A Short Biography of Pablo Picasso

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispín Crispiniano María Remedios de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso, also what we knew for as Pablo Picasso. During his lifetime period, he did play on being many roles: master painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramics artist, etching artist, and writer. Pablo Picasso was actually a Spaniard, even though that he did spend most of his adult years in France. At his age of 13, he attended the school where his father taught; School of Fine Arts in Barcelona.

Then at 1897, he did attend the school, Madrid Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, which is being considered Spain's top art academy at that time period. Though he did only attend that school briefly, where later he did move to an art exhibit at the Prado and decided to study artworks that were from El Greco, Francisco Goya, Diego Veláquez and Zurbáran.The idea of Neo-classicism and Surrealism were ideas that were being shown on Picasso's painting that could be used for distinguished his art and others.

Neoclassicism was the name that is given to the Western Movement that involves with decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture that draw inspiration from the "classical" art and culture of classical antiquity.

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While Surrealism means the cultural movement on visual artworks and writings, that happen in the early 1920s. Where artists painted unnerving, illogical scenes with photographic precision, created strange creatures from everyday objects and developed painting techniques that allowed the unconscious to express itself.

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[1] Picasso's immersion in Cubism also eventually led him to the invention of college, in which he abandoned the idea of the picture as a window on objects in the world, and began to conceive of it merely as an arrangement of signs that used different, sometimes metaphorical means, to refer to those objects.

Analytical Cubism is one of the two major branches of the artistic movement of Cubism and was developed between 1908 and 1912. In contrast to Synthetic cubism, Analytic Cubism "analyzed" natural forms and reduced the forms into basic geometric parts on the two-dimensional picture plane. The color was almost non-existent except for the use of a monochromatic scheme that often included grey, blue, and ochre. Instead of an emphasis on color, Analytic cubism focused on forms like the cylinder, sphere, and the cone to represent the natural world. Cubism signified the opening up of closed-form by the “re-presentation” of the form of objects and their position in space instead of their imitation through illusionistic means. Cubism is different from total abstraction as the figures and shapes were not distorted to represent events and ideas but rather shapes and general physical appearances. Abstraction was briefly touched by Pablo as a way of distinguishing of his art, though he did not use complete abstraction.

Abstract ideas are nonmaterial concepts that are detached from our human senses; they cannot be felt, heard, seen, touched, tasted, smelled, and yet they are significant aspects of human cognition and human culture. Picasso emerged as an artist who was open to artistic influences around him and he experimented with those ideas to come up with his own preferences. The Picasso art period known as the Blue Period extended from 1901 to 1904. During this time, the artist painted primarily in shades of blue, with occasional touches of accent color. For example, the famous 1903 artwork, The Old Guitarist, features a guitar in warm brown tones amid the blue hues. Picasso's Blue Period works are often perceived as somber due to their subdued tones. The Rose Period lasted from 1904 through 1906. Shades of pink and rose imbued Picasso's art with a warmer, less melancholy air than his Blue Period paintings. Harlequins, clowns, and circus folk are among the recurring subjects in these artworks. He painted one of his best-selling works during the Rose Period, Boy with a Pipe.

Elements of primitivism in the Rose Period paintings reflect experimentation with the Picasso art style. Guernica was a famous black-and-white oil painting in 1937 that followed the German bombing of Guernica. It has multiple meanings depending on the audience and perspective they have on the subject matter of war. An anti-war advocate would look at this painting and smile because it shows the chaos and panic of the people and animals and their struggle to safety. This painting also had abstract aspects to it. For example, the ox with horns that are misplaced and the distorted humans and their portrayed fear. On the other hand, people who favor war as a way of problem resolution will see this painting as a source of power and drive for change. For example, under stressful situations, people are more likely to follow said orders and less likely to oppose as they are fearful of their life being taken away. This is a tool that can be used to manipulate human consciousness. The faces and cubic appearances of people juxtaposed with the portrayed meaning and the background of this painting make this painting not only value physically but historically as well.

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon painted in 1907 was another famous art by Picasso. The subject matter of nude women was not in itself unusual, but the fact that Picasso painted the women as prostitutes in aggressively sexual postures was novel. Picasso's studies of Iberian and tribal art is most evident in the faces of three of the women, which are rendered as mask-like, suggesting that their sexuality is not just aggressive, but also primitive. Picasso also went further with his spatial experiments by abandoning the Renaissance illusion of three-dimensionality, instead of presenting a radically flattened picture plane that is broken up into geometric shards, something Picasso borrowed in part from Paul Cézanne's brushwork. The painting was widely thought to be immoral when it was finally exhibited in public in 1916.

Braque is one of the few artists who studied it intently in 1907, leading directly to his Cubist collaborations with Picasso. Because Les Demoiselles predicted some of the characteristics of Cubism, the work is considered proto or pre Cubism. As one of the greatest influences on the course of 20th-century art, Pablo Picasso often mixed various styles to create wholly new interpretations of what he saw. He was a driving force in the development of Cubism, and he elevated collage to the level of fine art. With the courage and self-confidence unhindered by convention or fear of ostracism, Picasso followed his vision as it led him to fresh innovations in his craft. Similarly, his continual quest for passion in his many romantic liaisons throughout his life inspired him to create innumerable paintings, sculptures, and etchings. Picasso is not just a man and his work. Picasso is always a legend, indeed almost a myth. In the public view, he has long since been the personification of genius in modern art. Picasso is an idol, one of those rare creatures who act as crucibles in which the diverse and often chaotic phenomena of culture are focussed, who seem to body forth the artistic life of their age in one person.

Updated: Sep 09, 2022
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A Short Biography of Pablo Picasso essay
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