A Comparison of the Writing Styles of Mary Austin and Willia Cather

Categories: My Antonia

Steve rayburn!!! Every author has his or her own style of composing in the works he or she produces. Two female British authors, Mary Austin and Willia Cather, both have comparable but unique designs of composing.!! Mary Austin wrote a novel called "Land of Little Rain" that illustrates death valley and the surrounding desert. The landscape of the story is no doubt a desert; dune, little shrubs, will turf, blistering heat, scavengers and really little water.

Although the desert can be quickly explained, Austin goes to terrific lengths to reveal the relationships between the subtle changes in the landscape, behavioral patterns of animals, and even the way plant life grows around the landscape.

For example, she explains and almost personi? es the way that the dunes are exploded on themselves that ultimately form a shield that protect the lawns and shrubs that grow behind the dunes.

Austin takes a blunt photo of the landscape and shapes and hones it into a? uid community.

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She shows the vibrance of life that exists in the so-called death valley.!! Willia Cather is the author of the novel called "My Antonia" that follows the course of a young boy, Jim Concern, who moves west and befriends a bohemian family that settles near his.

Jim is a thoughtful, self-aware individual that is very introverted; wandering through the woods and pasture on his horse, his thoughts wandering like he is. Like Austin, Cather uses the landscape to springboard themes and motifs throughout the book, often the scenery being an outward expression of the thoughts and feelings of the characters.

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For example, the rugged, untamed, potentially dangerous landscape foreshadows the imminent suicide of his friend’s father.

The death is also very dangerous because he was the main breadwinner of the family, and without him the family could potentially be trapped in the winds and chill of the landscape themselves. Cather pulls from the scenery but uses it as a garnish rather than the main focus of Austin’s work.! !Although both writers use the landscape to build their stories, they use it very differently. Austin’s story is the landscape, while Cather uses the landscape as an element. The style of both authors have similarities but have distinct differences.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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A Comparison of the Writing Styles of Mary Austin and Willia Cather. (2016, Sep 20). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-comparison-of-the-writing-styles-of-mary-austin-and-willia-cather-essay

A Comparison of the Writing Styles of Mary Austin and Willia Cather essay
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