America's Global Role: Initiatives, Support, and Agreements for a Changing World

Present politics is over viewing on economic framework and social wellbeing patterns around the globe. Out of many countries, America is one of the paramount nations with about fifty states outreaching vast area of 9,833,520 km2 and has the population of 330,441,372. Though America was least popular and considered submissive in the olden days, she grew her name and prestige after the Second World War for her special idea of neutrality. Since then America became an influential and powerful nation to the world with the federal republic system of government which the president, congress and federal courts has the authority of laws and shares sovereignty with the state government.

US is hyper involved in all the regions of the world beyond the term of economic ties of trade.

America being a developed country, she often renders support and acts some role in upholding the political issues in many other developing and some developed nations. Therefore, the following passage will be emphasising on initiation of framework in global affairs, rendering support and suggesting agreements by America to the other countries.

Firstly the emphasis will be on initiations of framework in global affairs.

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America keeps herself involved in many of the international happenings and provides necessary initiations if the situation permits and sometimes experiences the error of involvements in the situations. It produces world’s international order with organizing world politics as America is considered the world’s most powerful state which can operate any global art and works without the worry of any counterbalancing competitors and competition.

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America is one of the five permanent members of United Nation Organization with the vital role of establishing it after the Second World War for the enhancement of international cooperation and peace and she still renders a huge support in peace keeping.

The US remains the largest donor of the United Nations, contributing more than $10 billion in 2017, which is approximately the one fifth of the body’s collective budget. Not only that, the US is managing foreign assistance programs in about more than hundred nations around the world with the help of twenty various American state agencies. For example, countries such as Israel, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Colombia and many other countries receive assistance from America. The foreign assistance is made in the fields such as Humanitarian, democracy, human right and environments which support global peace and security. The investments further America’s foreign policy expanding free markets, combating extremism, ensuring stable democracies and fosters global good will. Hence America initiates framework for the international tranquillity this paragraph will be talking about the supports and help rendered by America.

US being the most powerful nation, it is supporting many nations of the world in any field of needs. During the recent bushfire in Australia in early 2020 which had burned almost more than half of the Amazon forest, the president of US Donald Trump offered assistance to the Australian government in fire fighting. Though Australia is economically sound and rich, America rendered helping hand because the fire case is a terrible battle which supposedly requires huge number of fire fighters. Australian government was grateful and thankful to Donald Trump and American fire fighters for their sympathy and help.

Further America got involved in Syrian civil war directly or indirectly which was started on 15th march 2011. Syrian civil war started with the rebellious aim to overthrow the government and it has been 9 years since the conflict. Thousands of innocent people were targeted and were killed by Syrian president Bashar Assad’s regime and its parties. Barack Obama the former president of America tried to stop the war and enhance peace which however turned into failure. Even though, he said that US will keep on using diplomacy to promote peace. Thus, America supported many nations beside Australia and Syria such in during Iraq war and Afghan conflict.

The last emphasis will be on suggesting agreements with other nations. During the reign of Barack Obama, he visited India as being global partners to strengthen strong foreign relation and democracies. After than Donald trump recently visited India on 24th February 2020 and discussed about trade and geostrategic issues which is mainly over china’s policy of expansion in Indian oceans. On 12th June 2018, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un the president of North Korea made a historic meeting at Singapore which is called Singapore summit and signed a peace agreements about denuclearisation. The Singapore summit was then preceded in 2019 by Hanoi summit to negotiate peace even to South Korea. Furthermore, America signed ceremony of peace deal with Taliban and it was achievement of lasting peace after a war of more than eighteen years. US also helped Iraq during Iraq and Iran war supplying arm forces and the sole reason behind the help as a trade partnership. So, America helped other nations in curbing the chaos.

To conclude, the above passage talked about initiations of framework in global affairs, rendering of support and suggesting agreement by America to the whole world. America being considered as the most powerful country in the world contributes huge sum of money to the United Nation and also initiates foreign assistance for over hundred countries for global peace and security. America also supplied help to Australia during Australian bushfire and also during Syrian civil war. The president of US made peace and strengthened strong partnership of trade and Donald Trump also negotiated peace with North Korea. Hence, America is paramount nation which the world requires.

Updated: Jan 30, 2024
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America's Global Role: Initiatives, Support, and Agreements for a Changing World. (2024, Jan 30). Retrieved from

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