Types And Consequences Of Plagiarism

Categories: Special education

Even though plagiarism is talked about in schools as a caution to students not to commit this academic dishonesty, students do it day after day. This has become a mass issue among high schools, universities, and even workplaces. The different types of plagiarism consist of direct plagiarism, self-plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, and accidental plagiarism. There are multiple other types of this academic dishonesty, but these four are the most common. The first, common plagiarism is direct plagiarism. This consists of verbatim of somebody else’s work.

Also, this plagiarism disregards quotations and citations. There are multiple ramifications for performing this. Among, the many consequences of doing this is firing or removal from a workplace or school. There are many other types of plagiarism, but the second type is self-plagiarism.

Self-plagiarism means to use a paper or assignment used for a past teacher or class. In some instances, people may use the same assignment in the same class, which shows insufficient effort. Although it is original work, it is still wrong to use the content word for word.

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Even one single sentence used again can be subjected to major punishment. Along with self-plagiarism comes another type, mosaic plagiarism. Mosaic plagiarism is when a person uses another’s work, while rewording the author’s writing but still using the same structure. It does not matter whether somebody meant to do this or not, it is still wrong and frowned upon. Also, using footnotes does not affect the punishment of this plagiarism. Another common type of plagiarism is accidental plagiarism.

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The last and final type of plagiarism is accidental plagiarism. This type can happen through many mistakes, including refusing to cite, incidentally using the same structure of words as another source, or incorrectly citing the sources used. Even though accidental plagiarism seems unjust, it is treated the same as any other type and can get a student kicked out of school.

Many cases of plagiarism may be overlooked, but still a serious offense. In specifics, accidental plagiarism seems like it most definitely should not have such a big impact. There are some strategies that help a person avoid these offenses, in particular accidental plagiarism. One way a person can do this, is to precisely cite a source, without error. Next, when using the computer, a person should print the page they are using so they can directly look at their reference. Another tactic is to use a different color writing utensil to color the parts of the writing that come from another person’s work. Also, if a person is rewording or condensing one’s work, it is vital to cite the source. Keeping a running tally of all the sources, books, and websites used, ensures there will be no mishaps in the end. All in all, rereading a paper an endless amount of times and asking for aid before a due date is crucial to writing a substantial paper.

Of course, there are articles online and sources that can tell a person how to cite properly and avoid plagiarism. This does not affect anything if people are not willing to listen to it and address the issue. There are common mistakes that are overlooked and skipped that can have a big effect on the future of a person's education. One problem is that people can often mix up their own written words with the sayings and words of an author or source. This will lead to plagiarism if that person fails to cite the source in thinking it was themselves who said it. Another common, but often, mistake happens by reading information from a source and then failing to remember where it was read. This then tricks the brain into thinking it thought of the information on its own, which is incorrect. Lastly, a recurring error lies in the fact that people will, often, write information found and not an opinion or thought to coincide with it. Errors and mistake lead to plagiarism, that is why it is significant to pay attention to detail.

There are many ways I have learned to help one to avoid plagiarism. The first and, I think, most important way to not commit plagiarism is to cite exact words and phrases from authors. Next, if I learn information from a website, even if it is retained, I need to cite my source, considering it was not prior knowledge. Another way I will avoid academic dishonesty is by citing a source even if I only took one point from it. There are some instances in which a citation and source does not need to be documented, when the words on the paper have come directly from the writer. Overall, I have learned multiple ways to avoid plagiarism and will continue to not commit academic misconduct.

Plagiarism has been overlooked. Students fail to recognize this which can end with major consequences consisting of getting kicked out of a university or college. This issue needs to be resolved to have students fully participating in school and rid them of the thoughts they will not get caught, or it does not matter. Plagiarism is a serious offense and will come with repercussions that can affect a day, week, or even a whole life.

Updated: Feb 19, 2024
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Types And Consequences Of Plagiarism. (2024, Feb 19). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/types-and-consequences-of-plagiarism-essay

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