Theories of development and professional supervision

Categories: Theory

Understand the purpose of professional supervision in health and social care or children and young people’s work setting 1.1 Analyse the principles, scope and purpose of professional supervision. Supervision is a process in which a worker is given responsibility to work with another to meet organisation, professional activities. The objectives are competent, accountable performance, continuing professional development and personal support. The purpose of professional supervision gives the opportunity for employer and worker to come together to reflect on work practise and reflect and evaluate their work through discussion, report and observation.

When as a manager I undertake any supervision my aim is to identify solutions to any problems, improve practise and increase understanding of any issues.

I will cover such topics for example workload, training, skill and competence. I will also give positives and praise good practise. The objectives are competent, accountable performance, continuing professional development and personal support. Supervision addresses the need to develop knowledge and skills and the need to be concerned with quality.

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Covers the need to ensure that professional standards are maintained and policies and procedures are followed and understood. And to support staff through learning from experience and reflective practise. 1.2 Outline theories and models of processional supervision. Davys and Beddoes 2010 supervision model integrate management and development and uses a triangle with each point having a supervisor function.

1 Managing service delivery,
2 Organisation policies, procedures and protocols,
3 Quality and quantity of work decisions and priorities.

For this model, (Stoltenberg & Delworth, 1987) it is necessary to modify the relationship to meet the supervisee's needs based on their current developmental level.

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Supervisors employing a development approach to supervision need to be able to accurately identify the supervisee's current stage of development and provide feedback and support appropriate to that developmental stage, while at thesame time assisting the supervisee's advancement to the next stage. Haynes, Corey, & Moulton, 2003

For example, supervisees at the beginning or novice stage would be expected to have limited skills and lack confidence, while middle stage supervisees might have more skill and confidence and have conflicting feelings about perceived independence/dependence on the supervisor. A supervisee in a later developmental stage is expected to employ good problem-solving skills and be reflective about the counselling and supervisory process (Haynes, Corey, & Moulton, 2003)

1.3 Explain how the requirements of legislation, codes of practice and agreed ways of working influence professional supervision. Agreed ways of practice have influenced our supervision by the requirements of nursery we can ensure that staff are supported within the company and codes of practice followed, supervisions are one of the ways we meet that requirement. It is also within the workers contract to have 1 supervisions with in an annual period, but for new recruits we like to give as much support as possible and see them weekly the first 12 weeks of working

1.4 Explain how findings from research, critical reviews and inquiries can be used within professional supervision. Findings from research and reviews are used within professional supervision, as serious safeguarding and possible loss of life can and have happened, by putting into supervisions a more emphasis on learning lessons and improving practice. Giving support to workers and building up a relationship that they feel they can talk about any issues they may have or seen. Giving example of case reviews where there has been a failing and informing of the importance of reporting, for example the undercover footage by the BBC by staff to residents with learning disabilities at winterbourne view hospital.

By setting out a set and clear questions within the paperwork and within the discussions that policies and procedures need to be adhered to that all aspects are covered and are effective to ensure the safety of staff and clients. 1.5 Explain how professional supervision can protect the Individual. Supervision can protect the individual by the fact that it is recorded so anyone involved cant back tract on what has been said. Its an opportunity to discuss and issues and how they can be resolved in accordance to procedures, working practice, example poor moving and handling is not protecting the individual. Covering this in supervisions to ensure training is up to date and they are confidant would be to protect the individual.


By covering all aspects within the supervision the supervisor can be confident that they are supporting and developing the staff to their best potential and able to address any issues that arise within the correct timeframe required ensuring that they are protected by putting into place the correct procedures, also able to have a record of this.


Supervisions can protect the supervisee by insuring confidentiality if serious issues are raised. By reflecting on best practice and developing their skills. Also that they are recorded and kept on file so that any issues raised is not followed up then they have a record to fall back on.

1.6 Explain the performance management cycle.

There are 5 points to the management cycle.

