A Woman’s Right, Voice, and Choice

I am politically pro-choice, but personally pro-life. A statement said so vaguely, but weights heavily on women seeking abortion. Women should have the latitude that is free from government intrusion to make their own healthcare decisions. Women should have the latitude that is free from government intrusion to make their own healthcare decisions because they are singular best situated to choose a course, they should live their values not legislate them, and last it’s the foundation of liberty.

Unfortunately, women’s voices are not the only voice in these heavy decisions.

In consultations with their physicians, women are singular best situated to choose a course that is consistent with their values/beliefs and family interest. We have individuals who can’t fathom the emotional and aching decision a woman has to make pertaining to her body. Abortion can emotionally affect each woman differently. Some women report a sense of relief after having an abortion. The reasons for relief also vary from woman to woman.

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The women would know what best for them.

This is a difficult issue not because we don’t know who should be making the decision. It is difficult because it gets at the core of our moral compass what is the meaning of life. To that I say, live your values, and don’t legislate them. As of February 21, 2017 both SB3 and HB77 were referred to the House Health Committee (abortion control act). SB3 has already passed through senate committee and floor votes. This is the first stop for SB3 in making its way to the House floor for a final vote before being sent to the Governor’s desk.

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HB77 has had no committee hearings or floor votes. It must first pass through this committee before being sent to the House floor for a final vote before being sent to the senate.

Whether or not to have an abortion is arguably one of the most consequential decisions a women is going to make. She should be free to make that decision based on considerations she feel are important in the calculus, not force from the government. The freedom to do what one desires with her body is the foundation of liberty. The governments grabs of this unalienable right, but against that basic constitutional principle. In Pittsburgh, MA 15,000 individuals marched for “Her Body, Her Choice”. These men and women marched for the equality of women choice to their body. One person exclaimed, “Girls Just Want to Have Fun (fundamental Human Rights).”

Those who oppose this position might argue that the government has a compelling interest in what a woman decides to do with her body. To them I say: interesting, but not persuasive. Maybe some of you are qualified to make this uncensored calculation, so I’ll pose the question to you. Who has the greater interest, the woman who knows her body or a group of bureaucrats who don’t the price of a gallon of milk? Women should be free from government intrusion that pertains to their body because they are singular best situated to choose a course, they should live their values not legislate them, and last it’s the foundation of liberty.

Work Cited

  1. “Emotion Side Effects After an Abortion.” American Pregnancy Association, 2016. Web. 02 September 2016
  2. “Her Body, Her Choice.” Public Seminar, 2017. Web
  3. “Her Mind, Her Body, Her Choice.” Letters to the Next President, 2017. Web 11 May 2017 https://letters2president.org/letters/16873
  4. “PA Abortion Ban Bills: SB3 & HB 77.” Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates, 2017. Web. 11 May 2017 http://www.plannedparenthoodpa.org/sb3/
Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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A Woman’s Right, Voice, and Choice. (2021, Feb 05). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-woman-s-right-voice-and-choice-essay

A Woman’s Right, Voice, and Choice essay
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