A Discussion on the Unjust Law Systems Against People of Color in America

Injustices against low economic, colored people are common these days, a large number of cases that involve law enforcement who use violence against innocents because they feel threatened. Law and order in society is corrupt, they accuse people of color of violating the law, using strategies used as an excuse to detain victims to end "high rate crimes". Policies and laws have been implemented to facilitate arresting of innocent people, systems that marginalize people, criminalize, and incarcerate them by the enforcing of racialized categories.

These unjust systems that serve to benefit the white identity and keeping of a racial hierarchy in society are still existant, and poeople of color remain being oppressesed with neoslavery structures.

It is not an accident that there are divisions among communities that the colored people from the higher white neighborhoods. Since settler colonialism of the Europeans of Native land and an dislike of the Chinese immigrants during the 20th century in San Francisco, the creation of a racial hierarchy has labeled the colored people as inferior.

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For instance, the attitude of European Americans toward Chinese laborers was discriminatory, "European Americans found much about Chinese immigrants distasteful -physical appearance, language, manner of dress, food, religion, and social customs" (Almaguer 157).

Differences in people who do not fit the "white identity" have been racially separated in communities and treated in an inferior manner. During week 5 readings about land, labor, and resistance one of the articles stated “The Chinese like the Indians in the state, were routinely likened to animals and unequivocally deemed "uncivilized" (Almaguer 158).

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The racialization of categories have been created as a label to the whites of the colored people being dangerous, and as previously mentioned by Almaguer, as “uncivilized". The fact that people are not seen as equal, explain the unjust policies and laws created by the government to subjugate people to have the same rights.

The establishment of the Prison Industrial complex systems enforce the incarceration of people of color, victims of the over abusive power of the government who exploit for capitalistic purposes. This system is a new form of capitalism and slavery that benefit corporations to profit from the labor of the prisoners. As Davis explains in her article, "prison construction and the attendant drive to fill these new structures with human bodies have been driven by ideologies of racism and the pursuit of profit" (Davis 84). To fill the constructed prisons with cheap, exploitable labor who happen to have no representation whatsoever, those targeted are the colorerd people.

Policies like Broken Window Policing served to facilitate the obtaining of free-labor for the Prison Industrial Complex systems. In one of the Professor Kaplan's lectures about the policy laws, created by Reagan, she discussed about how the law and order campaigns, intended to control the population of color by disappearing people from society, therfore "disapearing" the so-called problem of danger. The fact that people of color make up the majority is not a coincidence,“According to 2002 Bureau of Justice Statistics, African-Americans as whole now represent the majority of county, state, and federal prisoners, with a total of 803,400 black inmates-118,600 more than the total number of white inmates" (Davis 94).

The law enforcement is supposed to protect us all people and be unbiased of skin color and not discriminate do the exact opposite. They are feared amongst the people because law enforcement used the supplement of weapons to their advantage, to abuse of their rights and interogate people of color of commiting minor violations. Inaccurate accusations of minor infringements of the law that have encouraged searching innocent people or stopping them if they appear "suspicious" or as "criminals".

Broken Window Policing, charged people for minor crimes, it was and is still used to detain low-economic people of color. This policy was initiated 1980s along with the War on Drugs, which supplemented large amounts of military technology to the police, borders, and to consumers, which only created more injustices towards minority groups. Criminalization of people of color, who are seen as a threat to society, are victims of constructed racialized categories and the applied laws and policies that work against them.

In order to keep the American Standard of Living of the white identity colored communities remain separated from the wealthy neighborhoods. This reminds me of the Chinese Immigrants in San Francisco, CA who were seen as a threat to the American white laborers. In order to impede the high cigarette manufacturing of the Chinese, the white laborers created a union label as propaganda to compete with the Chinese cigarette sales (Amalguer 160). Just like the event of the yellow peril that outburst during the 20th century, the same racial differences remain present day, yet in a more violent way.

A current day situation, a man by the name of Eric Garner was killed by NYPD officers, while outnumbered, due to having been selling loosies in the New York streets. After having resisting the law enforcement's command of putting his hands up and denying to having been selling individual packets of cigarettes, which were indeed a false accusation, or broken window policing, it ended with the Gardner being thrown to the floor forcefully and violently. While on the ground with his face flat on his side, he was completley ignored in his plead for air when telling them,” I can't breathe”.

The violent actions toward this man who in fact had only prevented a fight that had been going on previously before the arrival of the police officers, depicts the racialization of black men being seen as a danger or threat to society. Even when colored people are not doing anything harmful, it seems as though the enforcement of laws and policies aim to imprison innocent people using whatever excuse to get away with it. In Eric Garner's case, he was killed in broad daylight by police men all because of denying a false accusation that was not true.

Racialization of categrioes are shown in modern society through the implementation of policies and laws that make it possible. This strategy is used as a form of neoslavery of the colored people, who are victims because they do not fit the "white identity", therefore are criminalized to disappear them. They are seen as a problem, so a lot of efforts are put into this ending of "criminals" by incarceration for the purpose of capitalism of corporations, the government, and other type of labor businesses that are willing to exploit prisoners.

Updated: Mar 21, 2023
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A Discussion on the Unjust Law Systems Against People of Color in America. (2023, Mar 21). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-discussion-on-the-unjust-law-systems-against-people-of-color-in-america-essay

A Discussion on the Unjust Law Systems Against People of Color in America essay
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