The Yalta Conference During World War 2

The Yalta Conference was called together by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The three allied leaders, being, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and President Franklin himself. Together they each had their own goals, and negotiation became essential. The war in Europe was nearly over, and the question on what to do with Germany was a main priority. The allied leaders rendezvoused in the Russian Crimea, February 1945. Controversy has surrounded the conference ever since. In relation to the "sellout at Yalta", that is not adequately true.

President Roosevelt was ill and weary minded, but he did not let this affect his better judgment. Many critics throughout history have stated that President Roosevelt was ill and too weak to stand up to Joseph Stalin's cunningness, but in fact, he was more alert than ever before.

Each of the allies at the Yalta Conference had their own goals. Britain sought to make France a partner in the postwar occupation of Germany, to curb Soviet influence in Poland, and to ensure protection for the vulnerable British Empire.

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Joseph Stalin had many demands that angered Winston Churchill; President Roosevelt became the prime negotiator in the disagreement. The Soviet Union wanted war reparations from Germany to rebuild their homeland and continue their influence in Poland. Stalin also wanted a massively hurt Germany so it would never attack mother Russia in the future. In return the United Nations Organizations, being represented by the United States exercised its influence for a Soviet declaration of war against Japan to aid in ending the war in the Pacific, for recognition of China as a major power; and for compromise between rival factions in Poland.

Military agreements began to show on Russia's side of the table and the British Prime Minister grew hot.

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Soviet troops occupied those countries in eastern Europe that they liberated, including Poland, and Stalin repeatedly pointed out that twice German armies had marched through Poland into Russian territory, killing millions. Stalin sought a government friendly to Moscow, preferably the Lublin regime. He also wanted Poland to have territory of Germanys', and that the Soviet Union would acquire part of Poland. Churchill disagreed because he wanted the London government back in Poland. With President Roosevelt's help, a compromise was reached: a boundary favorable to the Soviet Union in the east; postponement of the western boundary issue, the creation of a "more broadly based" coalition government that would include members of the London regime; and free elections to be held sometime in the future.

Many critics must realize Russia, herself, was in a tight situation, being a target in both world wars. The Soviets sought to protect themselves, not much could be done in relation to their demands, President Roosevelt did "the best I can do" Not to mention the fact that the Soviet Union did occupy Poland at the present time. The United States, Britain, and the Soviets decided upon the idea to divide Germany into four zones. France, America, Britain, and the Soviets would all occupy a zone; Berlin was now in Stalin's hands. The total cost of the damages came up to around 20 billion dollars, half which would go to the Soviets. The give a little-take a little strategy was at its best.

Overall the Yalta Conference was a success, until it died off in time. In exchange for Russia's pledge to enter the war in the Far East, Russia was given the Kurile Islands, the southern half of Sakhalin, and an occupation zone in Korea, and was granted privileged rights in Manchuria and in the Chinese cities of Dairen and Port Arthur. The United States and Great Britain both agreed to recognize Outer Mongolia. In the end, Russia now had an equal membership in the United Nations. With the entire conference in mind, this was indeed not a sellout conference.

Sure the Russians received more benefits, but they were also the ones that suffered the most damaging effects of the war. By all means the Soviets will do better in the Conference, because they were involved more. President Roosevelt was sick, but that did not get in the way of his better judgment when helping out his friend Winston Churchill. It was with his strategic diplomacy that members of the London regime acquired positions as well. The Sellout at Yalta ceases to exist and President Roosevelt held up his end of the bargain.


  1. A People A Nation 6th Edition Pg.782
  2. Encyclopedia of American History pg.387
Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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