Writing Proposal Essays

Categories: PhilosophyWriting

An essay is a necessary type of assignment, which members of the universities are obliged to be familiar with. A classic composition presupposes a text was introducing the particular topic to the reader and providing the argumentation of the issue. The structure of the writing is standard including the introduction with the clear thesis, main body with a couple of persuasive arguments and the conclusion summarizing the main ideas of the text. It is related to the classic essay. However, there are several kinds of this particular type of assignment having their peculiarities.

Among those varieties, there are interview essay, summary, personal experience, informative and proposal essay. The last one is to be discussed more in a detailed manner.

Proposal essay is a type of written assignment, which presupposes a text, compiled of the specific idea proposed by writer and its detailed argumentation throughout the whole writing. The process of delivering of this type of document does not pose any difficulties, however, has some peculiarities.

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The purpose of this kind of essay is to familiarize the target reader with a specific idea and provide substantial evidence enhancing and strengthening the main idea. Your primary target is to familiarize the reader with the particular issue and promote an original approach to him using the possible most reliable and most efficient linguistic tools. One of the most important things is choosing the topicality of your paper, which will define the level of complicatedness of the whole document. That is why this step demands particular attention and responsibility from the author.

What is a Proposal Essay?

Generally speaking, a proposal essay is an assignment the essence of which is to put forward an original statement and provide the persuasive argument to encourage the reader to believe in your idea.

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The text has to be written in a way enabling the writer to transfer his point of view to the target reader efficiently and persuasively. In the process of writing, it may seem that the issue is impossible to promote to the target audience. However, it is the wrong point of view. Of course, for experienced writers, it is not a big deal while for the beginner it may pose a tough task. To minimize the effort and maximize the pleasure achieved through the writing process, there are some general tips.

To introduce an original idea, a writer needs to invent it. It may sound odd. However, the person aiming to deliver a proposal essay of high quality has to produce an extravagant statement in order both to attract the reader’s attention and create a core for his or her writing. Be attentive and cautious to avoid reinventing the wheel. It means that you do not need to paraphrase someone’s ideas and promote them like your own. You have to create a statement and provide strong argumentation. The last point will help you to convince the reader and make him believe in your idea and formulate the attitude to the very issue present in your writing.

Proposal Essay Structure

As well as any other type of written paper, this one demands from the writer sticking to an established structure to provide appropriately arranged information. Well-structured work helps the target audience to get the better perception of the introduced idea. In a case with the text of this type, it is of the utmost importance to organize the information correctly to help the reader perceive the new information and formulate the attitude to the particular issue. The structure of the proposal essay differs from the outline applied in the case with the writing of the simple composition, with some deviations included.

It compulsory includes intro, which introduces your entire assignment. The critical remark for the reader here is to try to be clear and distinct, avoiding overloading your beginning with the facts. You take a risk to distract the attention of the reader. It is possible to include the one catchy statement that supports and enhances the thesis, which has to include the problem you want to discuss. The next section is called proposal or a statement of purpose. It is a second mini-introduction that serves as a mean to arrange the elements of the motion of your assignment. The task of the writer in this part is to give the evaluation to the topic and introduce a possible solution. On the contrast to an introduction, here you can include various facts, statistics and other data relevant to the subject. It will help you to formulate the proposal. Bear in mind, that this section should be brief and clear.

The third block of the structure is called plan of action. Here the writer is obliged to include information providing the detailed way of the implementation of the stated problem. Here you have to add a couple of segments. Your task is to persuade the target reader that your proposal worth attention. You have to provoke the desire to support your idea. In this part, be careful and remember that each evidence has to be implemented as a new paragraph. The final segment of this kind of writing is the conclusion. The gener.al aim of the outcome is to summarize the points available in the assignment. The same purpose of the ending is in the proposal essay. This part has to include call-to-action statement. Remember that you have to summarize the key points of the assignment. Here you have to avoid any new data of facts.

