Wife and Bath vs Modern Day Women

Categories: Wife Of Bath

Times have changed, and so have the way woman behave and live their lifestyle. Although some characteristics and good deeds have been brought down from ancient times, many traits are still similar from modern woman and the old fashion woman. Many people believe that because of the time gap there must be a huge generation hole between modernized woman and the woman from medieval times. In reality women have stayed close to their power and standings with men.

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The Wife of Bath woman is similar to modern day women mostly in terms of being self independent, they do not care about what others think, or the fact that in order to live they must be dependent of someone.

The Wife of Bath tale shows us a good visual of what a modern woman wants.

The modern woman and a woman in the medieval times are similar in many ways. Most people would not think this because of how much has changed in other aspects of life, but in reality, all women have held true to their power and standings with men. The Wife of Bath woman is similar to the modern woman mostly in the way that they do not care what others think of them. The tale gives us a good explanation of what a modern woman wants. Although the majority ways of The Wife of Bath woman and the modern woman are similar, there are other criteria’s where they differ. The modern woman and The Wife give off a reputation that can sometimes defeat typical stereotypes.

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The similarities between a woman now, and The Wife of Bath woman will result in ways that show us how stereotypes fall short when it comes to symbolizing a woman and how time does not always revolve.

The Wife of Bath woman was married five different times to five different men. All of the divorces were her choice because she allowed influences to come between her marriages. Although this is not something to boast upon, the modern woman today will most likely marry multiple times too. She will let abominable qualities get in the way just as The Wife did. The divorce rate is rapidly increasing due to manipulation, affairs, greed, dominance, and other negative influences. According to Enrichment Journal on the divorce rates in America, the rate of divorce for first marriages is 41%. This is only one comparison of how a modern woman and The Wife are similar. If people took marriage more serious, things like this would not be an issue to compare.

The modern woman and The Wife are more similar then different, but there are ways the two contrast. The Wife of Bath Woman married her first husband at the age of 12. The modern woman today waits longer to marry. During the medieval times, marriage at such a young age was common. Although not everyone believed in this behavior, www.medieval-weddings.net stated that more than 3/4 of females were married before they reached the age of 19. Now, the modern woman is not legal to marry until she is 16 years old and only with a guardian consent. If a woman wanted to marry at the age of 12 now days, it would be completely unacceptable. It is not even a topic to cross one’s mind to marry so young. This clearly shows one difference that is rather broad of The Wife of Bath woman and the modern woman.

The Wife did not exactly believe in chaste, which is similar to the modern woman. Sexual pleasure is used to manipulate men both then and now. No matter how many people frown upon this, sexual freedom is becoming an open and liberal topic. The Wife believed in giving men what they desire; just as women now are slowly taking this into consideration. The modern woman and The Wife are manipulative to controlling their husbands through sex and trickery. Women use their determination, wits, and sexual charm to get their way. In both the modern woman and The Wife of Bath woman, women do not have to pretend to be submissive. Chastity is becoming less inferior of an issue because women are becoming comfortable with their sexuality and what they strive for.

Some things shouldn’t be accepted as vigorous as they are, but society has adapted to these ways over a long period of time. The similarities between The Wife and the modern woman are prime examples to show us that the difference of reputations of women have not changed as much as other things have. No matter what someone holds a women to, she will speak her mind and show what she is confident in. This holds true to both The Wife and the modern woman. While some people agree that females have dominance over men, the effect The Wife desires is to bring men and women to be egalitarian. Whether we are comparing or contrasting The Wife of Bath woman and the modern woman, women can overcome the customs they are held to.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Wife and Bath vs Modern Day Women. (2017, Jan 07). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/wife-and-bath-vs-modern-day-women-essay

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