The Problem Of Animal Abuse

Categories: AbuseAnimalsProblems

Do you know an animal is abused every 10 second? Now, let's imagine these scenarios: Imagine if you were tortured for no reason, forced to do something you do not want to, imagine if you were thrown into a cage, beaten to the verge of life. Imagine if you were injected with needles and drugs, and left to die, just for an experiment.. These are how animals are treated every day. Does it sound fun to any of you? They live and breathe like us, they all have feelings and hearts, so how are we any different from them? If we can feel pain, so can they.

All animals should be treated equally like a human. If a child is ill-treated, a person will stand up and say something. This is how it should for ill-treated animals. We are here today to make all of you aware of how appalling animal cruelty really is and why it MUST be stopped.

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Getting neglected, starved and tortured every day to the extent of getting killed in the process.

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Imagine applying this to a human, It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it? To most people, That is considered an attempt murder. Now, these are happening on the animals. Currently, Over a million animals are abused or killed due to the involvement of domestic violence. Cruel domestic animal abuse Horrific evidence of animal abuse Some owners take a mindless enjoyment in whipping their pet; some adopt a pet only to chain it up and starving it.

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To top it off, some even posted videos online of themselves for torturing their pet and such videos are called ‘crush videos’. “Animal torture videos” would be a more appropriate name, as it also involves every other kind of animal torture, including burning or boiling animals alive. Taken from the SPCA case highlight, one dog was tied to the balcony and its mouth and paw were taped together to keep him quiet. There were even cases of owners putting their pet in a microwave or even washing machine, trying to cook them alive, cutting their air supply, ending their lives.

Never turn our backs on domestic animal abuse

Instead of receiving the love they should be getting, they are suffering fear, confusion, and horrible pain at the hands of their own owner. We should never turn our backs to any kind of torture, murder, and abuse. If people could not abandon their child, they should not do it to their pet. Animal abusers find some sort of fulfillment or power in torturing a victim they know can't fight back. It is our job to be the voice for creatures who cannot speak up for themselves, for who will if we don't? Transition: The cases I mention are just a tiny portion of the horrors that happen every day to animals. What will be share next by Che Wei will be much more extreme.

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Did you ever see a bear riding a bicycle? What about lions or tigers jumping into rings of fire? Or elephants doing handstands? Pretty amazing what animals can do, isn’t it? Now, take a step back and think. Can animals do these tricks naturally and are they even happy doing it? Animals do not want to perform painful, confusing and demeaning tricks, but animals in circuses have no choice. Circuses are one of the many places where animals are treated poorly just for human entertainment. In the wild, elephants will walk up to 30 miles a day – a distance circus elephants would not likely walk for their entire lives.

Living Conditions

To begin with, circus animals suffer unnecessary and often dangerous amounts of stress not only while performing, but during transport as well. Animals used in circuses housed in small traveling crates. Such confinement has harmful psychological effects on them. These effects are indicated by unnatural behavior such as walking in circles, swaying their body from side to side, pacing back and forth and repetitive head movements. They are usually kept in harsh, cramped and poorly ventilated conditions to keep them from moving around in their cages. In August 1997, police officers in Albuquerque, New Mexico found a dead eight-year-old elephant inside King Royal Circus’ cramped trailer. Officials attribute the death to heat exhaustion because it was kept in a trailer that housed ten other animals and had only two small breathing holes to allow fresh air. This display of blatant disregard for such majestic creatures is barbaric and uncalled for.

Weapons used to train Circus animal

Next, the animals are trained in a forceful manner so that they would possibly listen to their trainer. Bullhooks, whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods, and other edged tools are used to physically punish the animals until they learn to get it right. Bleeding, bruising and even broken investigators have witnessed bones. As stated in One Green Planet article, these wild animals are forced to do unnatural behaviors by hurting them with deadly weapons so that the animal understand if they make a mistake they will get hurt. It is harmful to the point that these animals could have permanent injuries and cuts on their bodies.

