Understanding the Black Lives Matter Movement in 2013

A war among our own people is beginning. There have been killings, riots, threats, fires, violence, and racism. It's sad that after all these years we still can't figure out how to live with each other with having to hate just because of skin color. In 2013 The Black Lives Matter Movement started this movement says they stand for equality for the black race. This movement started because people started noticing how many black people were being killed by white cops and they are trying to stop this.

The question is what are their true motives? Are they really all peaceful? I believe that it's both positive and negative and that it depends on each protester and what their beliefs are and whether or not they want to be peaceful or violent. I believe that people need to stop looking at it like it's black and white because it's not.

The good argument to the black lives matter movement would be that all the good and equality that they are trying to accomplish through and peaceful protests is all for the greater good.

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The oppression of the black community has built up inside them over so many generations that they have expressed themselves through art, music, and literature. There have also been non peaceful protests in recent years through parties such as the black panther party during the vietnam war and recently in 2015 there have been protests over a boy who was shot and killed by a cause of racial profiling. And many other cases likes this.

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Creating a world like this only fuels the fire they have. Some may say that there are no reasons for these protests and that they should be more focused on their everyday lives. This is not the case though, these protests have gotten them equal opportunity in the workplace and equal pay lined up with everyone else because in the past it use to be where white males were the majority of high paying workers. This creates a higher standard of living for this certain population as well as a better opportunity for a better life. There are other sides to this argument though. Through many riots in the last couple of years there have been hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of property damage done by these riots and even lives lost. So the facts that are presented to each community whether white or black are based mostly on perception and how each community perceive them as either hard working people or mischief makers.

To see their true motives is not hard when you really look. They express through a lot of poetry saying how they want to be like everyone else and have what everyone else has so this motive is clear. Creating a racial equal workplace and living place is essential to the goals of the black lives matter movement. The black lives matter movement is mostly upset about the fact that white cops have been unfairly killing unarmed black men. In chigago 79% of all people shot by police were black. But what people don't realize is black on black crime is the real problem and it's going unnoticed because no one want to pay attention to that. 98% of murders of black people are by the hands of other black people not whites. The reason for this is in poor communities a lot of black gangs will fight each other and die due to gang violence. The other point is that most of time when any person is shot by the police it's because the cops see a gun being pointed at them.

It's a well known fact that if you point a gun at a cop you're not going to have a good time and no one should be surprised at this. They will shoot you, end of story. If however someone is shot unarmed it's probably because you either starting running at them or tried attacking them with something else. In which case they will protect themselfs. There was a story of an unarmed black man who was shot by a white cop and everyone freaked out. But no care wanted to but into consideration that he was high on crack and the guy was pushing the cop downing stairs repeatedly and attacking him so the cop shot him because he could of died of those stairs and broke his neck. Some trainers went to a protest and found a guy who felt strongly on taking away every cop's gun but they put him through a cop training course to see in real life situations if he himself would shoot or not. He actually ended up shooting more times than not because he felt his life was in danger.

The movement has repeatedly tried to take over presidential debates and rallies for very example 2 black lives matter women took over Bernie Sanders podium while he was trying to speak even after being told they could have the podium after he was done they refused to be peaceful and fair and took it anyway. There have been extreme protest where they have publicly said things like "pigs in a blanket. Fry 'em like bacon." and chanted that in front of children. Also riots and fires where they have burned down entire buildings. A lot of these people just hate white people with a passion. Some even make youtube videos that go viral saying to kill all crackers and cops. In conclusion I believe there are good and bad protesters making this movement both positive and negative but definitely more on the negative side. Most of these people spread lies that make this cause look good but then the facts are later proven other wise. But at the same time I do believe that in this country we do have a very real racism problem that will sadly probably will never be fixed but I don't think all these cops are teaming up saying “let's all kill the black people."

Updated: Dec 14, 2022
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Understanding the Black Lives Matter Movement in 2013. (2022, Dec 14). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/understanding-the-black-lives-matter-movement-in-2013-essay

Understanding the Black Lives Matter Movement in 2013 essay
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