United States vs Mexico

Categories: EducationMexicoState

The United States of America and Mexico compare and contrast their distinctions when it concerns education, homeless rates, and their total standard of life. The U. S and Mexico compare when it pertains to homeless rates seeing as the numbers are increasing each year. As for education, Mexico lacks standard education, where as the United States has a greater requirement for education. The overall standard of living in both countries is probably the greatest difference the two nations have. Mexico has lots of prosperous locations to it, however for one of the most part individuals who live in Mexico, live bad and on the streets.

Children in Mexico usually need to get street jobs in order to help their families with poverty.

The United States has its own level of poverty and economic concerns, but Mexico has a much higher hardship rate and their cash is worth less than the U. S dollar, making it hard to make money from American travelers.

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These 2 standards of living are entirely various from each other viewing as they both have different problems. Mexico and the United States share the very same concerns and worths, however on different levels of success. The education in Mexico is extremely different from the education in the United States.

They use different grade level systems and different nationwide spending plans for education. Both of these nations have effective curricula, and have high requirements. The grade level system Mexico utilizes is six grades in main schools. Kindergarten is for the 5-6 years of age level.

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Then they start first grade at 6-7 years of ages and 6th grade, which is the end of main school, is for the 11-12 year olds. Then the Mexican trainees begin secondary school. Secondary school has three grades. Very first grade starts at age 12-13 and third grade is for 14-15 years of ages. Then they start high school.

This is called the beginning of middle higher education. High school, like secondary, has three grades. First grade is for 15-16 year olds and third grade, which is the end of high school, is for 17-18 years old. Finally the Universities take over. A bachelor’s degree takes four to five years to achieve, after that it takes two to three additional years to achieve a masters. The United States has a different education system than Mexico. Elementary school is from kindergarten to fifth grade, ages 5 to 10. Then it goes to middle school or junior high school which is grades sixth through eighth and ages 11 to 13.

After that is high school which are grades ninth through twelfth which is ages 14 to 17 or 18. It is illegal in the United States not to go to school, but some immigrants do not have enough money to go to school. Most kids in Mexico do not go to school because of the money or because they need to work instead to help their family. America and Mexico have different laws and systems as far as the education systems go.

There are over one million children in America who are not getting an education because they have no money and are also homeless. As many as 3. million Americans are homeless each year, one million being children. Most homeless people are families who have been thrust into series of unfortunate events that left them with no money. For those living in poverty or close to the poverty line, an everyday life issue that may be manageable for individuals with a higher income can be the final factor in placing them on the street. America can compare with Mexico because most people who are homeless in Mexico are families. Although Mexico has a lot of homeless families on the street, it has more homeless street kids.

Six percent of children on the streets in Mexico are ages five to fourteen and about five percent of Mexicans are living on only $1 a day. There is a lot more people living in severe poverty in Mexico then there is in America, but it is easier for Mexicans to find cheap shelter, keeping them off the street. If they can figure out a way to make a few pesos, they're free to do so. Some end up selling gum and bobble-headed toy turtles to tourists. Others hawk homemade tamales on local buses, with little fear of being turned in for a Food Safe violation. You see a lot more people on the streets of the U.

S then the streets in Mexico, but people in Mexico are more vulnerable to poverty than people in the America. The United States in the past century has knocked down old apartments and turned them into million dollar condos, have knocked down shacks and banned beach camping, leaving people with just enough money to find food for their families on the streets. America has made it extremely hard to live with no money by over developing and knocking down the little shacks and old apartments when people do not have enough money to pay for the new higher end things. This has lead to many citizens turning to the streets or our parks for a home.

There also is no way for them to make cheap money except for begging for it on the streets. Most people on the street do not even have money to buy crafts so they can make crafty nick-knacks to sell to the richer for profit. This makes the standard of living in America hard for people on the streets and for people who are very close to losing everything. Mexico has other options for homeless people which make it a little more sustainable to get by. Mexico still has abandoned sheds and shacks for people to live in and those people are able to sell the things they make to tourists.

If you were to visit Mexico you may find little to no people on the streets because there are other more suitable places for these people. There are parts of Mexico that are developed and keep up with the industrialized world it is in, but there are also places that have not been touched by the modern world and stay untouched making it easier for more people to live. Mexico’s standard of living is easier in some cases and harder in others. Even though people find abandoned shacks to live, it is still extremely hard to survive in harsh living conditions. Mexico and the Unites States of America compare and contrast many issues and values.

From what is explained above, most people struggle when it comes to money, education, and living standards. Some people go from having a house one day to sleeping on the streets with their families the next. Some kids have to work to help their families and some kids get the opportunity to get an education. Mexico and America both have education systems but with different grade levels and ages, they both have homeless citizens, but some conditions are worse than others, and they both have living standards that can be clean and dirty. Overall, Mexico and America both have equal comparisons to contrasts.

Updated: Aug 11, 2021
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United States vs Mexico. (2017, Feb 22). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/united-states-vs-mexico-essay

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