A Compare and Contrast of the New Product Development Model

New item advancements are among the main sources of competitive advantage for business today. Business require brand-new product to keep up with its' competitors. New item advancement can be thought about as activities that intend to bring brand-new products to market. The goal of NPD is to minimize the danger of failure. As NPD takes in both monetary and human resources from a business, it is therefore necessary to establish and execute a methodology for assisting in the introduction of new products.

NPD designs can help to recognize issues at an early stage and assist in directing the NPD effort in the ideal instructions.

It can be used as a roadmap and supplies an indicator of magnitude of the project needed in order to develop and introduce a new product. It likewise assists to minimize risk and uncertainty at every phase by providing guidance regarding what details is needed. An example of popular design is Booz, Allen, and Hamilton Model (1982 ). It has been argued that pass-the-parcel method to NPD might extend the general advancement time.

Nevertheless in more recent models, focus has actually been provided to parallel-processing.

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The next section discusses about 3 model of NPD. Cooper's stage-gate design A stage-gate design (Cooper, 1988) is enhanced from BAH model. The stage-gate design attempts to get rid of pass-the-parcel issues which do not appropriate for communicating the horizontal measurement of the NPD procedure. The stage-gate design utilizes parallel-processing to acknowledge the versions between and within stages. The concept of parallel processing advises that significant functions must be involved from the early phases of the NPD procedure to its conclusion.

This permits problems to be found and solved much earlier than in the traditional models.

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The concept of dividing the new item advancement process into unique stages or stages is the very same as BAH model, however in the phase gate model the phases are more clearly separated from each other with management choice gates. In addition to the discovery gate, the design includes 5 action phase: scoping, build business case, development, screening and recognition, and launch. Stages are cross practical and each activity is carried out in parallel to enhance speed to market.

To manage risk, the parallel activities in a certain stage must be designed to gather vital information – technical, market, financial, operations – in order to drive down the technical and business risk. Each successive stage is also more costly than previous stage. The idea is to allow an increase in spending on the development of projects as the uncertainty goes down. Preceding each stage is a decision point or gate which serves as a go/kill and prioritization decision point.

The advantages of the stage-gate are following: Well organized innovation can be a source of competitive advantage. -Accelerated product development. Necessary because of shortening product life cycles. -Increased success chance of new products. Prevents poor projects early and helps to redirect them -Integrated market orientation. Multiple convergent model The multiple convergent model (Baker and Hart, 1994) follows parallel processing – like the stage-gate model - which allows iterations among participants within stages. However, there are two problems with parallel processing.

First, it ignores the important inputs to NPD that are provided by customers and suppliers. Second, if functions are to work in parallel then when do the processes take decisions and move on to the next stage? The multiple convergent model overcomes the issue by using convergent point, where is defined as “to move or cause to move towards the same point” or to “tend towards as common conclusion or result”. The model takes account of the functionally distinct tasks which must be carried out simultaneously at specific points throughout the NPD process and that the results must converge.

And, due to iterations in the processes, this convergence is likely to happen several times. As the process moves from one step to another, the information gathered becomes more precise and reliable and the decisions are made with greater certainty. This model is therefore advantageous over the stage-gate in that the framework can easily accommodate third parties, provides mechanisms for real integration throughout the process among different functions set in the convergent points and fit into the most appropriate NPD structures for the company.

Network model The multiple convergent model fails to highlight the importance of “inter-organizational collaboration” in a firm’s network. Networks in NPD could and should be considered at two different levels: external and internal level. And it should be realized that the functioning of the internal networks directly influences the efficiency and efficacy of the external network. According to the network model (Trott, 1998), the development and management of knowledge is one of the most important traits of the new product development.

It represents the process of accumulation of knowledge crossing continuously over different internal functions, through which both internal and external knowledge is integrated in the process. Four different internal functions are related to new product development: marketing and sales, finance, engineering and manufacturing, and research and development. Different external inputs such as competitors, suppliers, partners, customers, university departments and so on are also presented.

Conclusion NPD is a process of transforming business opportunity into tangible products. In order to reduce risks of failure associated with developing a new product, many models have been developed to assist in NPD activities. These models have evolved from the simple linear models to the more complex network models. And, in order for developers of new products to be successful, they must take into consideration the critical success factors in NPD.

Updated: Aug 11, 2021
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A Compare and Contrast of the New Product Development Model. (2016, Dec 14). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-compare-and-contrast-of-the-new-product-development-model-essay

A Compare and Contrast of the New Product Development Model essay
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