The Paracas: History and Culture

Categories: CultureHistory

The Paracas culture is a very different culture. The Paracas culture was between seven hundren seventy BCE and one hundred CTE. They were located in the Paracas district in the Ica region. In this research paper you will learn about the achievements, art, history, religion, and the decline of the Paracas culture.

The Paracas had many achievements, their knowledge of medicine was advanced, they did surgical operations to the brain. The Paracas culture are really known for their mummification. The Paracas have two stages for the mummification.

Stage one: mummies are located in collective tombs. Stage two: the mummies are buried in the ground. They also had another achievement. The paracas culture practiced skull deformation a process in which infant’s heads were tightly wrapped with boards in order to create distinctive head shapes to demonstrate status, position and membership in society.

The Paracas culture’s art is very unique. The Paracas culture were weivers. The Paracas culture used camelid fiber to fashion tiny figures.

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Paracas ceramics include some post-fired painted pots. Ceramics is a significant art form of the paracas culture. They also had another popular art piece. They created the techniques used to create the Nazca lines. The Nazca lines were used for organizing markets, fairs, and processions.

The history of the Paracas culture is very unique. The Paracas culture was discovered in 1925 by a Pervuian archaeologist, Julio C. Tello. He discovered many tombs of mummies. Each of the tombs were people from there family. Each mummy had textiles covering the whole mummie.

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The Paracas phase called Paracas Cavernas is related to the Chavin culture one thousand to four hundred B.C.

The religion of the Paracas cultuer is diffrent from most religions. The Paracas worshiped to a god called Kon. They belived that he will provide water and food. They also worshipped a goddess called Urpayhuachac. They belived she was the god of the night and day that controlled the seismic waves. The goddes reproduced the fish of the sea. The Paracas worshipped her like there mother. They had religios practices, the Paracas culture performed surgical operations. They called it the cult of the dead. For these practices they used tools.

They used volcanic glass, gold and silver crescent knives, tweezers, cotton, gause and bandages. The skull was hit with the volcanic glass and made a cirlce-shaped opening. Once they did that they put gold so they can have a successful helping. Infusions of cocoa and corn alcohol made anesthesia.

The fall of the Paracas culture was bad. They were belived invaded by Topara culture approximatley one hundred fifty BCE. They disappeared by two hundred AD.

Updated: Sep 07, 2020
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The Paracas: History and Culture essay
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