The Impact That Books and Literature Have on People

Most people read books throughout their lives allowing them to gather information and knowledge, which is the power behind the human mind. The knowledge people are able to gather, sets the human race apart from all other species, as they help influence a person's morals. As people read literature, they are able to glean understanding of themes within the book and are influenced by the beliefs the book contains. Ralph Waldo Emerson, a famous Transcendentalist, once said, “Books are the best of things, well used; abused, among the worst”.

Emerson's quote on the power of books in society today is true as books conform minds to pertain certain beliefs, whether moral or evil.

Books are able to influence whomever reads them to unconsciously pertain to the moral beliefs within the book. As one reads a book, they are able to gain knowledge by seeing how circumstances play out causing their future actions to be ruled by their knowledge of the possible outcomes.

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Their knowledge of possible outcomes unconsciously prevents them from making those specific mistakes and influences the morals that shape them.

Many parents give their children picture books while they are young which contain life lessons within them. As kids read books, they are learning life lessons and morals which they need to apply to their lives. For example, when I was a child and read, A Chair For My Mother, I learned to be generous to those around me and to fill them with love, even during hard times.

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This proves that even as children read, they are able to be subconsciously influenced by the moral truths within the book, showing that literature is able to make people pertain to moral beliefs found within the pages of the books. Unfortunately, those who read books are also susceptible to be influenced by the evil and immoral values hidden within a book.

As a book is a tangible object, people are easily fooled into thinking what is written in the book is right or moral. Books are one of our greatest resources, but many times have had this fact taken advantage of and used for personal and evil gains. For example, Mein Kampf, the autobiography of Adolf Hitler, was approved by many Germans though it produced thoughts of genocide and anti-semitism. This book became popular once Hitler was in power, and advocated for and led to the mass murder of the Jewish people.

Books appeal to readers almost like propaganda, as it can contain lies that are formed to seem like fact, and changes the reader's view on the things around them. Literature has the extraordinary power to cause minds to pertain to beliefs, whether moral or evil. This power can be easily abused through negative propaganda, but can also be enjoyed by teaching life lessons to children as they grow. Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote on the power of books is true, and will remain true as long as literature exists.

Updated: Dec 13, 2021
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The Impact That Books and Literature Have on People essay
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