Women are the best managers

1. Well friends, its not important how many things are you managing at a time. Its important how EFFICieNTLY are you manging those things. Im not doubting on the capabilities of women.Bbut i would like to disuss here one condition. If a women faces some issues in her home. will those issues be affecting the decision she will make in office afterwords.

2. Yes, women can manage better than man.they have equal abilities along with men. They can also tackle the situations better than men.

They can take right decision in a right time. They have good leadership qualities.

3. In my view. Women are the best managers. Womens can handle the office work as well as household work equally... They take the right decisions at right time.But Men are physically tougher and the women are mentally tougher.

4. A women can be a good manager but the quality of the manager not depend on the gender. A person is good manager who have the skills to motivate the employs, give the direction and maintain the interest and to work with the employs in effectively and efecient manner.

5. Yes, women are better manger bcoz they are hard work and they know their respossibilities.

6. Yes, Women are the best manager than men.

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Because they easily manage in both family as well as office. And also they have good leadership quality to run the team.

7. Women have different quality than men. Like they have patient, good time management skills and responsible. Men have different qualities than women.

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He can do the work at under pressure , he has daring. But Now days it isn't new to women are CEO or MD of an big organization. Here strange but true there are only couple of women. But almost 80% there are men.

8. In my opinion , i will say that women are the good managers compare to men because ,women have the capability of managing all the circumstances, they have their own planning of getting reed of any difficulties at any situation simply we can say that they are having more patience, women are having more guts to face any problem than men which helps the women to be grow better in way than the men.

9. Womens are the good managers bcz they know their responsibilities where men's are just need only enjoyment they dont take life as serious but womens take life as serious and they want to achieve something in life then men.

10. Yes women are better managers than mens because in todays world there is lots of strugglr to get anything so women are taking the equal steps as men thay manage their household work and also her professionl work properly.

11. Although women have good managerial skills. but social culture,traditions forces women to resort to accept these managerial skills in outside their home. so their efficiency deteriorate. so these issues forces women to be under men.

12. It is obvious that women are good managers than men,, not because only one point i.e; Patience but also because of the her capability of handling every situation, from household work, children, and maintaining her professional life without getting irritated. But on the other hand men have the wonderful capacity of taking the frustation that comes along their way in their job.

13. Well, woman are good in management. Women don’t take things personally, they are patient when taking their decision.

14. Human beings are good managers, what i mean to say is both are having that capabilities. We have so many examples for men as well as women managers the qualities that the peoples are having leads them as managers, managing the people is not an ordinary issue so it requires patience, good communication skills and leadership skills.

15. Obviously women are good managers than men. Women have so much of patience they manage both their personal life and there work perfectly while this cannot be done by men. Women will think twice before performing any action. women has excellent management skills when compared to men.

16. No,this is not true because it is all about having the managerial skill. Just like all the 100 rupee notes have same value and same power but the owner of that 100 rupee note is the one who have it in his/her pocket. So the one who have the skill will be considered as a good or better MANAGER.

17. Well, I do not agree with this statement. Cause its all about the managerial skill. man or woman whoever has the capability of managing company. He/she can be chosen as manager. May be woman has some inborn skill. But practice makes a man perfect. through some training process a man’s skill can be developed. So,its obvious for being a manager, we need skill of managing, proper planing, communication skill all those.

18. We can’t put example like jhansi ki rani, Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Those designations were very different from present work scenario. Today a working has to travel a lot to reach office, taking proper care of kids, balancing her personal and professional life, managing social issues in her immediate society! Now because of these all circumstances its not possible for a woman to be perfect in each work she does. So if we look practically on this topic. One has to conclude by saying men are better managers than women.

19. According to my views a man be the good manger , a woman manage the home doesn’t mean that she manges the company too. A man can manage his company by late working night but a woman can’t do to some of thier family issues, even woman don’t able to take quick and fast decision as compare with man.

20. Obviously women can easily manage work and everything. Women takes care of her family and even her work mostly which we cannot see this in men. Our rulers Jhansi Rani, Victoria, Indira Gandhi ruled very effectively and managed their work, time, money etc.,

21. Ya, Well. Women are the good managers than men because they have more patience than men. And also they have leadership quality to run the team.

Will Men and Women ever be Equal?

I can agree when the statement is made about gender equality it is said that gender equality refers to equal treatment of individuals based on their gender. Being equal does not mean that women and men are the same. It means that they have equal value and should be accorded equal treatment. This therefore means that women, men, girls and boys should enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections. This does not require that girls, boys, women and men be the same. I choose to write about this topic for different reasons but to be honest this is a debate that me and my significant other have all the time. I tell her all the time we are just going to agree to disagree. Are women equal to men? Some people would say yes others would say no. I can say this openly but will it change the minds of others, probably not. There will always be that double standard, we raise our children in a way that boys are allowed to do this but little girls should not do the same things as the boys.

We want our boys to be rough, tough and get a few scar because it will make you stronger. We raise our little girls to play with dolls, easy bake ovens and don’t go outside and get dirty. That is the double standard that will never change. But I can honestly say that as parents we always tell our children that they can grow up and be whatever they want to be. Women often argue that they are equal to men. When they are asked what makes them equal to men they say that they can anything that men do for example they can be engineers, lawyers, doctors etc. They cite that these factors make them equal or they should at least be considered equal. What women are saying is that their ability to perform in masculine duties should be used to judge their equality to men.

