Creating Genetic Manipulated Organisms: The Future of Food

Categories: Gmo

GMO's are a new type of food. They have been created by scientists to have a specific genetic makeup. They can include seeds that are resistant to certain pests and/or herbicides, which makes them easier to grow and harvest so they can sell more of it at a lower price. However, many people believe there are health risks associated with eating GMO's because they have never been tested on humans before being introduced into our food supply.

Many more known health risks with eating GMO.

 Unlike conventional and organic foods, GMOs are a new type of food that has not been around long enough to know the effects on our health.

One of the main reasons why people choose to eat organic is because they don't want to consume any kind of chemicals that could cause allergies or cancer. GMO's are made by combining genes from different species together in order to create plants or animals with desired traits like pesticides resistance or hardiness against disease.

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While we do know that these modifications can affect how your body processes nutrients, it's still too early for scientists to say whether or not there will be any negative side effects from eating genetically modified foods on a regular basis over time.

If you're eating GMOs, chances are you're also consuming a lot of pesticides. In fact, according to the Pesticide Action Network (PAN), pesticide use has increased by 404 million pounds over the past decade—and most of that increase comes from GMO crops.

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The reason for this is simple: GMOs require more pesticides than their non-modified counterparts because they can't defend themselves against certain pests. Non-GMO plants have natural defenses against bugs and other pests that don't exist in genetically modified versions; thus farmers must use chemicals to kill off these organisms before they damage the crop or infest it with disease. This applies to both organic and conventional farming alike; however, organic farmers do so without relying on genetic engineering techniques like crossbreeding or gene splicing which are known risk factors for adverse side effects such as allergic reactions or cancerous tumors among humans who consume them regularly over long periods of time.

You might think that animals wouldn’t be able to eat genetically modified foods, but you’d be wrong. Animals are not human and cannot tell the difference between GMO and non-GMO food. Scientists have tried to make GMO plants safe for animals by adding a gene from other plants so that if the animal eats it, they won’t get sick or die. However, sometimes this doesn’t work out because there can still be some harmful chemicals in these foods that make them unsafe for animals to eat.

In 2015, some farmers found dead sheep on their farms after they had eaten grass contaminated with GMO corn sprayed with insecticide (the same thing happened when a similar case happened in 2014). The scientists who did this research believe that these deaths were caused by GMOs because they were worried about the safety of their livestock after discovering how many livestock died in those 2 years alone due to eating genetically modified grains (corn).

Big agriculture uses them to either increase their yield. One reason why GMOs are bad is because they result in increased yield, which means less time and money spent on growing crops. With lower costs, it's no wonder GMO seeds have been widely adopted by big agriculture companies to grow their crops.

Big agriculture is also able to use GMOs as a way of reducing the amount of land used for growing crops—often referred to as "monocropping"—which means they can make more profit than before by planting fewer plants per acre. This reduces biodiversity since fewer species are present on each acre, but it also allows them access to areas that were previously inaccessible due to lack of water or other conditions like soil quality issues (e.g., poor drainage).

GMO’s are unsafe and have no clear benefit to eaters. They are often unlabeled, untested, or poorly tested and their health effects on humans are largely unknown.

  • Because they are not required to be labeled or tested for safety before entering the food supply, there is no way to tell if a product contains GMOs unless it is specifically marked as such.
  • Testing on GMO crops has been limited because there is little incentive for companies like Monsanto to test their products when they know there will be little pushback against them by the public or government agencies.
  • There are many unanswered questions about the effects of GMOs on our bodies, including whether they cause allergies (some studies suggest that they do), whether they can trigger autoimmune diseases like lupus or celiac disease; what effects exposure over time may have on sensitive populations such as pregnant women or small children; how exactly these genes get transferred into other organisms in nature through cross-pollination; how much pesticide residue remains after processing (and does it remain in its natural form once processed).

GMO's are unsafe and have no clear benefit to eaters. They should be labeled so that consumers can decide for themselves if they want to eat.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Creating Genetic Manipulated Organisms: The Future of Food. (2022, Dec 08). Retrieved from

Creating Genetic Manipulated Organisms: The Future of Food essay
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