Wheat Field with Cypresses

Vincent van Gogh created a series of paintings while in the asylum in Saint-Remy in early June 1889. Van Gogh was a Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work was understood for its tactile appeal and bold colors. Van Gogh had a considerable influence on 20th-century art. After years of mental conditions and mental disorder, he passed away at the young age of thirty seven, due to a gunshot wound, a lot of commonly accepted to be self- inflicted. The term Post-Impressionism was coined in 1910 by an artist and critic called Roger Fry.

The expert art historian, John Rewald was the first historian to concentrate on the birth of early modern-day art, he suggests that the Post-Impressionist movement was limited to the years in between 1886 and 1892. Rewald wrote that "the term "Post-Impressionism" is not an extremely precise one, though an extremely practical one."

The motion has a number of various theories about its birth and ending periods, and to date the motion's life expectancy remains under conversation.

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The Post- Impressionist movement extended the impressionist movement while declining its constraints. The artists of the motion used thick applications of paint, vivid colors and life like subject however they were most typically likely to distort type for expressive impact, and use abnormal color. Van Gogh's Wheat Field with Cypresses permits us to view the landscape most likely viewed by the artist while he was hospitalized for mental disease. The landscape of wheat fields and the towering cypress trees is set below the most vibrant blue sky.

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The colors are extremely brilliant and far from natural.

The artist appears to draw the viewer to the sky, the most dominating component of the painting. Large brush strokes and the tactile components of the thick application of paint include a raw charm to the painting. The lovely sky and the brilliant gold wheat fields drew me to the painting, but most significantly was fond memories of household holidays in Cortona Italy. The cypress trees towered everywhere in Cortona, creating stretches of natural staircases, leading directly to an extraordinary Tuscan sky. In Tuscany my household and I admired the easy natural beauty of the avenues of cypress trees and the usefulness of them as well.

Our first day there, we wondered lost along the mountain, perplexed at the directions provided for us: make a left at the avenue of cypress trees and a right at the row of olive trees. I can’t think of a better place to be lost in. Most interesting was that the lack of street signs and the use of the natural landmarks all seemed so perfectly reasonable and incredibly resourceful within only a few days. Upon leaving and returning home to our city filled with noise, lights and signs, I truly realized the cleverness of the use of the cypress trees as well as their natural beauty. Since our last trip the smell of rosemary and the views of the cypress tree bring me back to those wonderful memories with my family.

Updated: Mar 15, 2022
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Wheat Field with Cypresses. (2016, Dec 30). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/wheat-field-with-cypresses-essay

Wheat Field with Cypresses essay
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