The Benefits of Single-Sex Education

Single-sex education, this is the practice of teaching males and females in separate halls or school buildings. There has been a method that has been tested and then practiced for many years in private institutions. There is now a public school scene where singlesex education is the entire craze. Extensive research done on children of the opposite sex, how they learn and what causes educational environment distractions. This has sparked several that include political platforms, civil rights, socioeconomics status, and legal concerns.

One particular study shows, "On average, children in single-sex education outperform children of comparative ability in co-ed contexts. In a 20-year Australian study of 270,000 students, Ken Rowe found that both boys and girls performed between 15 and 22 percentile points higher on standardized tests when they attended single-sex schools" (Mullins).

Students of the opposite sex tend to distract one another from their instruction. This has been found to be particularly true in pre-adulthood as their sexual and obsessive sides develop. Through these studies it has been found that a large portion of instructional time can be interrupted with thoughts and actions focused on seeking the attention, respect and desire of one another (especially young men toward young women).

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Scholastic rivalry between the genders is undesirable and just adds to grief and awkwardness among weaker understudies.

While Tricia Kelleher, a institute key, contends, 'as opposed to young ladies characterizing themselves through their diversions, they characterize themselves by what the young men consider them or what different young ladies think young men consider them'.

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Moreover, John Silber, Head of Boston University, proclaimed in 2002 that his college would organize male submissions so as to equal up the understudy creation and guarantee the guy populace didn't get to be "ungentlemanly like" about ladies because of their mathematical inadequacy. A solitary gender atmosphere is in this way a place where you can learn without feeling compelled or pressured by the opposite sex'.

Males and females all develop at different times and at different speeds, this makes it very hard for children to try and change with some others that may not being going through some of the same happenings. Schools are very uniform or textbook-like because they have to teach masses in a short amount of time, so they have to appeal to the mass and not individuals or even genders. Reports show that girls mature substantially faster than boys, which means they are better performed at a faster speed academically, they were proven to be more industrious earlier, where their opposite gender would have develop characteristics but a slower speed.

Because of all these reasons, it is regularly contended that young women apply an enormous impact on young men in school. Although this may be valid in a few circumstances, the opposite is likewise genuine: juvenile men can alter/affect young ladies in their learning environment. At the point when pre-adult young women and young men begin to have interest in one another, there is much confirmation that to some extent one or both will wind up being negatively occupied from their schoolwork.

Male power in the classroom may shock no one to supporters of single-sex training who

recommend that young men and young ladies are consistently treated diversely in coeducational settings and that both young men and young women could both profit from single-sexual orientation classrooms. Studies propose that when young men are in singlesexual orientation classrooms, they are more fruitful in school and more inclined to seek after an extensive variety of investments and exercises.

British scholars found from research that females profit more than males academically from single sex education: where they contribute more in their course, acquire greater self esteem, score higher on propensity tests, compete for more prevailing jobs, and are more prosperous in their occupations. “Some research has shown that girls receive fewer encouraging comments than boys in co-ed environments" (Mullins). This discourages females and takes a toll on their self-esteem, which then interferes with their social and academic lives. "On average, children in single-sex education outperform children of comparative ability in co-ed contexts” (Mullins). Single-sex education congregates the requirements of females allowing them to follow non-traditional restraints for women. Lastly and possible most importantly, they are given a better chance to exercise their leadership skills.

As per a current report, women exploit the freedom and left divides of the sphere of the cerebrum to process dialogue; men operate just the left side of the equator. All in all men are more disposed to utilize one zone of the mind for a given movement; ladies are more inclined to utilize a more superior amount of the cerebrum instead. Studies exhibit that women react to headings that incorporate information about what they will see and listen; men lean toward self-motivated bearings or appeals. Young females' brains grow through pre-adulthood so undeveloped ladies are better ready to examine their sentiments; whereas young males' brains do not. Investigations are uncovering major physiological dissimilarities in the brains of even preadolescent young men and young ladies. For instance, seven-year-old young ladies hear fairly well than young males.

Single-Sex schooling makes it significantly less difficult to learn without any added pressure. These schools likewise give families a chance to oversee the productively as well as the social improvement of their kids, especially in the early developing years. These institutes make it simpler to provide education regarding sexual matters in a foreseeable method with their virtues. Evidently, when parents decide to send their kids to single-sex schools they will need to consider including a great deal more of social and interactive activities like sports or extra curricular activities. This will ensure that their children's cross gender social needs are being incommoded.

I believe that single or same sex schools are good for children and their education. Reports show that females tend to learn better in a co-ed school than boys, but from personal experience I believe males do as well. I think that these statistics are not studied hard enough or are not studied on a large enough scale. Males very often find females in school a distraction, and females find males a distraction as well. I think that gender segregated education system up to the college level would assist students in the learning environment to have less distractions. This is especially true during the time when the students are developing hormonally. Academic results should not be the only determining

factor. The social and development aspects of each gender type should be heavily considered. Youth in grade and secondary school have many years to be bared to the other gender in their lifespan after school. Also to be considered, how teachers tend to favor their own gender, or the female race over males.

I have personally experience Single-sex education. In my first year of high school I was a part of an educational test study with several classmates. For an entire semester our core classes were gender segregated. This was done the second semester of school so data could be collected from regular mixed gender learning, then the gender segregated environment. My parents and I received individual and group findings from the test study. The findings were proudly in favor of Single-sex education environments. The focus, attention and quality of work greatly improved in the segregated environment. The students were more likely to answer questions and be more vocal without fear of embarrassment when called upon in a group setting. The students became more motivated to participate in-group activities and turned in quality assignments. The positive results of the Single-sex test case study was credited to the lack of opposite sex/gender distractions.

In addition to the formal report I have my own opinion on the test case. I was in the middle of many hormonal changes during my 9th grade year of high school. I felt awkward and uneasy. In a learning environment it was hard enough to concentrate on my own but much more so with students of the opposite gender present. I felt uneasy volunteering for activities or even to publically answer questions in an open forum. I was consumed with thoughts that had nothing to do with the classroom instruction. I was more concerned with how my peers - primarily of the opposite sex viewed me that the academic reflection on my report card. Once I was free of the distractions by being place into a Single-sex environment I was able to focus on the task at hand. My parents ensured that I was involved in many social and athletic activities to encourage my natural social growth and development during this time. My grades significantly improved during this time as well. I can only speak for myself but the research and studies show that Singlesex works.

Works Cited

  1. Stanberry, Kristin. "Single-sex Education: The Pros and Cons." Great Schools., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

  2. "This House believes single-sex schools are good for education ." 17 Apr 2012., Web. 25 Mar 2015.

  3. Mullins, Andrew. "Single-Sex Schools Can Improve Education." Education. Ed.

  4. David Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints.

  5. "Single-Sex Schooling." MercatorNet. 2005. Opposing

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  6. "Single-sex education enhances separate learning styles." Sydney Morning Herald

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  8. Sparks, Sarah D. "Single-Sex Schooling." Education Week 28 Sept. 2011: 5. Opposing

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Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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