Two Million Minutes About Diversity in Education

Categories: DiversityEducation

I concur that trainees in China and India would learn more stuff from the high amounts of the curriculums from education system. It is affordable for one to think that students in China and India would typically be more smart after they get graduated since they discovered way much stuff from school in comparison with trainees who graduated within the same level of education in U.S.A.. It does suggest that students in China and India are smarter than United States students; it is just a declaration that trying to say trainees would have more knowledge and end up being more competitive to meet today's world demand.

In contrast between the United States with China and India, there is a certain distinction between the troubles of the curriculum within the instructional system. Even though one would believe that the academic system in US is the total and the most best one worldwide; the quantity of the curriculum contents students find out are really a lot less than trainees in China and India.

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Lots of people worldwide today would concur that students can discover curriculum with a much better quality within U.S.A., and it is a true declaration. However, some would argue that students would have a chance to find out method more things if they are students and take classes in China and India. It is sensible for a lot of individuals begin to question why the educational system in US would be less competitive with China and India. It is because trainees in China and India take way more courses and curriculums than trainees in USA.

The quantity of loads of school academic works is way much higher, which implies trainees in China and India would require to spend more time to handle substantial amount obviously and the level of difficulty is much higher along with in comparison to United States students at the same level of the grades. Possibly it is the cultural differences between the nations. USA is more democracy in terms of instructional route. It indicates every trainee in United States would have liberty to figure out courses choices while they enter high school.

The academic workloads would be way much less as well, because they only have to focus on the related major. However, it is different in China and India, students there would have no choice but to take every single course school system has designed for them to take with. And the academic workloads are way much massive than any student in US can imagine. The time students in China and India need to prepare for a course would be way much than an ordinary student needs to do so, because it is very competitive in China and India.

One other important reason for students in China and India to be more active on studying is because they students would receive severe punishment right away once they fail to achieve certain academic goals, and they punishment could be either physical one or spend a lot of time to write more assignments as a punishment. Students in USA would never worried about he physical punishment because the law protects students from been physically punished, therefore a lot of students would not even care about the academic performances, because they know nothing can ever happen for the foreseeable future.

And if a student happens to fail a course in US, all he or she needs to do is to retake the course next semester, and no one would feel pressure about that because the courses are pretty straight simple anyways. Most American students would need to take a part time job since their high school life, so a lot of students do not get good chance to spend enough time to focus on their academic performance. The priority would be different for every student, because some of the students have a better family economy, and some students would need to make their own income in order to make the school tuition paid.

Therefore, even if the students in US wish to put more effort into studying, the surrounding environment might not allow them to do so. And it becomes a very common thing for a student to have a part time job during their academic semester. The downside of this thing is that it becomes a great excuse for a student not to attend to a class or a meeting because of their job related duties. For example; a student would likely to miss every single group discussion due to the after school work schedule.

Another example critical would be that a student cannot make an available schedule to take the final exam, therefore he or she has to drop the courses due to the unavailability of attending to the exam in order to complete the course. Every students would start to take different courses ever since they get into school, and it means from the time high school started, everyone student would learn different curriculums and start to have differences in terms of academic knowledge.

Some students would start to take major specific concentrated courses such as music and math. So the areas of studying would be very different at all. And some students would be lost ever since then, because they have no clue what they are going to become after they get graduated, so they would just pick whatever course they think it sound good. A lot of students do not really care about their future, because they cannot be sure what they are going to do.

And one of the important is that a lot of students might not have a clue about the path of the academic they are going through because they do not get enough assistances while they are not so sure about the system and their future. Some of the students would start to think about their careers and start to think a way to collect capital to start a business, and it make them start to work more in order to save more money in a short period of time.

If this happens, the students would have less time to complete their education on time, and the effort they are willing to put into the academic are less than average students. And one important element that motivate student to find a job during his or her academic semester is the direct influence from school. Schools would invite companies to put advisement in the school advertising area to attract and encourage student to get a job. This would make students to believe it is necessary and very normal to get a job while studying.

This is certainly a good thing to do, because earning money and engage with the society can benefit students in terms of building relationship with other employees and gain experience from the work. So it become a socially accepted behavior for a student to get a job, and most parents would agree that their child should be put into workforce while they are young, so the child can start to learn how to interact with the society instead sitting at home watching TV. Students in China and India simply do not have time to work as a student worker; they have too much burden on their school academic work already.

Students can hardly have time to spend with their families because they have to attend to tutorials before and after school hours. Perhaps it is the differences between cultures, one emphasizes on the academic performance of the students, the other one focus on the relationship with the society. Both China and India think that education is number priority of the students to have than anything else. And although it is also the number one priority set for student in USA, however, the way US education has light contents in comparison with China and India.

The load of school academic work has a lot difference, and one would be able to tell if he or she actually been to both different countries to experience the differences of the academic contents. USA generally has an educational system that has a good reputation for quite a while. The quality of the educational system is greater than the Asian countries. The laws and regulations are set to ensure that every student has a right to complete necessary education on their will. It is not enforcement or anything like that for students in US.

The academic performance has no impact on their free life since students may proceed to do whatever they wish to do even though they choose to abandon schools. There are evidence showed that the average ages of students in high schools and colleges are much higher than students in China and India. The reasons behind this are because student in USA spend there youth to pursue easy courses and also doing something else while they were attending schools. It makes them to have slow progress or even make their school years stopped for whatever reasons they face.

It is not a pure educational environment for the student in USA, because there is no extreme enforcement to make them stay in the right track to complete the education. Unlike in China and India, the timeline has been set for every student and to the reason for this is because that the education academic system wants the students to complete the necessary education in time and makes no excuses to anyone. Less social engagement would be seen in China and India while students are taking classes during the school semesters.

And also, in the vacation break like summer and winter, it do not really mean a vacation for students in China and India, because most of them are asked to take courses during that specific period of time. It is not a choice of freedom for them, because the courses offered during the vacation time actually counts and academic grades, which means if some people do not attend to the class, they will not only get grades, their academic progress would be left behind and there is no way they can catch up, it is like missing classes with the full load of the contents everyday.

School’s progress would move on without those students, if the classes offered during the vacation is a requirement or the prerequisite for the incoming semester, then the students might have to drop out from school and wait for another chance to get in in the future. And it is very rare to see the age of student people dropped out from school, unless it is in USA. In USA, it is not hark to see older age people to take the same classes as the young student together, because it has become a culture norm.

It means the students in USA would no longer feel pressure about the academic progress, at least, not too seriously, after school, no matter it is college students or high school students, they would just do something else rather than studying about the academics. And actually, the academics in USA is very simple, so it is really easy to catch up with the following semester, if some people dropped out at current semester, the same courses would always be offered next term, and the progress would be easily be caught up.

The reason why there is a big gap between US education academic system with China and India is because US emphasize on maintaining freedoms for the students, and sometimes the freedoms would make people become lazy and slow because there is no pressure or enforcement at all. So China and Indian created an educational system to defeat US students in way of academic progresses and students’ performances.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Two Million Minutes About Diversity in Education essay
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