There are some people that always like to point out the obvious differences between men and women such as biological and anatomic factors. Biological differences include chromosomes, brain structure, reproductive and hormonal differences. They also have differences in physical strengths. Men are more physically stronger, more aggressive. On the other hand, women usually have the ideal of inner dignity which is often confused for weakness while the truth is that dignity is stronger than the any aggressive physical force.

Read more: Equal Rights of Man and Woman

Now let’s get in to the ways that women are treated differently than men. These are just a few ways that is more expectable in society for women and not men. Women are able to show emotions in public because it is said that women act off emotion so it’s common. When you have a man that shows emotion he is labeled weak in today’s society. I know most of the women that I work with all of them are in the army says that showing emotion in public make them look like the weaker sex and keep them out of getting leadership roles. The legal system clearly shows how women and men are not equal. If a crime is committed a man is given a harsher punishment than women, because law see it as women were thinking with their emotions and feelings; as for a man the law would say he was thinking rationally instead of with his emotions.

The law usually works in favor of the woman 85% of the time which does not give a lot of room for error. I have experience the wrath of the law myself I have an eight year old son and every time I get a raise in pay his mother takes me back to court to get an increase in child support and it’s not like she needs the money. Now we both make over $55,000 so that means our child should not go without. I do all the same things she does for my son but the legal systems has it where if the mother wants child supports she gets even if the father is doing for his child. These are just a few ways that women have it a little easier than men.

I can say there will always be some type of imbalance between women in men. In some areas it unfair to women, take for instance the work place. I have read that there are fifty or sixty different things that women have to experience in the work place. These are all statements from different women that have been interviewed in different lines of work. Women are more likely to get lower initial offers. In another study using identical resumes, female scientists were offered a starting salary of $26,500, and men were offered $30,200. "Hiring managers will offer a slightly lower salary because they think they can get away with it," says Rhodes. And because women are often so grateful to get the position, she says they are less likely to negotiate the offer, which compounds and perpetuates the cycle of lower pay. The Alpha Woman Meets Her Match." And I can agree with the statement that Rhodes made because that happen for me.

My co- worker and I were hired around the same time they started her out with $45,000 and started me at $48,379. We had about the same amount of experience but they offered us different I never said anything to my co-worker because I didn’t want to cause confusion. Women get promoted on performance, and men get promoted on potential. Research shows that women must prove that they are capable of succeeding in a role before they are promoted into it, whereas men may be promoted on their perceived potential. That means men often move up faster in organizations. When women show anger, they are often judged as too emotional. Research shows that both men and women think women should be nice and kind and nurturing. When men show anger it looks like strength, but when women do the same, they are perceived as too emotional and out of control. “The Alpha Woman Meets Her Match."

Women are often interrupted or ignored in meetings. Especially when there are only one or two women around the table, their voices can easily go unheard. Rhodes says it's very common that others may interrupt them, finish their sentences, or not give them the focus and subtle encouragement to continue. More frustrating is when a woman offers her idea, and no one responds. Then, a few minutes later, a man in the room presents the same idea, and only then is it heard and received well.

These are things that stuck out to me because they happen on a daily bases, not only that I have witnessed these thing happening and really never thought anything about it because society allowed it to go on for so long. There have been many changes over the last fifty years but there are still large amounts of stereotypes for men and women. Still today commercials have women in more domestic rolls and as for men we are in more of non-domestic rolls. There have been studies showing that 66% of domestic commercials involve women and men represent 70% of non-domestic advertisement. In advertisement it show that all women should be domestic and make themselves beautiful to get attention of men and it show all men as strong, liking sports and beer. One of the things I have noticed throughout my military career is that there are numerous of different standards for woman. I will start of by talking about the physical training test now if you look at the chart for the men we physically have to do more push-up sit-up and run a two miles faster than the woman but there has never been a debate on we should be equal to the men and have the standards the same across the board. The biggest issue is women in combat.

Women in the Army are not allowed to hold certain Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), because the feel as women in combat would be a distraction to the men. I have not witnesses this but studies show that if a woman is injured in combat a male soldier is more likely to rush to aide a female soldier instead of moving forward with the mission. Not saying that the soldiers will be left behind but that what the medics is there for. I have seen parts of combat but have not had women in my platoon so what I would do in the situation I don’t know but I know that we are all Soldiers and we all bleed green. To be honest I think society should treat us equals but there some things that most women can’t do and there are quite a few things that men can’t handle. Women and men will never be equal because society will never allow us to be equal. I will say this my girlfriend expects me to cut her yard every weekend and I asked her why she can’t do it herself and she tells me it’s a man job to get out there to do all of the yard work. Women will say all day they want to be equal as men, but I tend to disagree. I say that women only want to be equal as men when it’s convenient to them or when it’s in the public.

dsnook. (2009, Feb. 23). Gender stereotypes in media [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com (2011, Oct. 26). Reinforcing gender stereotypes through advertising [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com “The Alpha Woman Meets Her Match." Sonya Rhodes, Susan Schneider

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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