If I Have 10 Million Dollars

What would you do if, for example, you won a million dollars in the lottery? Never mind your chances of winning are just slightly better than the chances of being abducted by aliens. Even so, winning the lottery is a favorite daydream for a lot of us.

If I had a million dollars, I'm guessing I would definitely crave for more. Perhaps I would try to discover a way to double the million, preferably not using anything against the law. It seems that no matter how much money you have, it's never enough.

Lots of hands are reaching out, even now, but there'd be many more reaching out if I had a million dollars!

Nevertheless, I'd admit that having a million dollars would be a lot of fun. I wonder how much of a million would be left after tax? Yes, I'd most likely give at least a tenth of it to the church and some to the charity. I'd even give some to help the folks who can't help themselves, but, unless I suddenly became some kind of financial genius, all that money would disappear quickly.

Of course, if I had a million dollars, I would spend a lot of it on myself, hopefully not too selfishly, but first of all, half of what was left would be safely stored at a bank in Swiss for future use.

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After the money was stored, what I spent with the rest of it would be history. Perhaps I'd get a few houses in the tropical islands, a couple of new computers, laptops, and walk-in closets in each, advanced payment for the CDs I wished to own.

I'd also to invest in a six-year trip around the world with a year for each continent and three more months in Antarctica, and loads of material things would satisfy me, but who knows what I'll have come up with by then.

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After I'd gotten what I wanted for the time being, I would give some of the remaining money to my family and relatives for them to split among themselves, and perhaps some of it on educational benefits for me. If I were older, though, I would certainly need to spend it on my family, on cars and groceries, and all the required expenses of an adult. It hurts my head to think about all the numerous possibilities - and, the problems, of having a million dollars.

Yet then, again, with bizarre things like this, only God knows. Would I not be obsessive with my money and live a normal life, or would I think I deserved everything because I had a million dollars? I could go on and on about what I'd do with the money, but truthfully, I would think about the money and what worth it had for me. After all, I'd be the one to own the million dollars, and what I do with it would be my choice and no one else's. If you ask me, I'd like to keep things simple and not think too much about the possibilities. I'd like to think that I'd simply be a million dollars richer! All right, so send in the million, and we'll see how I do.

Updated: Dec 29, 2020
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If I Have 10 Million Dollars. (2016, Nov 20). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/if-i-have-10-million-dollars-essay

If I Have 10 Million Dollars essay
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