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Imagine living in a cage for your entire life, in poor conditions, with no food and water. Then you are suddenly ripped from your cage, beaten to near death, and painfully skinned alive. Your body is then tossed into a pile, like a piece of garbage, with others who have suffered the same fate. Every year, millions of animals are tortured and killed for their fur just to make fashionable fur clothing. Cruelty in the fur farm Living conditions in the fur farm China is the biggest fur importers in the world. There are no laws set in China to protect these animals, therefore, animal farmers are free to do whatever they want to these poor helpless animals. Animals are starved and dehydrated packed tightly in a small wire cage without even space to move and breathe freely. Feces and urine fall through the wire mesh, to prevent their fur from being dirtied. Their paw is frequently injured due to the mesh floor of the cage which leads to infected wounds and missing limbs. These animals could be once someone’s beloved companion, stolen to be made into a fur coat.

The process of how these animals are skinned

Majority of these animals demonstrate server behavioral disorders such as cannibalism and self- harm. The animal can be made to have a natural death without pain and then skinned by trapping or hunting using methods like:

  • Leghold Traps
  • Suffocation
  • Electrocution
  • Gas
  • Poison

Some of them are skinned alive, stomping these animals that fought for their lives. After skinning these animal, their furless bloody bodies are tossed into piles with the rest of their unfortunate friends.

Animals should not be treated in this manner

Not only rich people who wear furs and leather, you could be wearing real fur products without evening knowing it. Despite the effort of PETA and other similar organizations, public opinion should be persuaded that such an approach to the lives of animals is cruel. Animals experience fear and pain just like humans do. We should not exploit their body in that manner just because they are helpless. “Fur is only natural when it’s on the animal wearing it“ -Mimi Bekhechi Transition: Having presented the overview of fur farming, I shall now pass the time to Zhei Wei about animal testing.

How would it feel to have your fate decided before you were even born? Think about this, what if you are locked up in a small cage where there is little movement and you are taken every once in a while to get your hair shaved off, and chemicals rubbed into your skin that could potentially make your hair never grow back, or it burns you and makes your skin bleed. Or maybe you get a substance put into your eyes and are kept with that substance in your eyes for two weeks and you go blind. These are a few things that happen to animals that are used for research.

Rows of rabbits wait in their cages with their heads tightly clamped in stocks to prevent movement. The lower lids of the rabbits’ eyes are then pulled back where experimenters drip mascara, shampoo, and astringent into their eyes and the chemicals stay for 3 to 21 days. The chemicals burn and often blind the animals. Rabbits’ sensitive corneas make excellent subjects for this procedure because they cannot cry to wash away the toxic chemicals. They have no tear ducts.

Every year, at least 115 million animals are used in experiments worldwide. According to Cruelty free International, it also suggest that USA, Japan and China are the top 3 countries in animal testing.

After enduring these terrifying, painful procedures, animals are then usually dumped back into a cage without any painkillers. Video footage from inside laboratories shows animals who cower in fear every time someone walks by their cages. They don’t know if they will be dragged from their prison cells for an injection, blood withdrawal, a painful procedure, surgery, or death. Often they see other animals killed right in front of them.

Moving on to the conclusion, there are certain policies that can be taken up by large companies and also as a volunteer, we can help out at a farm animal or adopt a shelter pet. Firstly, you can donate money for general expenses, give blankets, brushes or treats. Volunteer to be a caretaker or help to assist in fundraising events and spread the word of kindness and compassion. Secondly, you can adopt a unwanted pets at animals shelters or abandoned streets as long as you are ready for a new addition to your family. You will be saving an animal from a lifetime of loneliness and even from the possibility of being euthanized.

Thirdly, everyone can play a part by reporting any animal abuse you have witnessed. Report it to your local law enforcement, local animal control or humane organisations. If you truly believe an animal is in immediate danger, make this very clear to the officer so your report is made a priority.

Lastly, certain measures can be taken by large companies to stop animal testing. For example, The Body Shop products undergo extensive testing to ensure they are safe and effective for use, while remaining cruelty-free. They use mainly three testing methods involving computer data, laboratory-created tissues and patch testing products on a person’s skin. Also companies like Ananas Anam is making a leather-like material from the fibers of pineapple leaves which is then turned into a base material to make durable wallets and bags.

Every single second throughout the world, humans are causing enormous numbers of innocent animals pain and terror worse than you or I could ever imagine. Many of the ways do not cost, and are hardly any effort to do. Because animals cannot speak for themselves, it's up to YOU to speak for them and report animal abuse that you witness or suspect. With this I have come to the end of the presentation.

Updated: Feb 23, 2024
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The Problem Of Animal Abuse. (2024, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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