A Journal on My Writing Skills in Arabic and English

Categories: My Writing Experience

Writing is one of the most important components of a language. A long time ago human begins started to pass their knowledge and innovations to the next generation by writing. There are many things in life depend on writing. An article can change beliefs. A lot of knowledge transferred among generations by writing.

First, my story with writing began when I was kid. I was wondering, what are those black scribbles that people can read? After a period of time, I discovered that those words consisted of letters.

Then, I learned the alphabet before even going to school; my father encouraged me to learn how to read and write. He gave me stories and told me, "If you finish reading them I will give you $50.” Moreover, he told me to write a story, and once I finished writing it, he bought it from me. In addition, while he was reading that story, he was kindly correcting the mistakes I made. As a result, I think that those things my father was doing to encourage me were really helpful, and since that time, I began my journey of loving reading and writing.

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However, middle eastern don't give that much of attention to writing in contrast to the US. Moreover, when I was in school many students let their parents write instead of them in their writing classes. As a results, many students in the Middle East don't know how to write an article in Arabic because they don't have writing experience; additionally, many people in my country do not read.

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For example, I know many people who haven't read any single book in their entire life, so this effected their writing skills badly.

Second, writing is not an easy process as many people might think especially in English. However, because my father was a writer, I always loved writing and being a writer like him. As a result, I started writing since I was fifteen. I became a very good writer at age eighteen. I remember when my Arabic teacher told me that my writing level was better than his. Even though he had a master in Arabic, that did not surprise me at all because I knew that writing sometimes depend on many things besides writing level. Later on, when I came to the United State, I had a previous background about English writing, but that was not enough to show my writing because, in the beginning, I did not realize that English and Arabic are very different in terms of the writing style, so I wrote in English but in Arabic style. As a result, my English writing was not that much, so I asked for help from my teacher. Then, because, in my opinion, I was a good Arabic writer, I learned quickly and became a good writer after only five months of studying.

Finally, writing is not a skill that can be learned in a short amount of time rather it comes by practicing and trying several times. Many people want to improve their writing skills without working hard; however they must take it seriously and work hard in order to improve their writing skill. Personally, I started working hard to improve my writing skills when I was 15. As I mentioned before, my father was a writer, so I always wanted to reach his level of writing. To do that, I asked him to give me some tips, and was helpful and gave me a lot of support. Day by day, I was giving my essays and articles to my father to see how my writing improved. After a while, he told me that reading is one of the best ways to improve writing because when a person reads an article, they would learn, without realizing, how to take the words they read out of their mind when they write. As a result, I started reading a lot. I read about 6 books in 2012, which helped me a lot and made a big difference in my writing skills. Then, he told me that if I wanted to become a better writer, I should have thought of my audience, so I should have known who would read my writing; therefore, I could have chosen what the way of writing was better for them.

Updated: Feb 04, 2022
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A Journal on My Writing Skills in Arabic and English. (2022, Feb 04). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-journal-on-my-writing-skills-in-arabic-and-english-essay

A Journal on My Writing Skills in Arabic and English essay
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