An Analysis of Security issues on cloud computing

Cloud computing is pools of virtualized resources that are easily usable. Now a days people are accustomed to store their personal data in cloud. Cloud computing store, Manage and process data which is hosted on the internet using Servers. In the earlier days, security concerns deter many organizations from using cloud computing services. Cloud computing presents another level of risk because essential Services are often outsourced to a third party vendor ,which makes it harder to uphold data Security and privacy.

In this paper, we accentuate on the area of cloud computing, identify the various threats related to the cloud computing.


In shore up of computing and data processing there are individual computers, their clusters, Grids and to finish the clouds. Cloud computing has become the buzzed and popular word in information technology. Cloud computing has become progressively more important technology trend and many vendors, business forecaster and industry people predict a bright future in the market place. It resources sharing environments to enable sharing in terms of scalable.

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And flexible infrastructures, middle ware and application development platforms and business enterprises.

Cloud computing is a practical approach and has the potential to experience and transform the cost benefits to a variable priced Environment. Some examples of cloud computing are Google Engine, Oracle cloud, and office 365.

Cloud Computing Overviews

Software as a service (SaaS )

The software as a service mock up allows to provide software application as a service to the users. The software is deployed on the host service and it is accessed through intenet.

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The few examples of SaaS applications are billing and invoicing systems, help desk applications, human resources applications and customer relationship management.The end users are not required to manage the software upgrades and patches which is done automatically. According on their demand SaaS can be scaled up or down. The benefits of the Saas are of scalability, efficiency, and performance. It gives us the efficient use of software , the datas are managed by centralization, platform responsibilities managed by the provider. Saas allows the multitenant solutions. The tenants can manage their applications without affecting the core functionality.

Platform as a service(PaaS)

This service offers the runtime environment for applications. It uses the point-and-click tools which enables the end users to create the web applications for defining workflow approval processes. .PaaS provides built-in security and scalability by integrating with other applications on the unchanged platform. The benefits are the administrative overhead is low, total cost of ownership is less, system software is updating very often. The examples of Paas are App Engine of google and This applications are dependent on the network, it is must to use cryptography explicitly and maintain the security exposures.

Infrastructure as as service(IaaS)

IaaS allows access to the fundamental resources, they are physical machine, virtual machines, virtual storage. Apart from the resources it offers the virtual machine disk storage, virtual area network, load balancers, IP addresses and software bundles. It allows the on-demand resource availability. It provides to store copies of particular data at different locations. The cloud providers are allowed to freely locate the infrastructure over the internet with a cost effective. IaaS provides the benefits of portability, interoperability with the legacy applications.

Service models Description Examples Security issues

Software as a service (SaaS)[13] This software services are imparted with both the user and end user interfaces. Google docs, Gmail, Yahoo, etc., Data privacy, security of network and vicinity, reliability and access of data, verification, Backup, accessibility etc.

Platform as a service (PaaS)[13] The deployment of apps without buying and managing is provided by PaaS . It provides to make and exist the web apps which is required what they needed.[12] App Engine by Google, SQL Microsoft Azure etc., The provider is having the full control to built the apps by the user. The security is maintained by the provider. If hackers are trying to attack the infrastructure of an app then they are more likely to attack the obvious code of it.

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)[13] The computer framework is treated like a service and the consumer(tenants) does not pay for the resources as an alternative they buy them. Amazon web services, Windows Azure etc The security challenges are created by taking the virtual machines off. safety measures issues in operating systems are encountered in IaaS.

Cloud Computing deployment models.

Private Cloud

The private cloud initates the systems and services are accessed and operated within an single organization. The organization is managed internally by the third-party. The benefits of the private cloud is high security and privacy, more control, cost and energy efficiency. The operation in the private cloud are not available to general public.[13]

Public Cloud

The systems and services are easily accessible to the general public in public cloud. The public cloud shares the resources with the large number of customers which it turns out as inexpensive. This model has a large number of resources from the various station(location)[4]. In case any one of the resources are fail ,it can employ another one. It integrates smoothly, which provides the flexible approach to the customers.

Community cloud

The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a specific community of consumers from organizations that have shared concerns (e.g., mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance considerations)[4] . It may be owned, managed, and operated by one or more of the organizations in the community, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises.[13]

Hybrid cloud

The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures (private, community, or public) that remain unique entities, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and application portability (e.g., cloud bursting for load balancing between clouds)[4].

Characteristics of cloud computing

On-demand self service

A consumer can able to point toward that something is done by condition computing capabilities , such as server time and network storage, as needed physically without require human dealings with each service contributor[3].

Broad network access

Capabilities are accessible over the network and accessed through standard mechanisms that endorse use by heterogeneous thin or thick punter platforms (like mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and workstations)[3].

Resource pooling

The provider's computing possessions are shared to hand out numerous clients using a multi-tenant model, with different substantial and virtual resources enthusiastically assigned and reassigned according to punter require. There is a sense of position liberty in that the customer generally has no be in charge of or acquaintance over the accurate locality of the provided resources but may be able to spell out locality at a higher level of pensiveness (country, state or datacenter) which includes storeroom, handing out, memory and network bandwidth.[3].

Rapid Elasticity

Capabilities can be elastically makeshift and unconfined, in some cases automatically, to scale hurriedly outward and inward adequate with insist. To the punter, the capability accessible for provisioning often emerge to be unrestricted and can be appropriated in any capacity at any time [3].

Measured service

Cloud systems mechanically organize and optimize supply use by leveraging a metering capability " pay-per-use basis" at a quantity of level of concept fitting to the type of services like storeroom, dealing out, bandwidth, and dynamic user accounts. Reserve usage can be monitored , forbidden , and report , providing clearness for both the provider and punter of the utilized service[3].

Significance of Security in Cloud computing

Even despite the fact that, the virtualization and cloud computing deliver the extensive series of forceful resources, the safety concern is generally alleged as the giant issues in cloud which make the users to refuse to go along with themselves in adopting the equipment of cloud computing .The main security issues in the cloud computing are Integrity, Availability and confidentiality.


Integrity makes sure that records held in a scheme is a accurate depiction of the data intended and that it has not been custom-made by an certified person. When any submission is running on a server, support regular is configured so that it is safe in the experience of a data -loss incident. Generally , the data will support to any manageable media on a accepted basis which will then be stored in an off-site location[10].


Availability ensures that data handing out possessions are not completed out of stock by hateful action. It is simple thought that while a user tries to admittance somewhat, it is accessible to be accessed. This is of the essence for undertaking dangerous systems. Availability for the systems is dangerous that companies have big business continuity plans (BCP's) in order for their systems to have being without a job.[10].


Confidentiality ensures the information is not disclosed to unconstitutional persons. Confidentiality failure occurs when data can be viewed or understand writing by any persons who are unconstitutional to right to use it. Loss of confidentiality can happen actually or by machine. material confidential failure takes place all the way through communal engineering. Electronic confidentiality failure takes place when the clients and servers aren't encrypting their interactions.[10].

Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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An Analysis of Security issues on cloud computing essay
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