The Importance of Shaving

It is very important to be shaved every day when reporting to work for many reasons. One of the reasons why it is important to shave every day is so you will keep that professional look that you need while serving in the army. If we do not shave, we look improper and look as if we do not care about hygiene. It is something we have to do every day to look like professional soldiers. Coming in to work with an unshaven face detracts from a professional military appearance.

Another reason for shaving every day is that we keep our uniformity.

Shaving every day like a soldier should and being at the right place at the right time has a great impact on your fellow subordinate soldiers. I, as a specialist, need to keep to the standard to be an example towards the soldiers with a lower rank than I. Coming in with a fresh shaven face shows my peers that I care about my career and the military standards.

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By doing this, I can show them that I am a professional soldier that they can look up to. They and others will realize that I am executing my duties as a soldier, and hopefully they will do the same as I.

Shaving and keeping proper hygiene will put me ahead of my peers and show my NCO’s that I am ready for the next level. Whether it is a promotion or leadership positions; I need to show that I follow and set the standards.

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Also, doing simple things such as; shaving every day and being at the right place at the right time, will keep my NCO’s off of my back and hopefully off of their radar. If I can stay off their radar it will in turn open new doors for me; for example: advanced training classes or new opportunities in general.

Having an unshaven face des not only reflect upon me, but also my NCO’s, my platoon, my unit, and the army. Having a shaven face shows others, such as: civilians, other units, and other branches of the military, foreign armies, and everyone who see us, how professional we are. If they see us unshaven they will think that my NCO’s don’t care, my unit is undisciplined, and that the army in general is not as professional as they once thought it was. Shaving is basically needed and will save you some pain from writing essays like this, and some equipment that we use require it.

Shaving falls under AR-670-1, and is a general regulation for all soldiers in the military. Shaving your face will help you by not getting your bear stuck in the Kevlar chin straps which can be very painful. Also the NBC mask will not have such a good seal if your face is unshaven. Overall, there are many important reasons why one should keep a shaven face while serving in the army. Simply, it keeps your NCO’s off of your back, it keeps you looking like a professional soldier, peers look up to you, helps army gear work like it should, and it’s an army regulation. So, to avoid any problems, just shave.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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The Importance of Shaving. (2016, Sep 17). Retrieved from

The Importance of Shaving essay
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