Essay On Joy Of Reading Books

Categories: Joy Of Reading Books

A paper which shows how a student loses enjoyment in reading a novel once he is obliged to do so for academic reasons.

The Joy of Reading a Novel As soon as a novel must be read or becomes part of a literary course, the joy of reading it is immediately lost due to the fact that the particular novel may not be interest to the student, the student may hurry to finish the novel and by the extent to which the novel is studied.

The joy of reading a novel is lost when a novel is not of interest to the reader because the reader would not be able to relate to any of the characters, and would therefore not be able to fully imagine what the author intended to be imagined at a particular moment in the novel.

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Not being able to imagine in a novel does not allow the novel to be read properly which further causes the reader to lose interest in the novel. Also, if the novel is not of interest to the student, he may not even bother to read the book, however, since it is forced upon him, it would be read in a hurry. If a novel is read in a hurry, the joy of reading it is lost because the reader would most likely look over the words just enough to understand the plot but would not go in detail. The detail in a novel is very important since it helps create atmosphere and mood which results in the reader beginning to imagine himself as the character.

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In some novels, for example, just the details of the surroundings of the character's location take seven to eight pages to explain and if the detail is missed, the reader fails to imagine the intended atmosphere. The extent to which a novel is studied causes the reader to lose interest in reading the novel because some interpretations of particular moments in the novel may not have anything to do relative to the novel. Doing things like over-emphasizing or over-interpreting causes the reader to become bored with the concept and in some cases even be confused. For a novel to be enjoyed by anybody, it must be of interest to them and be able to keep them interested in it. This would then allow the reader to understand the author's intended view. The novel should be studied to a certain limit to develop some more interest, however it should not be over-studied. As soon as a novel must be read or becomes part of a literary course, the joy of reading it is immediately lost due to the fact that the particular novel may not be interest to the student, the student may hurry to finish the novel and by the extent to which the novel is studied. The joy of reading a novel is lost when a novel is not of interest to the reader because the reader would not be able to relate to any of the characters, and would therefore not be able to fully imagine what the author intended to be imagined at a particular moment in the novel. Not being able to imagine in a novel does not allow the novel to be read properly which further causes the reader to lose interest in the novel. Also, if the novel is not of interest to the student, he may not even bother to read the book, however, since it is forced upon him, it would be read in a hurry. If a novel is read in a hurry, the joy of reading it is lost because the reader would most likely look over the words just enough to understand the plot but would not go in detail. The detail in a novel is very important since it helps create atmosphere and mood which results in the reader beginning to imagine himself as the character. In some novels, for example, just the details of the surroundings of the character's location take seven to eight pages to explain and if the detail is missed, the reader fails to imagine the intended atmosphere. The extent to which a novel is studied causes the reader to lose interest in reading the novel because some interpretations of particular moments in the novel may not have anything to do relative to the novel. Doing things like over-emphasizing or over-interpreting causes the reader to become bored with the concept and in some cases even be confused. For a novel to be enjoyed by anybody, it must be of interest to them and be able to keep them interested in it. This would then allow the reader to understand the author's intended view. The novel should be studied to a certain limit to develop some more interest, however it should not be over-studied.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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