The Impact of Technology on People's Lives

Categories: Fahrenheit 451

Technology is a gateway for regret and accomplishment, it is the result of our decision-making that causes a drastic change in the world. Technology is the leading factor that promotes greater development and is the leading cause of solving problems worldwide. However, in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and Have Smartphones destroyed a generation by Jean M.Twenge, technology has drastically influenced people’s lives by creating a dysfunctional society through lack of participation and performance thus allowing negative effects to be placed on society.

Technology has a huge effect on everyone in society. As Clarisse was speaking about the topic of the society she lives in Clarisse stated “no one has time anymore for anyone else”(Bradbury 23-24), and in the article “the arrival of the smartphone has radically changed every aspect of teenagers” it states “lives, from the nature of their social interactions to their mental health. These changes have affected young people in every corner of the nation and every type of household.

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The trends appear among teens poor and rich; of every ethnic background; in cities, suburbs, and small towns. Where there are cell towers, teens are living their lives on their smartphones” (pg 4/20). The message between these two quotes describes the way technology has influenced people, where people dedicate their lives to be spent on their electronic devices. Also, the similarity between both philosophies istofor that technology is impacting our society negatively due to its addictiveness and its ability to hold back productivity and responsibility. This reminds readers of society because it describes the significant impression technology has placed due to the amount of growth it has gained throughout the years.

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Technology is used more often than we expected. As Montag was sick and Mildred was treating him.

Montag stated 'Will you turn the parlor off?' Then Mildred responded with 'That's my family.' (pg. 46) and while a student was questioned about the impact of technology she responded “We didn’t have a choice to know any life without iPads or iPhones. I think we like our phones more than we like actual people.” . This describes how society is invested in technology and how much it is dependent on to create instant satisfaction. Mildred is a prime example of how society operates because the amount of time that is spent watching or using technology, and refusal to not use technology is a very common habit among all people. The similarity between both quotes is the clear amount of dedication that is put into spending time on electronic devices. This raises the question of “how much do we use technology on a daily?” and the amount of time spent is significantly more than one expects. However, it has become very normal to use technology for long periods that people feel indifferent to the subject which conclusively leads to the advancement of industrial science which causes a greater division among people themselves. The majority of people who use technology are often addicted to it. As Mildred was talking about the fourth wall to Montag she said 'It's only two thousand dollars...If we had a fourth wall, why it'd be just like this room wasn't ours at all, but all kinds of exotic people's rooms. We could do without a few things' (Bradbury 20-21). Also, the article “a day in the digital life of teenagers” states “Homework was often accompanied by Facebook, partly as a distraction and partly for summoning help from friends. Some became quickly absorbed in computer games “.(page ⅔).

The quote makes the reader think about how technology has affected society because Mildred who represents the rest of society, is invested in her desire for more and greater electronic technology which in her case is a parlor. This is an example of how society operates because everyone who owns or uses electronic devices or any form of technology has an aspiration to collect more and obtain higher quality technology and greater amounts of it. For example, as cellphones continue to evolve, people's interests will continue to grow, which leads to greater innovations, that increase people's interests, which will also lead to even greater innovations and evolutions of technology, causing a never-endingtheirtechnologicalin loop between technology and people. Simply put, people's desires to obtain greater technology will cause them to purchase more and more. This reminds readers of society because everyone is attached to their electronic devices which prevent them from connecting with others due to its addictiveness that is the principle that grants satisfaction with little to no effort. In conclusion, technologies success created a society which people are at a loss of responsibility and their desire to perform well, whether it is for a job or academics. The article “Have Smartphones destroyed a generation” by Jean M.Twenge, and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, show the importance of why society needs to break out of the habit and addictiveness that technology has imposed upon us. Technology is one of the many reasons why many are suffering in academics and work because it prevents people from being proactive and responsible and it is needed that this habit does not become ordinary and should be acknowledged and acted upon in order forfor technology to benefit society without the many negative effects that is brought upon society.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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