Assessing Crisis: The Triage Approach

This paper will address the case of Ariadne and will cover the diagnostic skills and techniques used for screening addiction, aggression, and danger to oneself and others, as well as co-occurring mental disorders during crises, disasters, or traumatic events. It will assess the key components of such events, including the crisis nature and associated risks affecting client and counselor safety. The paper will distinguish between crisis states and appropriate reactions to life challenges, as well as differentiate crisis intervention methods for various populations.

Additionally, it will demonstrate the application of situationally appropriate, evidence-based crisis intervention skills and strategies by prioritizing responses to specific crisis scenarios.

Using the Triage Assessment

This paper will focus on examining the case of Ariadne, specifically looking at the diagnostic methods used to screen for addiction, aggression, and risk of harm to oneself and others, as well as co-occurring mental disorders during a crisis, disaster, or trauma-inducing event. The evaluation will involve analyzing key elements of the event such as the nature of the crisis, associated risks, and ensuring safety for both the client and counselor.

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It will also address distinguishing between crisis states and normal reactions to life challenges while offering crisis intervention strategies tailored to diverse populations. Furthermore, it will discuss utilizing evidence-based crisis intervention skills in appropriate contexts by prioritizing responses based on specific crisis situations. Ariadne is a seventeen-year-old Hispanic female who has run away, been brought back by the police, and has a history of suicidal ideation and attempted suicide using her father's prescription pills.

Ariadne initially sought counseling but found it unsuitable, choosing to confide in her friends instead.

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Despite having a close male friend, their relationship is not romantic. Ariadne's strict parents have caused her to skip school, leading to her mother discovering vodka and pills in her room. The Triage Assessment for Crisis Intervention was utilized to assess Ariadne's mental, emotional, behavioral, and physical condition, revealing an elevated risk of suicidal thoughts. Evaluating these risk factors helps clinicians effectively address crises such as Ariadne's previous suicide attempts, indicating a high level of danger (Bethel, 2013).

Currently, Ariadne is showing urgent signs of crises including depression, avoidance, and the use of drugs and alcohol. According to Myers, Williams, Ottens, & Schmidt’s Crisis Assessment tool, Ariadne's affective signs include incongruent affect with situation, extended periods of intense negative moods, intense mood compared to situation, liability of affect, and effort required to control emotions. The crisis elements involve Ariadne's previous suicidal thoughts, plan, method, means, and attempt, as well as her tendency to run away from home and exhibit depression while seeking help, and her use of alcohol and drugs. With eight counseling sessions showing evolving feelings of isolation, anger, and anxiety, in the community and at home, Ariadne has medication and alcohol readily available in her room. Her past behaviors such as attempted suicide, running away, and substance abuse have endangered her personal safety.

Ariadne is facing a safety concern related to access to alcohol and medication, which has greatly impacted her well-being. Her crisis involves a mix of emotional and behavioral processes, exacerbated by her periodic depression and difficulties in managing anger. This indicates that her sociological and emotional responses have been compromised during her development (Erikson, 1963). Ariadne's struggle to cope appropriately suggests she has not gained self-knowledge and struggles to fit into society. Brown suggests that a person's identity, including physical and cognitive development, is influenced by their desire for acceptance from others.

The appropriate crisis intervention strategies for Ariadne involve conducting an intake and assessment interview, followed by scheduling a follow-up appointment. It is crucial for the clinician to consider all factors contributing to the situation in order to proceed effectively. The assessment will focus on evaluating Ariadne's current thoughts and feelings, identifying risk factors, and determining her ability to access natural supports. Understanding Ariadne's internal and external belief system will play a key role in maintaining her emotional stability.

Cultural differences play a significant role in shaping a patient's environment, and it is essential to consider the diverse populations. For instance, Ariadne, who is Hispanic, comes from a culture with strong beliefs, such as high involvement in their children's lives. This cultural aspect can be challenging for Ariadne, as she feels overwhelmed by her parents' constant questioning. It is crucial for all clinicians to possess multicultural competencies to effectively address these challenges and provide appropriate counseling. Additionally, Ariadne may face difficulties in having her psychological needs met within her culture, as certain health interventions are not commonly utilized.


  1. Bermudez, J. Z.-H. (2011). Experiences of Parenting Classes for Mexican American Mothers Parenting Alone; Offering Culturally Responsive Approaches. American Journal of Family Therapy, 360-364.
  2. Bethel, J. (2013). Assessment of Suicidal Intent in Emergency Care. Nursing Standard, 52-58.
  3. Brown, L. (2008). Living in Multiple Identities in the Context of Trauma:Cultural Competence in Trauma Therapy. American Psychological Association, 49-59.
  4. Erikson, E. (1963). Childhood and Society. New York: Norton.
  5. James, K. a. (2013). Crisis Intervention Strategies. Belmont: Brooks/Cole Cengage
  6. Learning. Myer, R. A. (n.d.). Triage Assessment Form: Crisis Intervention.
Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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