Welding Job Paper

Categories: CaterpillarJobWelding

Job Description: Welders work in a wide variety of manufacturing, industrial and construction jobs. Requirements begin with basic skills training, which can be acquired on the job or at a technical school. Welders can work their way through an apprenticeship if they choose, and become journeyman welders. Skills Required: Manual dexterity, good eyesight, good eye-hand coordination, the ability to concentrate on detailed work for prolonged periods of time, the ability to stoop, bend, climb, work in awkward positions, and have patience.

Transferable Skills: Blueprint reading, shop mathematics, mechanical drawing, physics, chemistry, metallurgy, and an understanding of electricity.

Education Required: Formal training is available in high schools and post-secondary institutions, such as vocational-technical institutes, community colleges, and private welding, soldering, and brazing schools. The U. S. Armed Forces operate welding and soldering schools as well. Schools That Offer: WITC, Moraine Park Technical College, Fox Valley Technical College.

Pay Rate/Schedule: Between $13. 20 and $19. 61. Schedule can be anything at anytime. Areas of Jobs Available: John Deere, Caterpillar , Kurt hitches, and Ford are all companies that require skilled welders.

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General purpose machinery manufacturing, agriculture, construction, and mining machinery manufacturing. Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance, architectural and structural metals manufacturing, motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing.

Pros/Cons of Job: Pros to this career are good pay, and you should enjoy what you’re doing. Cons to this career are, you may work very long hours, you may be away from home and family for weeks on end depending on what type of job you have.

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Turn-Over Rate: I could not find an actual statistic, but according to BLS, it is expected to have a slight decline from 2008 to 2018. Would I like this job? Yes I would like this job because it’s hands on, decent paying, and I probably wouldn’t be doing the same thing over and over.

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Welding Job Paper. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/welding-job-paper-new-essay

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