New Year's Eve Fun at IFC with Stunning Fireworks and an Early Exit

Categories: Luck

It was New Years Eve, my friends and I went celebrating this special occasion in IFC. We watched the magnificent fireworks from the top floor, and took many photos for remembrance. We were having so much fun, until we realized it was already 1a.m.! “Our parents must be worried!” we thought, so we said goodbye and left separately…

My home is in Happy Valley, not really far from IFC. I took the MTR back to Causeway Bay, and then rode on the minibus.

It took me 25 minutes to get off the bus, but I still got quite a long distance to walk back home. I was on my own at that time. No one else was on the street, just a few cars passing by. It was really quiet, I could just hear the sound of leaves being blown by the wind, the sounds that the insects made, and that’s all. While I was listening to my ipod, I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps.

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I slowly took my earphones off, and listened more carefully. “Thud. Thud.” My heart start beating faster, wondering what to do. I took a mirror out and pretended that I had to fix my hair, and from the reflection, I saw a man following me. Trembling with fear, I walked as fast as I could. The man followed me and walked faster too.

At this stage, I REALLY didn’t know what I could do! “Should I just call for help?” “Should I hit him with a tree branch?” Different ideas kept fluttering into my mind.

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I had no other choice than to run. While I was running for my life, I dialed 999 for help, and when I turned around, the man left! I was so close! When I looked at the reflection on the mirror the first time, I think I saw a knife in his hand. If he really caught me, I would be dead by now. Whenever I think about this, it gives me goosebumps. Also, after that incident, I never dared to go home by myself at this time of the night. I’ll make sure there’s at least people on the street so when I need help, I could ask people for help. This incident changed my life a lot, and I’ll never ever forget this.

Updated: Mar 22, 2023
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New Year's Eve Fun at IFC with Stunning Fireworks and an Early Exit. (2016, Oct 13). Retrieved from

New Year's Eve Fun at IFC with Stunning Fireworks and an Early Exit essay
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