The Vikings: Barbarians or Civilized Society

Categories: CannibalsCivilization


The question of whether the Vikings were barbarians sparks debate, necessitating an exploration of the term "barbarian" and an evaluation of Viking culture. In considering their customs, craftsmanship, and interactions, we delve into the complexity of defining barbarism within historical contexts.

Viking Culinary Practices and Craftsmanship

The notion of barbarism often involves dietary habits, yet the Vikings, while consuming unconventional foods like seagull and polar bear, were not cannibals. Their diet reflected the harsh realities of long winters and limited resources rather than a lack of cultural refinement.

Moreover, the Vikings exhibited commendable craftsmanship, leaving behind intricate buildings, longships, chain-mail, and swords. Their ability to innovate and create suggests a level of sophistication beyond mere imitation.

Examining the Viking diet reveals a pragmatic approach shaped by environmental constraints. Living in regions with long, harsh winters, the Vikings adapted by consuming a variety of unconventional yet readily available foods. Seagull, seal, walrus, whale, moose, polar bear, and horse were all part of their sustenance.

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While these choices may seem unusual by today's standards, they were pragmatic responses to the challenges of survival. This dietary diversity ensured that the Vikings had access to essential nutrients, even in the face of adverse weather conditions and limited agricultural resources.

Furthermore, the Vikings' prowess in craftsmanship contradicts the notion of a barbaric society. The legacy they left through sophisticated buildings, advanced longships, and finely crafted weaponry speaks to their ingenuity. The ability to work with different metals, sew sails, and construct elaborate structures demonstrates not only technical skill but also a capacity for innovation.

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This challenges the stereotype of barbarians as mere imitators, showcasing the Vikings as a people capable of contributing to the cultural and technological progress of their time.

Violence and Organization: Assessing Viking Society

Cruelty is frequently associated with barbarism, and the Vikings' ruthless raids on monasteries exemplify this. However, their organized social structure with chieftains and kings indicates a level of societal complexity. The villages, with specialized craftsmen and farmers working collaboratively, reflect a form of community organization more akin to a primitive form of communism than pure barbarism.

While the Vikings' military strategies may appear brutal, particularly in their raids on monasteries, it is essential to contextualize their actions within the prevailing norms of their time. The medieval period was marked by turbulence, and the Vikings' formidable reputation in warfare was not unique. Raiding and pillaging were unfortunate yet common aspects of medieval societies, and the Vikings' actions need to be understood within the broader historical framework.

Furthermore, the Vikings' social organization challenges the perception of pure barbarism. The presence of chieftains and kings implies a hierarchical structure and centralized authority. Villages were organized with specialized roles for craftsmen, farmers, and other essential contributors. This level of organization suggests a societal framework that goes beyond a simplistic barbarian characterization. Additionally, the Vikings' engagement in trade and exploration further emphasizes their ability to navigate complex social and economic landscapes, indicative of a civilization with strategic thinking and planning.

Understanding Viking Mentality

It is crucial to recognize the harsh conditions in which the Vikings lived, born into a world of scarcity and hardship. The distinction between the mentality of those accustomed to adversity and those in prosperous societies plays a pivotal role in assessing the Vikings' perceived barbarism. While their actions against enemies may seem brutal, the Vikings demonstrated care for their own through funeral ceremonies and celebrations, portraying a nuanced picture of their society.

The harsh realities of the Viking environment significantly influenced their mentality. Born into a world of scarcity and struggle, the Vikings developed a resilience and toughness necessary for survival. Their mentality was shaped by the challenges of their surroundings, fostering a pragmatic and adaptive approach to life. This unique perspective contributed to their reputation as formidable warriors but should not be equated with a lack of civilization.

Contrary to the image of barbarians solely focused on violence, the Vikings exhibited a range of cultural practices that reflected a more nuanced society. Funeral ceremonies, weddings, and other communal celebrations showcased their capacity for social bonding and emotional expression. These events underscore the humanity within Viking culture, challenging the notion that they were solely defined by brutality.

Moreover, the Vikings' care for their close and dearest, as evidenced by their funeral ceremonies, suggests a deep emotional connection within their society. The presence of such rituals indicates a level of cultural sophistication that goes beyond the simplistic characterization of barbarism. The Vikings, despite their harsh exterior, valued communal bonds, familial ties, and the preservation of their cultural practices.


In conclusion, the Vikings, often deemed barbarians due to their brutal tactics in warfare, were a complex society with both commendable and criticized aspects. Their culinary practices, craftsmanship, organizational structure, and mindset collectively challenge a simplistic classification of barbarism. Understanding the Vikings requires a nuanced approach that acknowledges their toughness, yet recognizes the facets of civilization present in their culture.

Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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The Vikings: Barbarians or Civilized Society essay
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