Why do I desire to be an educational leader?

Categories: Moral
  • Why do I desire to be an educational leader?
  • What type of leader am I/ do I want to become?
  • How do myself and/or past connect to my answers to the questions above?
  • What are my beliefs about some of the questions/ issues Pellicer raises and how do they relate to my answers above?
  • Grew up in the South Valley
  • Grew up with single parent (mom and sister)

Growing up in the in the South Valley had its ups and downs.

But before I get to the ups and downs let me start off by painting a picture of my youth. My mom is the baby of thirteen siblings. I have 65 first cousins alone on my moms side. I grew up with my half sister and my father was not around. We lived in section 8 housing and received food stamps to survive. But through it all my mom and sister were there for me. My mom did the best she could do to make ends meet.

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I do not recall one day without having a meal or a roof over my head...my mother also played the role as father. My sister also played a vital role in my upbringing. They both guided me and developed the caring nature of a person that I am today. In different ways I was blessed on how educated me on the importance of family values and morals of good character. As I look back on all of the memories I had of my mom and sister I can see how I tend to have characteristics of how they raised me and how I teach and coach today.

Family- its all about the concept of family.

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No matter how rough it could have been I times I never saw my mom or sister get down or frustrated about difficult times that might be going on. Because of this upbringing I have a difficult time buying into students sad stories of how their life is difficult or a particular adverse situation they are going through. My mother always told me to be optimistic about every situation that comes my way...she also stated that life was how we help others and to find the positiveness of person. That alone has been a big part on how I get through a day emotionally. Without a doubt I truly believe that the way my mom and sister raised me, developed me into the person and teacher I am today.

Sisters boyfriend payed for my little league fees

It's one thing to grow up with my mom and sister, but I truly believe that one needs a male role model in your life. In that case that was my sisters 15 year old boyfriend. I was 9 years old about to turn ten when I met my sister boyfriend (Dennis). He was such an influence in my life that when I make the statement that people tend to be products of their environment, I mention his name. You see, he played the trombone in high school band so I started to play the trombone in elementary school. He would play baseball, basketball, and football. He saw that I loved sports alot but being that we did not have a lot of money he would pay for my little league fees to play sports. He always practiced with me and encouraged me to do well. As time went on he would teach me how to DJ and MC parties. Because of music in high school I was selected to lead our marching band to a state championship as a Drum major.

That was the first time I was looked upon as a leader. When I got to college my sister and Dennis were married. They would always give me money here and there to help support me with all my endeavours. Dennis actually was my best man in my wedding, I chose him because of the love and trust I had in him. Its crazy to see how much his influence of athletics and music is in me today because of him. He taught me to love music and sports and look at what I do for a living now. I teach and coach at the high school level and still DJ and play music in a band with him today some 40 years later.

I was so fortunate to have moved to Alamogordo New Mexico and attend Alamogordo High School. The teachers were great, they always encouraged me to do well. In some cases my high school athletic coaches had wifes that were teachers and they would conduct study halls for the athletes. On several occasions I had teachers take the time and visit my home and assist my mom with filling out paperwork for one thing or another. Ie. ACT, PSAT, FAFSA. There were times that I struggled academically or would have difficult things going on in my life that they would guide me and mentor me through those times. I believe that was my first thought that I would like to pay it forward to another person and assist in anyway possible the way my teachers mentored me..

Being a drum major in band was a great experience. My high school band director was the first person to teach me about process-based thinking. He also taught me the concept of Discipline, Effort, and Attitude (D.E.A.). Leading a band as a drum major to a band peers the same age was an experience in itself. I had to truly lead by example so that my classmates would follow me through rehearsal or competitions. My athletic coaches played a vital role on how I teach today. Once again, it's about the process and developing relationships through the concept of strong morals and values of being a productive person utilizing sport as a tool to connect to the real world so that one could be a productive citizen within our community.

Coaches influence

I had several coaches in my life, but only one who I still think about. All of my coaches were an important part of my high school years, but there is only one who I refer to as a major "life influence" even to this day. Coach Ray Borunda was his name, he built more into my self-confidence and sense of self-worth than anything else of which I can think of. Much of this is simply because of Coach Borunda's leadership and guidance. Coach Borunda drew us together as a group of boys and made us into a team. He taught me the power of family for a goal. The power of caring for each other, not merely tolerating each other.

