The Role of Modern Education: Its Evolution


The purpose of this research paper is to focus on how the education system has evolved over the years. From the time of Britishers to now, there have been various changes that can be seen in the present-day scenario. The paper talks about how education system has modernized and its effects on the present-day scenario in education. This paper also intends to focus on the impact of modern variations and its impact on the minds of the youth. The paper also focuses on whether the evolution of education over the years has a profound effect on the minds or not.


The education system in India has evolved in various aspects since ancient time.

Diversity in fundamentals like language, culture and dialect etc.

are unique things about Indian education system. In the times of yore, India had the Gurukul System of education where the teacher and the pupils stayed together in a distant place. They were taught philosophy, arts, science administration and military techniques.

Guru was considered the central persona and the students returned the favor by helping their teacher in their daily chores.

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Example - women like Gargi and Maitreyi were prominent personas. They participated in scholarly researches and educational debates.

During medieval period Vedic schools and Madrasas were dominant before Britishers came into power. The Britishers introduced the modern education. They brought English language to India and the syllabus was limited to modern and specific subjects like science, mathematics, language, history, geography and civics. Philosophy and metaphysics were considered unnecessary at the school level education.

the teacher student relationship became stronger since the mode of teaching was mainly confined to the classroom.

After India got independence from British rule, the modern education system gradually evolved and progressed over time.

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There are four levels in the Indian education system. They are pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher secondary. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) are two important state boards. However, with the introduction of E-Learning through technology many schools are moving towards digitization's have increased their student's engagement with the smart teaching techniques like digital textbooks and e-learning.

From teaching religion, Vedas, scriptures etc. to coaching technologies like virtual reality, programming- there has been a major change in the Indian education system. Many English medium schools also came into existence that are giving the best of education and co-scholastic outlook to the students.

What Is Modern Education?

Before modern education came into existence, the traditional way of teaching was followed. Also known as customary education, the main motive of traditional education is to inculcate the values, manners skills and the social practice to the next generation which is considered necessary for their survival. A student learns about the customs and tradition of the society in traditional education system. A traditional classroom is a place where a teacher is the knowledge provider and the student play a passive role. Student is a mere listener who only focuses on absorbing the knowledge that’s being imparted by the student, with very less contribution of their own. Also, there is no use of science and technology in traditional education.

Modern education is very different from the traditional education. It is which is taught in the schools today. It plays a very significant role in development of skills of science and technology, science of medical science etc. that are very important. Modern education also includes writing, visualizing and thinking skills. It rather focuses on holistic development of a child. It includes written tests to examine if the students are learning properly or not Modern education is actually the evolution of the traditional education that was imparted to the students a few years back.

Modern day education is aided with a variety of technology, computers, projectors, internet, e-learning. There is diverse knowledge that is being spread among the people. With science making progress, everything has been comparatively simpler. There is much more to learn and to assimilate. For example, in today’s time internet provides abysmal knowledge. Everything one can think of is just one click away. There is no end to it. One can actually learn everything he wishes to and every topic has turned into a subject. Skill-development and vocational education has added a new feather to the modern system of education and there is something to learn for everyone.

Modern Methodologies

Existing modern methodologies have changed the educational environment and providing the students with better academic opportunities. There are various techniques that have forged over the years and come into picture. A few of them are:

Project Learning

It is a teaching based on projects that helps in development of integrated, key skills and acquiring the knowledge of curriculum content as well.

Cooperative learning

It is process where students work in a group that has a lot of positive impacts. Every member has an assigned task and a particular role to play in a coordinated manner.

Problem Based Learning

It is a cyclic learning process that consists of many stages that is asking questions and acquiring knowledge through it.

Visual Aids

Apart from the traditional visual aids like charts, pictures and models in the classrooms, modern visual aids include the picture slides, motion pictures, ICT etc.

Audio-Visual Aids:

They are widely being adopted and there is a separate audio-visual room or lab. children are showing much interest in computer-based learning like the Power point presentations with the growth of technology. It develops team work among the students as they are required to work in teams for such project-based learning. In such a Project based learning teacher acts as a facilitator to the taught and this involves the active participation of the student.


It is the learning Experiences delivered by Electronic Technologies. E-Learning Teaching Strategies like E-lecturing, E-discussion, E-monitoring, E-structured group activity, E-informal peer interaction, E-connected education, E-quality learning and simulation.


The development of modern technologies has definitely changed the educational scenario and set the academic bar too high. This is the reason why most of the schools are becoming so advanced and students have become such quick learners. It has improved the ways of learning in view of learning fashions.

Extended ability and application of the learning environment in real situations.

Cooperative and collaborative learning leading to working in groups.

Development of self-learning habits

Learning with the teacher rather than by the teacher

Development of inquiry –learning habits

Achieving right objective by using right information at right place

Exchange of learning experiences and information with other students and teachers

Teachers are able to teach anything and help every single student in building their skills in an easy way.

Therefore, the information technologies have helped the students in their learning process through their active participation on one hand and also helped the teachers on the other hand.

Integrated Modern Education

After doing a lot of research I found out how there were many schools that were unique in their own way and followed the modern, integrated education in unknown ways. One such school is Tamarind Tree, Maharashtra. The school is based on three approaches- Education, Environment Protection and Community Media.

Initiative by a couple, they went on to start a school, create organic farms, establish community radio and created an unparalleled ‘oral-history’ of the Warli tribes. Through these mediums they wanted to address the problems of social exclusion and lack of voice, which lie at the root of poverty. It is a school for tribal kids where the children learn through play, speak English and are learning technology too. You’ll be surprised to hear that a 2nd standard student here even knows how to send an email. The initiative was taken to preserve the history of the community and their eco-system.

Another such example is Mirambika School in New Delhi. Research Centre for Integral Education and Human Values, it is a center ahead of its time, focusing on Integral Education which is based on the Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. Their approach towards learning is based on the view that each individual comes into life with an evolutionary purpose and corresponding potentialities: educating means drawing out this potential. The school also provides for volunteers with different expertise and with the capability to work with children and contribute towards spearheading educational innovation and development. The different learning styles help children to grow up as responsible and self-reliant individuals.


With the help of Modern Teaching Technologies, learners are now able to participate in the activities of the learning communities throughout the world. Students, share information, learn collaboratively, exchange their learning experiences and work through cooperative activities in virtual learning communities. Modern Teaching Technologies lead to learning and teaching in more productive fashion. In a nutshell, Modern Teaching Technologies are resulting to meet the International standards by improving their teaching learning process.

In today's time, no sphere can exist without each other. The modern technology in the terms of education helps to bridge that gap. There’s assimilation of biological or scientific processes today. One can study being at home as well. Teachers have a lot more experience today and use modern technologies to prepare for classes. Every question or doubt in today’s time can be easily answered online with just one click and search. One can study at any university by learning online or what we call distance learning. Several years ago, this option was impossible but today you can easily make it happen.

But with the pros come the cons, too. Apart from all the advantages there are several disadvantages that modern technology has in today's time too.

The system as a whole has become too dependent on technology. With access to so much content online there’s nothing that a student can't learn on their own. This indirectly affects the role of a teacher in a classroom.

Hence, there are lots of things that have to be improved which will end up having many benefits for the society wouldn’t develop without academic progress.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024

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