The Influence of Morality: Critical Analysis of Dorian Gray's Choices

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The classic novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" explores the intricate dynamics of influence and corruption, shedding light on the moral responsibility of both those who exert influence and those who succumb to it. Dorian Gray, initially influenced by the charismatic Lord Henry, ultimately finds himself entangled in a web of moral degradation. The question of culpability becomes central—does the responsibility lie with the influencer or the influenced?

The Power of Personal Choice

Individuals are inherently responsible for their actions, even when subjected to external influences.

In Dorian Gray's case, Lord Henry served as a catalyst for moral decay. Despite being aware of the negative influence, Dorian made a conscious decision to embrace the hedonistic philosophy presented by Lord Henry. His pursuit of a life filled with pleasure and happiness led him down a path of self-destruction.

Dorian possessed the discernment to distinguish right from wrong, as evidenced by his awareness of Lord Henry's detrimental influence. However, his lack of will to resist the allure of hedonism sealed his fate.

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Oscar Wilde, the author, encapsulates this internal struggle when he writes, "For years, Dorian Gray could not free himself from the influence of this book (given by Lord Henry). Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he never sought to free himself from it."

It is evident that Dorian Gray bears a significant share of responsibility for his own ruin by actively choosing to follow the destructive examples set by Lord Henry. This underscores the importance of personal responsibility in the face of external influences.

The Role of Influencers: Lord Henry's Perspective

Lord Henry, the charismatic influencer in Dorian Gray's life, operates under the belief that one's influence is merely an expression of their personality.

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In "The Picture of Dorian Gray," Lord Henry's cynicism and immoral worldview are portrayed as inherent aspects of his character. From Lord Henry's perspective, he is merely expressing his thoughts, and any subsequent actions are the choices of those who choose to be influenced.

Dorian Gray, echoing this sentiment, acknowledges the duality within each individual, stating, "Each of us has heaven and hell in him." Lord Henry and Dorian are not directly responsible for the ruin of others; instead, it is the individuals who willingly adopt and follow the presented personality and philosophy. In this light, the culpability for moral degradation is shifted from the influencers to the influenced.

The Importance of Discernment and Early Education

The ability to discern right from wrong when accepting ideas or succumbing to influences is a crucial aspect of moral responsibility. The narrative of Dorian Gray serves as a cautionary tale, particularly for vulnerable individuals, such as teenagers, who are prone to external influences. To mitigate the risk of moral decay, individuals should cultivate a strong moral foundation from a young age and strive to follow a path guided by ethical principles rather than succumbing to immediate desires.

In conclusion, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" delves into the complexities of moral responsibility, highlighting the critical role of personal choice and the consequences of succumbing to external influences. Dorian Gray's tragic journey underscores the need for individuals to exercise discernment and cultivate a moral compass, ultimately shaping their destiny.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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The Influence of Morality: Critical Analysis of Dorian Gray's Choices essay
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