The Risks Of Opioid Medication Usage

Categories: Health IssuesOpioids

An ongoing controversy in the United States today is the issue surrounding overdoses related to opioid medication. Is there a way to treat chronic pain without the use of opioids while still providing quality care to the full extent?

Despite the increasing death toll from opioid overdoses, many patient activists maintain that no guidelines should be placed on physicians and pain clinics. It has been said that “the drug overdoses are from methamphetamines and other illegal drugs not prescription drugs,” even though, in 2017, there were 42,249 overdose deaths related to prescription opioids compared to 34,679 overdose deaths related to methamphetamines and heroin combined.

Some argue that these individuals are ‘patients,’ not ‘addicts.’ A line is being strained between the two, contradicting the realism that some patients are or have become addicted to prescription painkillers. Addiction does not differentiate, and often is not a matter of choice. It is very possible to develop a physical dependence on opioids over time, which can lead to dependence.

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Opioids are commonly used ‘nonmedically,’ which means using a medication without advice or prescription from a licensed provider—or simply for the high that is felt when the medication is taken. In the U.S. today, opioid medications are the most abused prescription medication. In 2015, 227 million opioid prescriptions were prescribed in the United States. By 2011, there were five times more treatment admissions for opioids than in 2001. In 2014, three million people were nonmedical users of prescription opioids.

There are two different types of painkillers: narcotic opioid drugs and over the counter drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

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Aspirin works by going to the site of the pain and blocking pain signals from being sent to the brain. Although we may still have an injury, our body isn't letting our brain know it. Opioids work in a similar manner by blocking pain signals to the brain; however, they also alter the way the pain feels to the brain. This can translate to a feeling of euphoria, reduced inhibitions and a feeling of wellbeing. It is these feelings that drive people to misuse opioids.

Opioid drugs are most dangerous when used for a reason other than an injury or pain. But even when some people are prescribed these medicines and it still increases their risk for addiction (or even overdose) by not taking take them as prescribed such as, taking more pills at once, taking them more often, or combining them with other medications or alcohol. There is still a possibility of a patient becoming an addict even when they take the medication as prescribed.

In the United States, there are around 150 million people suffering from chronic illnesses and pain such as, chronic back pain and osteoarthritis. For some, long-term opioid treatment has provided relief without threatening their quality of life. But, other patients start to need higher doses more frequently to numb their pain, which can lead to dependence and addiction.

There is a small amount of data to support the positive side of opioids, but there is a large amount proof of their dangers and addiction potential. One study found that, among people who were treated with opioids for 6 months, 55% were still using the opioids 3 years later. Among 23 existing studies, up to 38% of patients developed a physical addiction.

As proof of this dependence, evidence also suggests there is a relationship between opioids and abuse of heroin—the prescription drugs’ illegal cousin. According to NIDA, four recent studies show that more half of adolescents who are addicted to heroin say they abused prescription painkillers before experimenting with heroin, and some took up heroin because it is less expensive and easier access.

As opioid addictions and overdose deaths remain at increasingly high levels, there are many ways to bring awareness and knowledge to the recent epidemic.

The United States can take many actions to reply to the damaging effects of opioids, spreading information about opioids and learning about alternative medications can dramatically decrease the drug-related deaths today.

In response to the complex opioid epidemic in the Unitied States, one resolution can come straight from the source. The focus on education of drug addiction will help change the method doctors and citizens comprehend addiction. As most physicians are not properly trained in opioid addiction, the realities of addiction are typically held in the hands of the therapists. With this unfortunate fact, most physicians do not properly diagnose and result in a prescription for opioids when they are not needed. When educating providers with the correct education, there would certainly be a decrease in the opioid related deaths. With more doctors becoming educated on addiction and opioid misuse, the material can be passed on to patients and effect the number of opioids being prescribed for the incorrect reasons.

Education should not be limited to the doctors and other health employees. Beginning with adolescences would decrease the risk of potential addiction in the upcoming generation and may¬ result in a decrease of drug-related deaths. Also surrounding the public with material on opioid overdoes could possibly decrease the amount of people who are interested in opioids and decrease recreational use. Giving information on how to properly use opioids can simply be given from the physician’s office when the medication is prescribed. Overall, providing the community education related to opioid abuse and proper usage would assist in the aid of prevention of opioid use, and consequently decrease addiction and overdoses

In a more direct response to reducing the number of opioid drugs used in United States, alternative remedies may be used. For instance, the legalization of marijuana has been effective with substituting for opioids without the side effects. Research has showed that marijuana can be a solution to take the place of opioids, as it has similar effects on the body to treat pain. Marijuana has also been used to treat non-pain related issues, such as nervousness and other psychological problems. Based on the “substitution effect”, cannabis could decrease the use of narcotics; as when access to marijuana is available, opioid usage will dramatically fall. As studies found, legalized states had thirty-five percent fewer opioid overdoses over eight years. Evidence shows that marijuana overdose is almost impossible, in which you would have to consume more than ten thousand more than your normal dosage. However, due to the legality of marijuana in the United States, prescribed opioid medications have been the main in usage as painkillers.

In conclusion, opioids will remain an epidemic throughout the United States, but with action from both the public and the leaders of the nation, there can be resolutions to help the opioid crisis. Increasing the education of opioid usage is the best solution to help resolve the crisis. The more people are aware of the risks of opioid usage the more hesitant they will be to take the medications. 

Updated: Apr 29, 2022
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The Risks Of Opioid Medication Usage essay
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