Coach Borunda gave our JV baseball team the name the "Golden Glove Boys". We loved it, took on this identity, and became a great team or least in our minds. Most of my adult life has been spent in working in team environments. I honestly learned more about the power of unity and leading teams from Coach Borunda and high school baseball than from college or anyplace else. Seriously. His leadership influenced me so much that I believe influenced me to coach. It is crazy, but Coach Borunda was never our head coach. However, he was clearly the coach we all turned to for ultimate leadership. I worked for him. I got my cues from him. When I had questions or concerns, he was the one I went to. As a professional, I have never been concerned about my process of how I approach the game. I now see that this value was impressed upon me by Coach Borunda. He valued his influence upon us, rather than his title. He led us and led us well.

Coach Borunda taught me that leadership is not dependent upon skill level, but Discipline, Effort, and Attitude. He would always tell us "not to worry about the things you don't have control of, but to worry about the things you have control of" In life, I am honestly pretty much average in most areas. However, much of my professional life has gravitated towards leadership of responsibility. I'm certain this can be traced back to the confidence and values Coach Borunda built into me during those days.

As I am getting older and have been in education for over 20 years I have asked that question of how my colleagues feel about work. It does not matter if it is the first five years or year 20 teachers love to teach. It's the little intrinsic things that get to them. Teachers have little things that they contribute to the school atmosphere and at times Administration do not recognize them (a simple pat on the back would do). Also, they feel that they are micro managed with all that the district or state have them do its like there is no time to teach

In college I had a professor that engaged the class by getting to understand each and every one of his students. When that was established that connection along with his techniques of differential learning for everyone put my mind at ease that is when I felt I had no fear of asking questions or participating without feeling socially awkward. Making a connection to the real world is so CRITICAL.

My comments in Chapter 12 "Am I willing to jump for the trapeze". Going back to school and taking that leap of faith. Wow. I currently have mentors that are special in my life. For example, you Dr. Karaba you have taken the time to let me explain to you about how I process things, lack organization, and my poor writing skills. But yet you pointed me in a direction of how to work in those areas and encouraged me to continue this journey of becoming a better leader in education. To you it may be just your job or not even a big thing but to me its HUGE. Yes, there are other people that have helped me throughout my life. But some of the obstacles of the past are gone it's the challenges and fears of today that I need my mentor's encouragement. You may not be BLUE but you care for making us all better leaders, and for that I am grateful.

I would like to become a leader that helps individuals connect with the real world by getting to understand who they are utilizing academic content. Each day, month, year as a teacher or coach has led me to understand different scenarios on how to lead. Now that I am taking me EDLD classes I see that there are different strategies that I could implement. You see I have made many mistakes and now I have the resources to help better myself. Sharing with colleagues also has assisted me to improve my leadership skills.

Let me start off by saying that I have truly seen the confidence builder with the trapeze work we did it with the 2008 Manzano Football team. "A true leap of faith". Just recently I climbed the pole and have taken the leap of faith to reach for the trapeze - Entering the NMHU Educational Leadership program. So far, the pre-results have been worth the leap. I am working with at risk students do to my EDLD Internship responsibilities. Also, getting to know myself better about what kind of leader I want to become. I would not change my decision at all it is scary at times but taking that leap of faith thus far has been great.

It seems that I ask that question at least once a week. The influences in my life I believe has led me to pay my blessings forward. For example, not have strong role models other than my mom, I found myself gravitating towards certain teachers or coaches. They were always teaching me morals and values of becoming a productive citizen no matter what adverse situations I was going through. The daily lessons they would teach me through content or sport and how it connected to the real world made such a big impact in my life. That alone inspired me to do the same thing for others.

It maybe subjective but I take the time to create a safe haven for each and all of my classes or teams. Sometimes it may be a little unorthodox but I start of by being real with my students or athletes by explaining to them some of my hardships and vulnerabilities. I also teach a lot of virtues of being respectful and caring. When that part of the process as been established it seems to me that they feel safe to ask questions without feeling ridiculed or bullied. To me that is a form of pride and when they share they are contributing to others, which once again makes them feel proud of that group. It does not seem like much but when you start to see students becoming more respectful, self-disciplined, or several years later you see them being productive citizens who think critically in society. When I see that...that is all the evidence I need that I did my job.

I believe yes. For example, let's say a person has to be at work at 7:25am (Policy dictates that) but your friend or staff member that is loyal to you and the school is late by 5-7 minutes every day do to the fact he has to drop of his own child at his/her school preschool program. Do you make arrangements to accommodate the situation or not I would because there's a bigger picture later.

Should qualifications rank higher than seniority. Not necessarily, I believe that if someone has experience and is still effective in a positive way teaching that counts and should not be pushed off to the side or released from their duties just because someone has newer teaching strategies etc.

Always treat people with respect. Just because one has to follow the policies and procedures of an incident. Some cases were probably unavoidable.

