The Foul Side of Social Media: Narcissistim, Negativity and False Sense of Safety

Social media is the use of internet websites and applications that let people connect to the world through sharing and talking. As of today it holds much power as a great majority of individuals use it in their daily lives. This isn’t good when it comes to the big amount of flaws and loopholes that allow it to land into the wrong hands. Not to forget how vulnerable some humans can be when it comes to sensitive stuff. Social Media has the power to unfavorably influence society into thinking a certain way that contradicts themselves and can lead to depression,anxiety, and insecurity.

The rise of technology has led to the increase of social media and the many things an individual can do with it. From posting pictures, commenting on each other’s accounts,sending messages all that communication stuff, heck even knowing their location. The damage can be really done when those who struggle with mental health issues are negatively affected, as they are obviously more vulnerable than those who don’t struggle with it.

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Yet social media itself can also be the cause of these mental health issues society deals today as they seem to be increasing. The effects can be very long lasting and can be hard to get rid of and may interfere with an individual’s feelings and cause some kind of emotional distress.

Now there is actual people who use social media as a way to upset or at times harm other people. According to “Effects of Cyberbullying” Cyberbullying occurs when a person uses the Internet,cell phones, or electronic devices to abuse another person.

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..”Cyberbullied victims may develop feelings of sadness and loneliness and have a higher risk of depression”.Not only does depression make a person have a gloomy mood but can affect interests and future ones as well. This can fill up a person with negative thoughts about themselves and really develop something much worse. Social Media has to do with a lot of this as it gives the people power to do this by just having a phone. As you are just behind a screen and don’t know sometimes who’s behind the other screen. The effects of depression can be lethal especially when the person is not able to get the help to get him/her back up and they start really questioning themselves including if they should even live anymore.The fact some accounts are public can be seen by anyone, not to mention people sometimes hack into each other’s accounts. Which can stress anyone who doesn’t want their private data to be seen. It just gives an individual so much power to create so much chaos and affect someone so drastically to the point where they can just entirely close themselves.

Anxiety is another effect that social media can have on somebody as they start feeling a little fear on what others might think on them, specifically when posting a picture or so. A social media addiction and anxiety can be unhealthy for someone as “it can obstruct the relationship you have with your friends around you”, this coming from “Why social media hinders real relationships”. Turns out social media can be a big distraction especially for Teens who go to school as,Blumberg from “Are our teens hooked?Social media addiction” states “social media usage can be one of the major distractions from homework”.What is what happens when homework is incomplete or not done, grades suffer, and when grades suffer a Teen’s education overall suffers.

Social media has managed to expose the inner bad in society. Not only making us feel vulnerable to each other, but making us feel like we need to take down each other down to boost our own inner-ego. It gives society a chance to say things they in person wouldn’t say specifically and yes I’m talking about the bad things. The feeling of being behind a screen gives us a feeling of security and feeling we can’t be harmed or seen. At times we are not ourselves and act as someone completely to our own person just to impress or seem more likable to others we usually don’t talk to. This is the insecurity issue social media leads to. Where people really have to think when posting a tweet or picture that is harmless but the idea of someone saying something negative or offensive about it gets stamped in our heads. Society starts getting picky on the way they dress,look and even talk. Leading to a very toxic reality where everything seems to be about money and fame and just because everyone is doing this...and posting this... people think this is alright. Things can get very out of hands when a person starts doing crazy stuff just to get attention from a certain someone or other people. The level of wanting more than they have can get into their head and start consuming them and can show in how they start to act around people,friends and family.All leading to a very bad domino effect of negativity spreading through people and just adding more wood to the fire.

Social media can unfavorably affect society into thinking negatively about themselves which can lead to symptoms of mental health problems as they are consumed by themselves. Social Media’s effect on society seemingly is not good when it comes to the aspects of life being more connected through actual face to face conversations where emotions can be felt more.Not knowing a person could actually be someone else completely portrayed in their page. It gives a feeling of a fake reality where you don’t know what’s really happening behind the screen and if they are really meaning what they are saying. Not really knowing their life and if those pictures they took are really how they feel about themselves.It seems to create a fantasy and just shows what someone wants an individual to see. Social media lacks privacy can cause emotions that can drive users to the point of completely losing themselves and their identity as a person.

Updated: Jan 25, 2024
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The Foul Side of Social Media: Narcissistim, Negativity and False Sense of Safety. (2024, Jan 25). Retrieved from

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