TV has bad effects on children: Agree or disagree

Categories: Children

From technological perspectives, we are in a splendid age. Nowadays, TV as an item of technology has actually turned to an integral part of our lives. This concern that "TELEVISION has bad impacts on kids "is a controversial one and can be approached from different angles due to its complexity; however in my opinion, a closer examination exposes that brand-new generation is maturing addicted to the TV as it has never ever been truer than it is today. Specifically, it has really bad results on children.

We can consider unfavorable effects of TELEVISION on kids in numerous aspects.

Firstly, it is bad for their health; second, it is harmful for their minds and it plays devastating role of their worths. My arguments for these reasons are noted as follows. First off, when they enjoy TV for long hours, they do not get a great deal of workout. Often, they consume snacks such as cookies, potato chips and so on while viewing TELEVISION.

On the other hand, they need to get a lot of workouts and play active games.

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They likewise need to consume healthy and energetic foods like peanut and fresh fruits. Thus, watching television does not motivate any of these. Second, when all their leisure time is managed by the 'goggle box', they would be motivated by passive satisfaction. They end up being content with 2nd-- hand experiences. Gradually, TELEVISION cuts them off from the real life and also desecrates their creativities.

Thus, it will be difficult for the society to keep pace with its demands and maintain high standards of an advanced one in the future.

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The last but certainly not least, research has proved that children are exposed to huge information which just some of them is educational and they do not always understand the difference. For instance, television can have serious sexual content and much violence which could not be good for innocent young minds. Thus, if children learn about adult topics from TV, they will have a distorted view of the world.

After all, it can be concluded that although advantages of TV are so significant such as educating and entertaining programs, they can not overshadow its disadvantages and so it should not be a big part of any child’s life.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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TV has bad effects on children: Agree or disagree. (2016, May 13). Retrieved from

TV has bad effects on children: Agree or disagree essay
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