I do believe in the supposition that I had at least one person that believed in no matter what my past life was like. That person was my sister. You see, my sister pretty much saw every ordeal I went through good or bad. She always encouraged me to push through the difficult times. I am the person I am today because of thought process she mentored me each and every day. Overall, she demonstrated and discussed scenarios of how not to dwell on thing I do not have control of, but to concentrate on things I have control of.

My educational aim is to take a positive stance on behavior management. I firmly believe that it is important to work with a child and not against them. To address a behavior issue I believe that first you must understand the behavior, and more importantly, understand what its causes are. There is a plethora of ways to change a problem. There are several methods that I believe are most effective. For example:

  • 1) Give the learner immediate feedback;
  • 2) Break down tasks into small tasks;
  • 3) Repeat the directions as many times as possible;
  • 4) Repeat the directions as many times as possible;
  • 5) Give positive reinforcement; and
  • 6) The method chosen is due to the nature of the behavior.

The curriculum focus that I will instruct the students will be to adapt and conform to societal norms; practice virtues, strong morals and values of being a productive citizen; also, provide information on how one responds to the needs of others in real-life scenarios.

My role is to mentor students about appropriate behavior to connect to the real world at the same time develop and instruct caring and a strong orientation of morals through content. Communication is an additional component that must be included within my student's discipline plan in the classroom. I will open lines of communication with parents and/or guardians regarding their child's behavior. Weekly calls, notes home, or behavior charts will help open lines of communication and help to engage the student's parents in the process. Student classroom behavior management and discipline should be handled by me whenever possible. Although for more extreme cases, the administration should become part of the situation.

After taking the True Colors & Strength Finders surveys it revealed a lot of what I already knew about my personality. The surveys confirmed that I tend to let my emotions get the best of me at times and it clouds my judgement of what truly needs to be done. You see, when it comes to demagogues, mangers, and mediators of leadership, one needs to lead with all of these styles of leadership at times or the process of academic and community success in a school system may fail.

In my case, I am trying to utilize the concept of Family to make connections to the real world. By doing that sometimes the responsibilities of what is asked by the Federal, State, and District tend to be put off. In return of this action we are not in compliance. My Educational Leaderships classes are opening my eyes to the process of becoming a better leader for the future. With that in mind, I do believe I need to reprioritize my system of values or at least get more in tune of the needs that need to be done so that students have the best opportunity to be academic and socially successful.

I have had some great leaders that I actually use the Water Buffalo analogy, I was told that what makes a great leader is to not micromanage your employees/ assistant coaches. Also, know that people like to be praised and acknowledged. I consistently give praise to my assistants and educational assistants. I specially say it to them publicly

If we as leaders and human beings have some measure of immortality in this life, it is manifested in the impact that we have on the lives of others. Our immortality is measured in the lives we are privileged to touch and to change in positive ways as we carry out our duties and responsibilities as professionals, friends, family members, and so forth. Suppose for a moment that for some reason you are no longer a part of the organization where you are currently employed, or suppose that you are no longer there as a spouse or a parent or in some other role that is important in your life. Imagine that in five years your could come back and listen, unseen, while others talk about you in terms of what you meant to the organization or the family or to whatever entity you are imagining. What would you want to hear people say about you?

I would want the people to remember or say that I was a fair person that cared about their future and their future family. Also, that I taught them the concept of Discipline, Effort, and Attitude (DEA). If this concept helped them in some shape or form...that would be great. It would be as simple as that that would be my Legacy.

In the first envelope I would let them know that they should have a basic understanding of policies and procedures. Also, within that envelope I would give them a story of a scenario that happened to me because I did not follow the policies and procedures set by the district and or the school itself. In the second envelope I would explain to them the importance of making a connection to the real world with whatever they are teaching. You see, to me that is educating them with the information you are conveying to them that is relevant to how it will impact them or the community/world as a whole.

Dear Arthur, I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. You are always putting everyone ahead of yourself. The things you do for your children like paying for their cell phones even when your eldest child is married and can provided for own cell phone, you still help them so that they could use the money they would normally pay for their cell phone service so that they could continue to fixed their home up or by your Grandchild things. That's one of the many things you do for your children. And by the way  I am so proud of how you never leave a student out there alone when it comes to their mind, body, and spirit. You have never forgotten were you have come from. There are many things that I could tell you of how proud I am of what you do for others but let's be real you need to take some time to do for you if you can't make yourself happy, how can you make others happy continue you journey to find your happiness.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Why do I desire to be an educational leader?. (2019, Dec 06). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-do-i-desire-to-be-an-educational-leader-what-type-of-leader-am-example-essay

Why do I desire to be an educational leader? essay
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