Teenage pregnancy is the condition of being pregnant of adolescence aged 10 to 19 years old. Those who are affected are the girl herself up to the national society. The victims of teenage pregnancy are the girl herself, her child, her parents and relatives and the national society. It will also probably make her economically vulnerable. Teenage pregnancy should be discouraged since it put a strain on parents. Mothers usually face numerous problems at their teenage years. On that note, the parents of the expectant teenagers must incur expenses regarding medication involving themselves in teen parenthood besides making ends meet for the whole family.

Therefore, teenage pregnancy should be eradicated through the creation of awareness on the negative impacts on teenage pregnancies, education for the young people about safe sex and sexually as well as reducing poverty in the society.

Discovering the problem of Teenage pregnancy it should be eradicated due to its impact on the rise of social responsibility.

The current society is burdened with social responsibility due to increased birth rates, high costs of living due to population growth and increase in costs especially in medication, loss of human capital and welfare of the public.

However, reduction of teenage pregnancies leads to the diversion of funds that would otherwise be wasted to good use hence leads to a long-term reduction in costs and improvement in the quality of life.

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On that note, teenage mothers should be counseled and left to stay in school besides encouraging proper nutrition. This age 15-19 experiences their sexual development hence positive advertisement should be encouraged on education on sexuality.

One of the reasons why teenagers are already aware with this topic is because of media.

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They get a higher knowledge to sex from the magazines, TV shows, internet, movies and other media. These shows make us realize that the rate of this problem is getting higher and it is getting usual. There are a lot of reported cases regarding teenage pregnancy since the past few years until now.

According to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), teenage pregnancy has a huge rate in the Philippines, especially among the poor. 2/3 of Filipinos, who give birth before age 20, belongs to the low-class society. Data from the National Statistics Office showed that 8 percent among 1.7 million babies born in 2004 were born to mothers 15-19 years old. Young mother gave birth to 818,000 babies in 2000 alone. This means, almost one of every 10 babies are born to teenage mothers. The risk is, almost 10 percent of the born babies from young mothers are malnourished. As years passed by, the statistics are getting higher. According to the study done by the Population Institute of the University of the Philippines, more than 46 percent of teenage pregnant woman resort to induced abortion which is against the law and the Church; 2 of every 5 teenage pregnancies are unwanted ones. If the government won’t start acting on this, this problem will be worse as years goes by.

In this situation teenage pregnancy leads to increased poverty in the society hence it should be abolished. Poverty status of the teenage mothers is currently on the rise due to reduction of the likelihood the teenage mothers to complete school besides the lack of a source of income for both the mother and the baby. This poverty situation is typically prolonged in life since the child would not get better education due to the limited opportunity for the parents to seek employment. On that note, this pathetic life leads to health deterioration due to depression and low self-esteem. Teenage pregnancies are responsible for high risks in health-related infections among teen mothers and their babies. The parents usually exhibit mental problems due to stress and depression as well as physical injuries which may lead to death especially at the time of delivery. Over health related problems resulting from such early pregnancies include anemia, hemorrhage, STD infections and high blood pressure. On that note, there are a lot of miscarriages during pregnancy that makes the teenagers at higher healthy risks. Besides, babies born at this period normally have low birth weights due to poor nutrition as well as being delivered prematurely.

From what teenagers have read about being a teen parent it isn’t as great as it sounds. No one wants to become a parent when they are a teenager. Teenagers are not able to get a decent education, and some teens don’t know what they want to do with their lives. Teens don’t want to stay home and take care of a child. There are many things teen mothers can do to help couples who have waited a long time to have a child, but could not conceive. A teen mother that isn’t ready and a woman who has waited awhile to have a child would be more prepared. Yes, a baby is really cute and all, but teenagers really need to think about what they are getting themselves into. There are many of things that teenagers have to give up one is by having a child at a young age, when they are a child themselves. Teens wouldn’t want to give up anything to take care of child. Teens should think about what they are doing before they accidently become teenage mother.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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The Victims of Teenage Pregnancy. (2020, Sep 14). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/the-victims-of-teenage-pregnancy-essay

The Victims of Teenage Pregnancy essay
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