The Quick Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment

I found taking this self-assessment as motivational, inspiring, engaging, and useful because it helped me to understand my weaknesses and strengths by selecting statements honestly and accurately. I examined each option and decided on which answer is most appropriate along with what is best suited to me. I agreed with the ranks that I received for all four quadrants, as they each reflect on how capable I am at handling my emotions.

My least ranked quadrant with a score of five was Self-Management.

Although this is a good score on average, it could have been higher, and it shows that I need to make some improvements on no less than five competencies. They are:

  • Self-Control
  • Transparency
  • Adaptability
  • Achievement Orientation
  • Initiative

Next was the quadrant of Self- Awareness, which I received a rank of six. This is slightly above average and will need some more development if I want to enhance my self-reflection skills. Three competencies I will need to become better at are:

  • Emotional awareness
  • Accurate self-assessment
  • Personal power

The social- awareness quadrant was my second strongest and I agree that my ranking of 8 was correct.

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I can be aware of other people’s problems, needs, and feelings and do the best I can to help. There are three competencies I am good at which are:

  • Empathy
  • Situational awareness
  • Service ethic

My strongest quadrant with the highest ranking of 9 is Relationship Management. I agree with this score because I can manage, lead, and inspire someone to do something that is beneficial to them.

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These are seven competencies I am most capable of:

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal effectiveness
  • Powerful influencing skills
  • Conflict management
  • Inspirational leadership
  • Catalyzing change
  • Building bonds
  • Theoretical Concepts

Emotional intelligence refers to how I handle myself and my relationships. Four important domains of social intelligence are self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social skill. Self-awareness is knowing what I am feeling and why. Self- management is handling distressing emotions in an effective way. Empathy is knowing what someone else is feeling, and Social skill is putting it all together. (Goleman, 2012)
Cultural intelligence is to understand the values, opinions, views, and perspectives of people coming from diverse cultures, and doing so by conversing with compassion, consideration, and kindness. Through this, I can comprehend myself, people, and circumstances, so I can then hopefully make appropriate decisions about why people act a certain way. Using intelligence among cultures allows me to observe what is happening and change in a positive way. Culture is linked to the values that I and anyone in a workplace may hold or identify with. The topic of culture within a professional workplace can be sensitive to someone’s personal views, so it is important to handle it in a respectful way. Strategies I can use to approach these types of conversations are:

  • Begin with interpreting the situation
  • Seeking no right or wrong answers.
  • Not disagreeing and accepting different views.

The cultural dimensions theory was created by Dr. Geert Hofstede and explain the important values of different cultures. These values can affect the behavior of myself and people from cultural backgrounds, particularly in the workplace. Here are examples:

  • Power Distance -The degree to which someone who is without power accepts the situation and is treated unequally.
  • Uncertainty Avoidance – When a person or a society is not happy with vagueness and obscurity.
  • Individualism vs. Collectivism - This is to do with how strong the ties are between a person and their community.
  • Masculinity vs. Femininity - Masculinity in society portrays bravery, achievement, and rewards when successful. However, femininity portrays humility, self- consciousness, modesty, humbleness, etc.
  • Long-Term vs. Short-Term Orientation – Long term orientation details the tendency of society when searching for righteousness. Short-term relates to societies searching for true and honest answers in a small time-frame.
  • Indulgence vs. Restraint – How far a society can take control over their urges and wants.


From the results of the assessment, I have learned that I have strong social- awareness and relationship management skills. I need to improve on my self-awareness and self-management as these are just as important and will benefit me in a professional workplace. In the future I will maintain my current interpersonal skills and place a focus on myself, so I can become more confident, succeed at tasks, and take control of my emotions. APA 6th Edition


  1. BrunelASK. (2015, August 11). Critical Reflection [Video file]. Retrieved from
Updated: May 20, 2021
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The Quick Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment essay
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