree login and application degree login.

Content and security control can be implemented at 2 different degrees - object degree and row degree. Positions are the solution for row degree security. They are supported by all types of DBMS. Oracle and DB2 support the positions to restrict informations entree. In add-on to positions, Oracle offers execution of row-level security with Virtual Private Database ( VPD ) and Label Security ( OLS ) . VPD enables the execution of row-level security into the database and the OLS manages labelling of both informations and users. This attack assures high public presentation during run-time security cheques. Both Oracle and DB2 have the advantage of RACF ( Resource Access Control Facility ) in mainframe environment. SQL waiter supports object flat security.


Protecting informations stored in the database against unauthorized users is enabled for both DB2 and Oracle by informations or column encoding. Merely Oracle supports tablespace degree encoding and SQL waiter does non back up informations encoding. Encoding of login function and application function watchwords is stored at the waiter and catalog information, such as position and triggers definitions. DB2 provides column degree encoding utilizing this map and enables encoding of all the values in the column with same key called encoding watchword. Oracle enables encoding within the database and provides four development rhythms for informations encoding sweetenings. SQL Server maintains many unfastened symmetric keys within the database connexion. Every encrypted value has the key identifier used for encoding. Encoding can assist forestall informations loss every bit good as prevent fraud within an administration. Cardinal constituents related to encoding that the security professionals need to understand - information at remainder versus informations in theodolite, algorithms and cardinal direction. Data encoding takes topographic point at different degrees - application encoding, file/disk encoding and database encoding.


Auditing is maintaining record of user activities in a tabular array of database to track the user activity and to guarantee that the user has done the right activities on the stored information. This is done by DBA. Oracle uses the LogMiner public-service corporation and it does non drop records even if alterations are made to it and is used for recovery of database. It allows the client to scrutinize the database based on system privileges. Oracle maintains record of all the operations irrespective of whether they are successful or unsuccessful. Oracle has 15 security certifications whereas DB2 and SQL Server have merely one certification each. DB2 uses Tivoli merchandise to heighten the characteristics of scrutinizing like login and entree to the resources. There is no rival for Oracle in footings of scrutinizing as it maintains a mandatory log file to maintain path of all entries into database. DB2 because of its plug-in hallmark architecture has an advantage over SQL Server.

Directory Access Control

Positions and Gun triggers

A database position is used to curtail the choice of informations from the big sum of records in the tabular arraies under consideration. A position is used to expose selected database Fieldss or full tabular array. Positions can be sorted to form the order of records and grouped into sets for the show of records. They have other options such as sums and subtotals. User interaction with the database is carried out utilizing the database positions. Properly selected set of positions is one of the keys to make a utile database. All positions must hold a position definition question to state Oracle which tables, columns and rows are traveling to do up the new position. Positions can be built from other positions. The 'data concealment ' abilities of positions provide yet another tool in our security toolkit.

Gun triggers, as stated by Ullman and Widom ( 2008 ) , are event-condition-action regulations. They differ from the database restraints in three ways stated below

Gun triggers are activated merely when any event already specified in the database occurs. They by and large include insert, update or delete to a peculiar relation

Once the event activates the trigger, it tests a status. If the status fails, there will be no response to the event when the trigger occurs

If the status is satisfied, DBMS performs the action relevant to the trigger. These actions might include implementing referential unity, prevent invalid minutess or any other sequence of database operations like garnering statistics on table entree.

Privilege Management

A privilege is a right to put to death an SQL statement or to entree another user 's object. There are two types of privileges: system privileges and object privileges ( BCU Moodle, 2012 ) .

System-level privileges - are general purpose security rights that apply to the user instead than to any one object in the database. Merely the database decision maker ( DBA ) or a user with admin-level rights can allow system degree privileges.

To publish a privilege, GRANT statement is used. For illustration, a user created in the hallmark phase has to be allowed to link to the database and farther create tabular arraies.

Object-level privileges - are more specific and concentrate on a database objects like tabular arraies, positions, or indexes. In this privilege, the rights can be given by the proprietor of that object and this strengthens the degree of database security.

If a privilege to any function is granted as `` public '' , it can be executed by all other users. Besides, sysdba can non be granted as `` public '' .


Appendix - A: Degree One Ethical Review Form

1. Potential physical or psychological injury, uncomfortableness or emphasis

( a ) Is there a important foreseeable potency for psychological injury or emphasis? NO

( B ) Is there a important foreseeable potency for physical injury or uncomfortableness? NO

( degree Celsius ) Is there a important foreseeable hazard to the research worker? NO

2. Protection of research capable confidentiality

Are there any issues of confidentiality which are non adequately addressed by the undermentioned actions:

( a ) Non-attribution of single responses ;

( B ) Persons and administrations to be anonymised in publications and presentations ;

( degree Celsius ) Specific understandings have been made with respondents sing any feedback to confederates and associating to any publications. No

3. Data protection and consent

Are there any issues of informations managing and consent which are non dealt with by established processs? This would imply ensuring:

( a ) Conformity with the Data Protection Act with mention to safe/secure storage of informations and its direction on completion of the undertaking.

( B ) That respondents have giving consent sing the aggregation of personal informations by finishing a Consent Form.

( degree Celsius ) That there are no particular issues originating refering confidentiality/informed consent. NO

4. Moral issues and Researcher/Institutional Conflicts of Interest

Are there any particular moral issues and/or struggles of involvement identified? NO

( a ) An illustration of struggle of involvement would be the research worker compromising research objectiveness or independency in return for fiscal or non-financial benefit for him/herself or for a comparative or friend.

( B ) Particular moral issues or concerns could originate, for illustration, where the intents of research are concealed, where respondents are unable to supply informed consent, or where research findings would encroach negatively/differentially upon the involvements of participants.

5. Vulnerable participants

Are any of the participants or interviewees in the research vulnerable, e.g. kids and immature people? NO

6. Bringing the University into discredit

Is there any facet of the proposed research which might convey the University into discredit? NO

Overall appraisal

The ego audit has been conducted and confirms the absence of ethical hazards which can be moderately foreseen. Hence there is no demand for the 2nd degree signifier of ethical reappraisal signifier.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Analysis Of Database Security Techniques Computer Science Essay essay
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