The Role of Setting in The Lottery Ticket

Categories: Psychology

The various kinds of setting used in "The Lotto Ticket" added to a greater fluency of the story's plot, a push in the character's action, and more notably exposing the style of the story. First of all, the time of day embeded in the story supplied the 2 characters, Ivan and Masha, a better opportunity to fantasize. Readers can discover in the introduction that the entire event took place "after dinner" (P198), the time of day at which people generally get more unwinded, satisfied and comfortable given that they just filled their stomach.

Therefore, it is more possible, than any other time of the day, for them to daydream, without recognizing the unreality.

Another kind of setting that affected the character's psychology and pressed the characters' actions is the cultural condition, of which in this story is when individuals get rich, they instantly presume people around them, including their closest individual, as if they all come for the money. Ivan Dimitritch, the protagonist, was affected by this setting that he resented his partner's relations and claimed them as the "sorrowful [and] detestable individuals", whereas his own relations were compared to the "reptiles" (201 ).

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The big modification in Ivan Dimitritch's psychology, from being "well satisfied with his lot" (P198) to being resentful and envious of his wife, shows how an impractical dream of cash can damage one's attitude toward everything one owns at the minute.

The contrast in the setting plays a more direct role in presenting the theme of the story. All the excitement and resentment “disappeared all at once” (P202) as part of Ivan’s fancy dream, when he finally found out the number is not match.

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The ending of the story does not only lead to a change in his psychology, but also a contrast in the room of the house. The house Ivan used to be satisfied with seemed “dark and small and low-pitched…” (P202) immediately after Ivan’s fantasy collapsed. The house is generally the symbolism of security and warmth that the majority of people are attached to. By using this contrast of the house, the author might want to illustrate how the hope he was given by the lottery ticket, of living a better life, stirred his values and satisfaction. The theme of the story is conveyed that when people are given hope of unrealistic dreams, they are very likely to lose their current happiness and contentment.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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The Role of Setting in The Lottery Ticket essay
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