Trojan War and Iliad

Categories: The Iliad

Why Schedule XXIV is called the furious book of Iliad?
* Since the body of Hector was being kept and tortured by Achilles even it is already dead. Due to the fact that of his anger he wishes to revenge to Hector despite the fact that he can not combat any longer. a.What infliction does anger do to a person?

* I makes the individual do something horrible without understanding, what will occur next. 5

. Reserve XXIV
a. Do you think that sufferings join individuals and prosperity divides them?

* Yes, because when people suffer they find each other as a buddy who will help to overcome their issues.

When they unify they can quickly overcome their sufferings; and when somebody has the prosperity they forgot to share their blessings to others since they don't desire to lose their wealth. So they tend to be self-centered and it is the start of dispute of the individuals. 6. How does Achilles alter throughout the poem?

* When Priam speak with him to return the body of Hector.

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He likewise call twelve days stop to the war for the funeral of Hector. 7. What is the function of ladies in The Iliad? Does the poem contain any strong female characters, or do the acts and deeds of males dominate the work? * The Iliad definitely contains strong female characters. Athena and Hera rank among the most powerful forces in the book * In the mortal sphere, nevertheless, The Iliad has little to use in the way of strong female figures. Really few ladies enter the story at all, and the women who do appear normally fall into one of 2 classifications: property, such as Chryseis and Briseis, or interlocutors for male characters, such as Helen and Andromache.

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Homer uses Helen to expose the afraid underside of Paris's character and to highlight the Achaean commanders when she explains them to Priam on the Trojan ramparts. Andromache assists to make Hector an understanding character and supplies the stimulus for his speech in Book 6 about the fate of Troy.

Thus, the significance of both women lies not in themselves but in the ways they illuminate the men around them. The two may seem to be important characters because of the high status they enjoy relative to other women, but compared to The Iliad’s warriors they are little more than props 8. What role does fate play in the emotional and psychological effect of The Iliad? Why does Homer make his characters aware of their impending dooms? * In deciding to make his characters knowledgeable about their own futures, he loses the effect of dramatic irony. But Homer doesn’t sacrifice drama; in fact, this technique renders the characters more compelling. They do not fall to ruin out of ignorance, but instead become tragic figures that go knowingly to their doom because they have no real choice. In the case of Hector and Achilles, their willing submission to a fate they recognize but cannot evade renders them not only tragic but emphatically heroic.

9. Is there a “heroic code” that guides the decisions of the characters in The Iliad? Discuss the values of the Homeric hero, paying particular attention to contrasting characters such as Achilles, Odysseus, Paris, and Hector. Does one character emerge as more heroic than the rest? Does one character emerge as less heroic? * One hero in the Iliad stands out in particular as the epitome of the ‘heroic code'. Achilles the one hero only who is fighting for pure heroics so to our minds he is a cruel, selfish and even hateful young man. but there is no doubt that he is a hero * In all of the other heroes heroic code is complicated or diminished by their characters in some way: in Odysseus it is amenable to practical and political considerations: in Paris it is set aside for a desire for pleasure: and in Hector it is complicated by the needs of others. 10. List at least five key learning that you get from the epic “ILIAD”

* Anger leads to unwanted fallout
* We cannot escape the fate
* Love and loyalty makes a two person strong
* Parents will do everything for the sake of their children
* Do not put your own desires above the good of the community.
* Fighting with those who cannot fight is disgrace

(i do not own some of the info here :) credit to the owner)

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Trojan War and Iliad essay
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