2061: Eco-Tech Society and Controlled Living

Categories: FutureWorld

Life in fifty years will be a lot different then it is now. In most people's eyes they see the world having flying cars and floating houses but I believe the world will be more eco-friendly and organic. Lives will be saved, let it be humans or even animals.

With new living styles, resolving health issues, and coming to world peace can lead to happier and longer life spans for most individuals. By 2061 technology will have greatly improved such as holograms and robots.

The government will be a part of every moment of our lives from the time we are born until the time we pass.

Freedom will be scarce because the government will have control over every move we make.

Everyone will work for the government and no job will benefit oneself. Our government will be run as if we had “a mother” watching over us. Our leader of this type of government will be a female president, who represents control and power.

You see these types of examples in today's society when the majority of women run an organization.

With a rise in population, the environment was in need of a solution for housing.

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Everyone begins to leave the cities and moves to the forests or other spots in nature. The homes will consist of constructed tree houses. They will be solid glass on the outside—you can see out, but others cannot see in—and they will be very high-tech. There will be no reason to cut down trees or corrupt animal habitats.

Children will start school around the ages of 2 to 3 years old.

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Teachers will not be teaching because they will be learning on a online website. Computers are the only resource that anyone will be using. If there is any need of assistant teachers will appear as a hologram.

Students will get their assignments through e-mail and kids will go to school 7 days a week—except for holidays that the government allows.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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2061: Eco-Tech Society and Controlled Living. (2016, Apr 08). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/world-after-50-years-essay

2061: Eco-Tech Society and Controlled Living essay
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