The Immigration Debate in America: Balancing Dreams and Security

Throughout history, immigration - the movement of people from one place to another - has been a common phenomenon. The United States is often called the melting pot of the world, but illegal immigration has become a controversial topic among its residents.

The ongoing debate regarding whether individuals should be allowed to follow their dreams like our forefathers did or if strict measures should be enforced to prevent them from entering persists. Studies indicate a significant resistance to unauthorized immigration, with numerous people promoting a stringent naturalization procedure.

Recent assaults and continuing conflicts have left numerous citizens feeling unsafe in an imperfect world.

There is a concern among many individuals about the uncertainties of the future, especially regarding potential repeat events. This has led to calls for increased security measures at borders, stricter screening procedures for employees, and harsher penalties for businesses that employ undocumented workers without proper documentation. On the other hand, some argue that it is unfair to penalize individuals who are striving to improve their own situations and those of their families.

They believe in the American dream, which is a common aspiration among past and current immigrants looking for a brighter future.

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Although they don't condone illegal immigration, they push for equal chances for immigrants to become citizens and urge the government to assist those in need of legal help.

Discussions often center around the responsibility of covering the expenses associated with immigrant naturalization and the rationale behind requiring native-born citizens to fund the immigration process, which could result in a shortage of jobs and overcrowding.

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When people are looking for a new place to live, they consider different possibilities before choosing a country that matches their goals. The United States is known as an inviting location for immigrants, attracting many individuals who want to start fresh here. While some view America as a land of promise, others try to enter illegally.

Illegal immigrants, also known as "aliens," have the same goal of starting a new life in America but face challenges that lead them to enter the country without authorization. They are motivated by the hope of bettering their lives, which presents a problem for the United States. According to estimates from the Department of Homeland Security in December 2003, there were between 8 and 12 million illegal aliens living in the U.S., with an additional 700,000 entering and staying each year.

Many Americans are worried about the impact of a large rise in immigration, fearing job losses and higher costs. Some see illegal immigration as harmless, while others believe it harms American citizens. Public funds depleted by illegal immigration have led to lower quality education, healthcare, and services for Americans as resources are redirected to support many poor, unskilled illegal entrants.

Many citizens are worried about the threat of terrorism from undocumented immigrants entering the country unnoticed, making it difficult for the government to identify potential dangers. Although most unauthorized immigrants come in search of better opportunities and jobs, there is fear that terrorists could exploit easy entry into America and jeopardize its population. Advocates propose that giving legal status to all illegal immigrants would not only bring them out of hiding but also improve security.

There are concerns that showing openness and accommodation towards those who have crossed the border illegally may signal approval of illegal immigration to the global community, potentially worsening America's existing issues. It can be difficult for some individuals, including myself, to form an opinion on this topic when they have not been personally affected. I have never faced any difficulties with housing or employment due to illegal immigrants in my area, as employers do not hire individuals with fraudulent documentation.

After conducting research on the matter, I am torn on the question of whether foreigners should be permitted to enter our border without government awareness. It is crucial for the protection of American citizens that authorities are aware of who is within our borders and who may present a danger. While offering amnesty to those who have entered unlawfully may appear to be a resolution, it is not a feasible one. It is understandable that individuals seek shelter from challenging situations.

America cherishes the freedom it offers its citizens, a value established by the founding fathers who believed in individuals' right to leave their country if they disagree with the government and live where they can uphold their beliefs and follow their dreams. Early immigrants arrived in America filled with hope and optimism, seeking a better life for themselves and future generations.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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The Immigration Debate in America: Balancing Dreams and Security essay
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