A List of Proposal Essay Topic Ideas

  1. "Without an objective there is no activity, there is no goal without interests, and without activity, there is no life."
  2. "The world needs to be changed. Otherwise, it will start to change us in an uncontrolled way."
  3. “A person becomes a human only in the process of culture, and only in it, on its tops, his highest aspirations and opportunities find expression.”
  4. "Tradition is progress in the past; in the future progress will become a tradition."
  5. "When I'm going to visit a country, I do not read its laws; I look at how they are implemented there."
  6. “Why education is important nowadays.”
  7. “Worth way of achieving success.”
  8. “How it is possible to fight the depression.”
  9. “What measures can be taken to avoid Third world war.”
  10. “What punishment is the most efficient for people having troubles with the law?”
  11. “How can the government improve the economic situation in the country?”
  12. “How is it possible to cut the rate of severe crimes?”
  13. “The ways to overcome sadness and depression.”
  14. “What is the most effective business strategy for young start-uppers?”
  15. “Simple way to reduce your weight and make yourself healthier.”

Proposal Essay Examples

While writing a proposal essay the primary aim of the writer is to choose original ideas that are related to the topic and propose them to the target reader. However, it may pose a difficult task for the inexperienced writer. Among the complicated issues may be the choice of a topic. A theme should be interesting, up-to-date and original. Above you can find some possible formulation examples that will become a proper framing of your essay.

The next difficulty may be related to the process of choosing the ideas that will support your topic. Those will be text body elements. You have to make up a list of ideas that will enhance the statement posted in the introduction. To choose the most relevant ones, try to do a small research and discover interesting and original facts. To write a proper conclusion, try to combine all your ideas and make it as an answer to the thesis statement. The examples you may find in the IELTS samples.

Pre-Writing Strategies

Before starting the essay-writing process, the task of every experienced writer aiming to create a proper paper is to conduct a small research. This research has to be dedicated to the choice of a suitable and relevant topic, the compilation of interesting facts and ideas and making the text looking proper. All in all the preparation process includes some stages that will help to create an appropriate basis for the future composition.

The primary issue is the topic. To choose the proper one, try to search on the internet for the most relevant current point that may become a spine for your writing. You may make a small list and choose the one that you feel most confident in. The next strategy is to compile a draft that will include fundamental facts related to the topicality of your work. It may consist of a plenty of points. However, you will have to choose only the most suitable ones.

Remember that devil is in details. Be careful and think overall even the smallest issues that may cause misunderstandings. Take care of all the statements, so that they will be explained appropriately and delivered to the reader through the text. Try to plan the structure. Arrange all the elements logically and coherently. You may also make a list of intro words that help the reader to follow the flow of your thoughts. All these pre-writing stages will make the writing process full of pleasure.

Main Parts of a Proposal Essay

Among the main parts of proposal essay, there are introduction, proposal, plan of action and conclusion. All those are clear and distinct. However, there are a few points that demand your attention. In introductory part, you have to provide the reader with information concerning the theme of the paper. What is more, you are obliged to explain why the audience should care about your issue. To enhance your explanation, you may add a couple of facts and interesting data to add a coloring to your intro and attract the attention of the reader.

The main body of the paper consists of proposal and plan of action. The project is a section and informs the reader about the essence of the writing and its central problem. In the program of work, you have to include the information about the way you want to follow while achieving the proposal. There you can consist of proves explaining why your project is significant. Next, you have to write about the desired outcomes. In conclusion, as usual, you add the summary of the key points and encourage the reader to action. The type of this section should be appellative.


The final part of your writing is a conclusion. This section has to present the summary of the whole assignment. This extract has to be based on the facts included in the text. There you must consist of the statement that the aim posed for a purpose is achieved throughout the whole essay. Remember that conclusion should not be an enumeration of all facts mentioned in the text. It should be a wrapping of your paper and present the critical concluding thought. This part can pose a severe challenge to the recipient, as you do not have to repeat the statement raised in the introductory part. Everything should be elaborated concisely and briefly, as the volume of this section is limited. It can include approximately five or six sentences. Demonstrate your writing skills and use appropriate formulation. Be relevant to the topic.

All in all, proposal essay is a kind of paper that proposes stating a specific issue and providing arguments to support it. All the pieces of information should be elaborated in the way that persuades the audience to accept your point of view. Try to decide on your aim and arrange your ideas so that they will help to achieve this target. Remember to take into consideration the pitfalls you can face during the production process. Stick to a well-elaborated structure and avoid including of irrelevant thoughts. Use strong arguments and be sure – the reader will feel your mood while reading the text. Try to avoid wordiness and illogical statements. Those could spoil the impression after the reading. The most important thing is to be sure that you can persuade the reader and catch his attention. If you will follow all the guidelines mentioned above the guarantee that your essay will be successful is 100%!

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Writing Proposal Essays. (2017, Dec 21). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/writing-proposal-essays-essay

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