Transportation Revolution 1800's

Categories: Transport

A revolution in the type of transportation transformed America permanently. Between the 1800's and 1840's numerous roadways and canal were constructed, most popular were the National Roadway and the Erie Canal. This transport transformation likewise assisted spark the marketplace revolution. With easier transport, came explosive financial growth and chances in production and manufacturing. Out in the frontier, better referred to as the west, the economy started to play an important role in the United States' economics.

With fertile land and soil, the west was booming with cotton sales and development; however, just with significant aid from Eli Whitney's cotton gin.

The cotton gin was at the time, an advanced development that produced, rather of five pounds in one day, one hundred pounds in one day. This meant that the cotton market might grow through textiles and factories in New England. Through different canals and roadways, the transportation of these items was quick, so the factories could manufacture them quicker.

These items could then be sold to Americans and help America’s economy.

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The north and west were connected mainly, for the south’s land was all used up and the roads and canals were not as plentiful as in the north and west. However, the south did have products like rice, tobacco, and indigo that could be sent to the north for manufacturing and distribution through the United States. The three regions all had a specialized task that was part of the national economy.

If one failed to fulfill their role, the whole economy might collapse.

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Advanced transportation systems in the forms of roads and canals, created a commercially linked economy. The north, south, and west all depended on each other to do certain things and transportation aided them with this. Job growth, industry growth, and a specialized division of labor were all outcomes from the revolutionary transportation systems.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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