Transformational Leadership Transactional Leadership Charismatic Leadership

In this model, it is exceptionally hard to balance one’s ego. It gets so easy to tamper with others for self-satisfaction. While good leadership quality involves the need for sharing credit, transformational leadership is not so. This model understands well how to pick up criticism with grace without passing the back or even blaming others (Sharma & Jain, 2013).

The leaders freely admit their failures and work hard to improve on them. Transactional leadership is resistant to change. It does not seek any transformation and tends to be highly resistant.

Leaders want everything to remain the way they are and does not believe in making improvements in their working environment. This has a sense of humility. They place value on every employee and takes time to listen to their concerns. They possess the ability to convince an employee of how they are valued in the organization, thus inspiring loyalty among the employees.

Transformational leadership has the ability to inspire collaboration among team members.

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They value teamwork in the achievement of their goals and objectives since one person cannot hold power to make every decision (Sharma & Jain, 2013). This appeals to the self-interest of an employee. It does not value teamwork or collaboration in the achievement of goals. If an employee achieves a goal, they get rewarded They believe in self-improvement. This quality makes them aware of their supreme personality (Avolio & weber, 2009).

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They are self-monitoring and considers displaying a good image to their followers.

Encourages creativity and autonomy. They need to collaborate since at one point they will not be in the organization and needs to rely on others endowed with creative minds to innovate and with ability to work without close supervision (Avolio & weber, 2009). Does not uphold creativity and autonomy. This gives the employees the freedom to exercise their creativity to achieve their goals.

Comparison of Leadership styles to the leadership Models

The charismatic leadership model closely relates to servanthood leadership style, and this embraces power-sharing and the need to prioritize teamwork as well as giving value to the employees (Avolio & weber, 2009). This leadership style bears a high level of insight which cannot be achieved by sitting above one's followers. It involves walking the same lane with the staff and engaging directly in their daily activities (Hersey & Johnson, 2007). This provides the leader with an insight into their problems and concerns. This leadership style also relates to the transformational model, which values collaboration and teamwork.

The paternalistic leadership style relates majorly to charismatic leadership model. In this, the leader is assumed to act as the father and protects the employees as his family. He/she provides a good working condition for them and other fringe benefits to motivate them (Avolio & weber, 2009). Presumably, the employees will work extra hard due to the gratitude offered to them. Participative leadership style will take more of transformational and charismatic other than just transformational. This is characterized by a consultation of the subordinates and involves them in the formulation of goals and policies (Hersey & Johnson, 2007).

Teamwork and collaboration are embraced, and employees are led through persuasion rather than force or fear (Hersey & Johnson, 2007). In several occasions, the leader acts as a moderator of the suggestions and ideas which comes from the groups. In this case employees will feel recognized and appreciated by the organization and as a result, there is a reduction in grievances, improved morale, improve job performance and reduced employee turnover (Hersey & Johnson, 2007). Participative leadership is closely associated with charismatic leadership model.


Sharma, M. K., & Jain, S. (2013). Leadership management: Principles, models and theories. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies, 3(3), 309-318.

Avolio, B. J., Walumbwa, F. O., & Weber, T. J. (2009). Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions. Annual review of psychology, 60, 421-449. Hersey, P., Blanchard, K. H., & Johnson, D. E. (2007). Management of organizational behavior (Vol. 9). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice hall.

Updated: May 20, 2021
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Transformational Leadership Transactional Leadership Charismatic Leadership essay
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