The Four Basic Needs of a Leader

Healthcare is an innovative profession constantly learning and improving over time. An environment where change and cohesion among colleagues should be welcomed. Patient centered care, genuine feelings of appreciation, and staff not feeling burned out is the vision for health care. In order to improve healthcare environments, the historical view of boardroom decision making must seize.

According to Rath, T., and Conchie, B. (2008) followers’ four basic needs are trust, compassion, stability, and hope. My top five strengths include learner, strategic, futuristic, restorative, and responsible.

Being futuristic allows me to envision beyond the here and now which establishes a sense of stability for a team. I can visualize positives and negatives outcomes. I will always seek new knowledge being, Learning from team members and experts alike. I will disseminate this knowledge by using the “reach one teach one” approach to develop my team. My strengths are categorized in the executing and strategic thinking domain of leadership. In order to build an effective team my team members will need strengths in influencing and relationship building.

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Being strategic may act at times as a barrier to my team. I may have a vision and focus on that idea and not see other ideas as important. In this instance a team member skilled in harmony would be key. This team member will shed light on the value of all opinion not just my own.

As an advanced practice nurse, effectively implementing various leadership styles I plan to utilize host leadership, relational leadership, and the complexity model to improve outcomes.

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Host leadership allows parallel information dissemination. People are happier if they are involved, does not matter if the information is positive or negative. According to cummings et al. (2018), all articles excluding five correlated relational leadership styles with higher job satisfaction rates. Transformational leadership focuses on the evolution of empowering the individual. I envision myself as an evolving transformational leader because I am futuristic and restorative. Transformational leadership is widely accepted but due to individual focused limitations I will implement the complexity leadership style also.

Complexity leadership style is an improved transformational leadership style which focus is on the organization. Malloch (2014) states with the complexity model unlike the transformational model leaders are less stressed since many people are working to resolve an issue at once not just one leader. Patient care is improved because new theories introduced and implemented faster if everyone takes ownership to reach organizational goals. Rath (2008) states there are strengths in diversity. If a individual is strong in a category that I am lacking allow them to lead. Fieldler’s contingency modeled concluded that situational leadership was the best leadership style (Bishop, S. 2018). No one person is great at all things. Diverse teams reach higher standards because they are challenged more. Team members who are actively engaged take pride in their work. Building an effective work environment takes effort. I will strive to implement various leadership styles to reach goals. Let us change the future of healthcare!


  1. Bishop, S. (2018) Theories of organizational behavior and leadership. In Butts & Rich (Eds.) Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice (3rd ed., pp.359-374). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
  2. Cummings, G., Tatea, K., Leea, S., Wongb, C., Paananen, T., Micaronia, S., & Chatterjeea, G. (2018). Leadership styles and outcome patterns for the nursing workforce and work environment: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 85, 19-60.
  3. Malloch, K. (2014). Beyond Transformational Leadership to Greater Engagement: Inspiring Innovation in Complex Organizations. Nurse Leader, 12(2), 60-63. doi:
  4. Rath, T., & Conchie, B. (2008). Strengths based leadership. New York: NY: Gallup Press. ISBN: 978-1-59562-025-5
Updated: Dec 13, 2021
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