Turning Points For The Neolithic Revolution

Neolithic revolution which is the period of the stone age related with the ancient Agricultural revolution, and also domestication of plants and animals. Neolithic revolution first occurred 8500 BCE and they didn’t locate near river valley because they needed certain technology to get the water to irrigate. They tend to locate though where there was natural rainfall since technological revolution didn’t evolve until that era. Water was needed to grow crops therefore natural rainfall was needed for Neolithic revolution. In addition, agricultural revolution highlighted the change in food production and due to the agriculture appeared in many other places.

The first thing that would have domestically were animals, and in animals’ dogs came first. They would use dogs because they understand human emotions and signs better than any other thing. As book mention, “animal droppings provided valuable fertilizer” which shows how human use animals for their food production and to grow crops. Furthermore, some of the principle consequences were population increase, urbanization, differentiation of labor/social stratification, government and law, and inventing of writing.

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One example explained in lecture of population increase is if you try to control your food supplies, therefore people would expect population increase. If woman were having twins, she won’t be able to produce enough breast milk for two babies hence, the woman would have to leave one of her children in forest to die by exposure or die by an animal.

Urbanization created bit more option for many people in the camp and looking at differentiation of labor, they were many people who were not doing farming.

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Furthermore, government and law were needed to keep everything organized where societies would be on the same page. Lastly, they need to keep records to everything they have and record how much food production where brought in. Overall, both book and lectures emphasized on Neolithic revolution occurred in ancient near East. Also, communities during that time “lacked social and technological complexity to make irrigation system.”  This shows how technology weren’t enough to make more food production.

Example 2. Why Was the Neolithic Revolution a Turning Point in History

Turning points changed history. Turning points have had significant and lasting impact on human development. The Neolithic Revolution was one such point.  The Neolithic Revolution was a major change from the Paleolithic Revolution. It went from hunting and gathering to farming. Migration occurred for in search of food. Soon enough, nomads learned to farm and cultural diffusion started and trade which were one of many main reasons from the change to the Neolithic Revolution from the Paleolithic Revolution.

The Neolithic Revolution made a major impact on the course of events on human history. There were many advancements made as tools, agriculture and the domestication of animals. Families could settle and produced their own food and crops. The eight elements of culture or the way people lived contributed in people’s lives a lot and still to this day. Politics which is government and laws, protection and the start of leaders in a city, soon developed by the rise of civilizations. Economy is the way a culture gets the things it needs such as farming and trade.

Religion is beliefs and rituals of a culture, which follows art, the expressions of a cultures idea. Geography is the land, location, and resources. Language plays a big part for communication, the starting of the writing system. The customs are traditions of a culture. Society the last element, the type of people in a culture. Civilizations gave a steady food supply, advanced technology, form of writing, architecture, religion, laws and specialized jobs.

In conclusion, the Neolithic Revolution has impacted the development of civilization and is one of many turning points in all of mankind. Community, writing systems, population increase, religion, and more contributed to humans lives in many ways, from the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution. The starting of homes happened and advanced things people still use today happened from the Neolithic Revolution.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Turning Points For The Neolithic Revolution. (2016, Jun 13). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/turning-points-for-the-neolithic-revolution-essay

Turning Points For The Neolithic Revolution essay
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