Planning, the supervisor should establish measurable goals in line with company operational plans and consult with staff when creating these goals. Supervisor should meet with staff to create their performance plans. It is within this stage that the supervisor has opportunity to explain to staff how their performance has a direct impact on how the work unit will achieve their goals. Monitoring, supervisor should monitor staff progress not only when review is due but on a continuous basis. By monitoring this allows the supervisor to make any corrections or adjustments if needed to achieve a successful outcome. Monitoring also identifies their progress whether favourable or unacceptable if unacceptable monitoring enables the supervisor to identify problems early and gives an opportunity period in place before rating record is due.

Developing, by continuous monitoring the supervisor should be able to determine if staff need additional development to achieve responsibilities assigned to them, for example, formal training, informal training and additional responsibilities. Development also includes enhancing good performances. Rating, the knowledge gained from the monitoring of staffs performance will be used by the supervisor to compare their performance against standards, a rating will be assigned to them. Through the process many discussions will be held during the rating period and staff will be made aware of this. Rewarding, the supervisor should make aware the difference in above performance and meeting the standards set out, by looking back on targets and goals set out and reached and ensuring that rewards are given and their work is recognised. Setting to new goals and how they can be reached.


Analyse how professional supervision supports performance.

Professional supervision helps staff to achieve their goals, by helping them recognise good practise and performance giving support in areas that they may struggle to achieve. By my monitoring on individual staff performance where I check their observation, assessment and planning I’ am able first to find out myself which part of the work staff did not understand on induction and further inner or outer training. Then I could explain it once more, where I record that and ask staff to sign it. If in the future staff did not perform well I’ am able to come back to the recorded meetings and ask why they did not ask for further assistance when the issue was explained. Then staff could understand that is not possible to say to me as a manager that they did not know what to do. Further to performance meetings I do check they work with the key children which I ask to record in the child individual file. I set up child file as example but on the performance monitoring is often clear to me that staff is unable to follow child sample file.

Then I do write detailed information what to do in steps and ask for review of that monitoring meeting to set up next goals/steps for staff to achieve, given dates to achieve my set up goals usually push the staff to finish in on time. Point in writing exactly what they have to do help them by following instructions do it the way up to my standards set in the nursery. Also I do ask staff to reflect their work on action plans which on the same monitoring meetings are discus and any new idea of doing it by their way me as manager take in consideration which support both of our performance , mine, that particular staff and other staff who also benefits from the good action plans.

All professional supervision meetings and outcomes recently I started to email to everybody working in the nursery which also surprisingly to me but supports their performance as they compare to each other themselves. By my performance monitoring I also Identify training needs. I ask staff to attend needed and check if that happen. Meetings give staff a better and clear understanding of responsibilities, which I record on my monitoring sheets for me to remember and swap if needed. By rewarding good performance within the supervision I hope to make a higher standard of service.

2.3 Analyse how performance indicators can be used to measure practice. Performance indicators help define and measure progress towards goals set out by me as a manager. I use my own performance indicators on different forms where I’am able to monitor uniforms as required, following our policies, hygienic level, planning, assessments and observations if done by EYFS, action taken to improve practice, staff meetings attended, training opportunity taken, sharing responsibilities fulfilled etc Please see enclosed forms Having those performance indicators in place give me relevant measures within each area of their work. By putting those together by rooms, I’ am able to compare performance of the rooms, and differences between good practice by terms.

Having issue with the room performance I am able to measure leading the teams and support needed for leaders or changing of their way of work if performance did not improve. I also use parents/carers feedback as an indicators of measure our practice. For those who have something to comment as could be improved or is needed to change I write back on sharing information sheets what we will do or what is happening to inform parents of they were not able to find those information yet. Last term carers feedback helps me to set up screen in the reception area with all the information regarding our planned activities/events as posters on the door did not work for everybody. Adding children photos makes it more interesting and this term there was not any comments of the parents that they do not know when which event is taking place.

This term feedback indicate to me that there is not continuous approach to age and abilities of he children in preschool room, which I pointed to staff and asked verbally and in writing that must happen. It was probably due to new leader room, who did not find it as a good practice from previous terms, but is important to support learning of the children in the room whose age varies from 2.5 year to 4.5 years old. The issue I did not sorted yet by indicators to measure staff performance are late arriving to playrooms after breaks, monitoring indicated to me the issue but no my verbal request and no my writing request change that, and I am not able to follow each staff each day to change that.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Theories of development and professional supervision essay
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